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  • 四、队列


    // to run this program: C>java QueueApp
    class Queue { private int maxSize; private long[] queArray; private int front; private int rear; public Queue(int s) { maxSize = s; queArray = new long[maxSize]; front = rear = 0; } public boolean insert(long j) { if(isFull()) return false; else
    {   queArray[rear] = j;    rear=(rear+1)%maxSize;    return true;    } } public Long remove() { if(isEmpty()) return null; else
    {   long value = queArray[front]; front = (front+1)%maxSize;   return value;   } } public Long peekFront() {
    return queArray[front];
          return null;
    public boolean isEmpty() { return (front==rear); } public boolean isFull() {  return (front==(rear+1)%maxSize); } public int size() {    return (rear-front+maxSize)%maxSize; } } // end class Queue
    class QueueApp { public static void main(String[] args) { Queue theQueue = new Queue(10); theQueue.insert(10); theQueue.insert(20); theQueue.insert(30); theQueue.insert(40); theQueue.remove(); theQueue.remove(); theQueue.remove(); theQueue.insert(50); theQueue.insert(60); theQueue.insert(70); theQueue.insert(80); while( !theQueue.isEmpty() ) { long n = theQueue.remove(); System.out.print(n); System.out.print(" "); }  System.out.println(""); } }


    // to run this program: C>java LinkQueueApp
    class Link { public long dData; public Link next; public Link(long d) { dData = d; } public void displayLink() { System.out.print(dData + " "); } }
    class FirstLastList { private Link first; private Link last; public FirstLastList() { first = null; last = null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return first==null; } public void insertLast(long dd) { Link newLink = new Link(dd); if( !isEmpty() ) {
          last.next = newLink;
          last = newLink;
        } else   
          first = newLink;
          last = newLink;
        } } public Long deleteFirst() {     if(!isEmpty)
          Link temp = first;
          if(first.next == null)
            first = null;
            last = null;
            first = first.next;
          return temp.dData;
          return null; } public void displayList() { Link current = first; while(current != null) { current.displayLink(); current = current.next; } System.out.println(""); } } // end class FirstLastList
    class LinkQueue { private FirstLastList theList; public LinkQueue() { theList = new FirstLastList(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return theList.isEmpty(); } public void insert(long j) { theList.insertLast(j); } public Long remove() { return theList.deleteFirst(); } public void displayQueue() { System.out.print("Queue (front-->rear): "); theList.displayList(); } }
    class LinkQueueApp { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkQueue theQueue = new LinkQueue(); theQueue.insert(20); theQueue.insert(40); theQueue.displayQueue(); theQueue.insert(60); theQueue.insert(80); theQueue.displayQueue(); theQueue.remove(); theQueue.remove(); theQueue.displayQueue(); }
  • 相关阅读:
    设计模式-设计原则(Design Principle)
    设计模式-装饰者模式(Decorator Pattern)
    C++-copy constructor、copy-assignment operator、destructor
    XACML-条件评估(Condition evaluation),规则评估(Rule evaluation),策略评估(Policy evaluation),策略集评估(PolicySet evaluation)
    XACML-<Target> 元素的结构与相关的评估
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xxlong/p/4980132.html
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