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  • DNN读书摘录5Starter Kit Template

    《Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming》page4


    DotNetNuke Web Application Framework : This template is the entire DotNetNuke solution that can be used to set up a website for development. This template should not be used because development can more easily be completed via manual installations using the Install package.

    DotNetNuke Web Application Framework :这个模板是这个DotNetNuke的解决方案,用于开发而架设的一个站点。这个模板不应该被使用是因为我们可以通过手动安装DotNetNuke的方法来架设开发站点,而不是使用模板。这个模板的作用其实就相当于是一次DNN安装。我们一般都是在安装完了DNN以后才会使用StartKit进行模块开发的。

    DotNetNuke Compiled Module (VB) : This template will create a Web Application Project (WAP) - compiled Visual Basic (VB) module. This template creates all standard DotNetNuke module elements, including the data access layer (DAL) and multiple view controls. This is the template that is used in this book for all VB examples. It creates a module that will be compiled into a single .dll for distribution via standard build processes.

    DotNetNuke Compiled Module (VB) : 这个模板创建一个Web应用程序项目(简称WAP)—— 一个已经编译完成了的使用VB语言写的模块。这个模板创建了所有标准的DotNetNuke模块元素,包括数据访问层和多个视图控件。这本书中的所有VB例子都是使用这个模板。它创建的模块会在在一个单独的.dll文件中编译,并且通过标准的生成(编译+连接)过程来发布。

    DotNetNuke Dynamic Module (VB): This template will create a Web Site Project (WSP) VB module that utilizes the app_code folder for all classes. This template creates a complete module with similar contents to the Compiled Module template, including full DAL classes. This template is recommended for users with Visual Studio Express, which prior to Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 cannot support the WAP development model. Chapter 2 provides full information on Visual Studio versions and project types.

    DotNetNuke Dynamic Module (VB): 这个模块会创建一个网页项目(WSP)的用VB语言写的模块,对所有类它利用app_code文件夹动态编译。这个模板创建了一个完整的模块,它和Compiled Module template有一些相似的内容,如他们都有完整的数据访问层。这个模块被推荐给使用Visual Studio Express开发的人使用,尤其推荐给使用Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 的人,因为它不支持WAP开发模块。第二章提供了关于Visual Studio 版本和项目类型的详细信息

    This template is implemented as an item template, and may only be added to a DotNetNuke Web Application Framework solution created via the template discussed previously.


    DotNetNuke Dynamic Module (C#) : This template will create a Web Site Project (WSP) C# module that utilizes the app_code folder for all classes. The created project will be exactly like that of the Dynamic VB Module, but translated to the C# language. This project template is recommended for developers who prefer C# and are using Visual Studio Express.

    DotNetNuke Dynamic Module (C#) : 这个模块会创建一个网页项目(WSP)的用C#语言写的模块,对所有类它利用app_code文件夹动态编译。所创建的项目和Dynamic VB Module极其相似,只是将VB语言转换成了C#语言。这个项目模板被推荐给喜欢用C#语言的开发者和使用Visual Studio Express开发的人用。

    This template is implemented as an item template and may only be added to a DotNetNuke Web Application Framework solution created via the template discussed previously.

    DotNetNuke Simple Dynamic Module (VB): This template will create a dynamic VB.NET module, but the module created will only have a single view control and the .dnn manifest. This is designed for individuals looking for a custom implementation, or those looking for a clean project to start with.

    DotNetNuke Simple Dynamic Module (VB): 这个模板会创建一个动态的VB.NET模块,但是这个被创建的模块只包含一个试图空间和.dnn文件清单。这个是为寻求自定义实现或者寻求一个简单的项目开始的人设计的。

    This template is implemented as an item template and may only be added to a DotNetNuke Web Application Framework solution created via the template discussed previously.

    DotNetNuke Skin : The final template included in the Starter Kit creates all files needed to create a single skin and container for a DotNetNuke website. Chapter 3 discusses skins and containers in more detail.

    DotNetNuke Skin : 这个包含在Starter Kit 中最后的模板创建了所有需要创建一个单独皮肤所用到的文件和DotNetNuke站点的容器。第三张将讨论皮肤和容器的一些详细细节。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xwdreamer/p/2297126.html
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