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  • Windows Mobile Incoming Call View Custom

    Incoming call view custom of Windows Mobile PhoneCanvas


    关于WinMobile电话自定义, 在SDK Documents里已经有说明 "Phone Canvas Customization"

    位置: Shell, GWES, and User Interface > Shell > Shell OS Design Development >

    Sample Code: ../WM650/PUBLIC/APPS/OAK/SAMPLES

    1. Customizing Controls in the Phone Canvas

    Shell > Shell OS Design Development > Phone Canvas Customization >

    添加注册表, 告诉MSFT的程序说我们要自定义电话,  并说明要加载哪个DLL文件.

    2. PHExtGetPhoneViewInfo 函数.  通过它, 可以调用自己自定义的对话框,

        Used to provide a new layout for the dialog box representing the phone view
        specified in parameter "view".  Not all views support this functionality.  See the
        below table.

        Either PH_VIF_SQUARE, PH_VIF_PORTRAIT, or PH_VIF_LANDSCAPE will be set in the
        pvif member indicating the dialog template that the phone application is
        requesting.  To specify a dialog template, fill in the phInstance parameter
        and the plpTemplateName.  phInstance identifies a module that
        contains a dialog box template named by the plpTemplateName parameter.
        plpTemplateName  is a long pointer to a null-terminated string that names
        the dialog box template resource in the module identified by the phInstance
        parameter. This template is substituted for the phone application抯 dialog
        box template used to create the phone view. For numbered dialog box
        resources, plpTemplateName can be a value returned by the MAKEINTRESOURCE

        Additionally, the OEM can provide a plpfnHook hook procedure in the phone
        view.  The hook procedure can process messages sent to the dialog box
        representing the phone view.  To enable a hook procedure, add the
        PH_VIF_ENABLEHOOK flag to the pvif parameter and specify the address of
        the hook procedure in the plpfnHook parameter.  The hook procedure should
        return TRUE to indicate that the phone application should not process
        this message.  A return value of FALSE will cause  the phone application
        to continue with its default handling of the message.

        Note that if controls are added and/or removed, their control ids should not
        coincide with the same id's used in the default layouts.  The phone dialogs
        may attempt to communicate with these controls via their control id.

        This function is called by the phone application both when phone
        view is being created and when the phone view needs to rotate
        due to a screen orientation change.  This allows the phone application
        to use different dialog templates for portrait and landscape.
        PH_VIEW_INCOMING          // template : incoming call view
        PH_VIEW_DIALER            // template : PocketPC dialer view
        PH_VIEW_CALL_PICKER       // template : remove a call from a conference (GSM only)
        PH_VIEW_NETWORK_SELECTION // template : manual network selection (GSM only)
        PH_VIEW_CALL_HISTORY      // NA (for PocketPC only, bitmaps can be changed)
        PH_VIEW_SPEED_DIAL        // NA (for PocketPC only, bitmaps can be changed)
        PH_VIEW_SIM_PIN,          // NA (for PocketPC only, bitmaps can be changed)
        PH_VIEW_PROGRESS          // template : call progress or active calls view
        [in]     view : Any of the PH_VIEW enums.  It indicates which view
                          the phone application is creating or rotating.  Call history,
                          speed dial, and the unlock SIM PIN views are not replaceable
                          by the OEM.  Hence, the phone application will not call
                          PHExtGetPhoneViewInfo for these views.
        [in/out] pvif            : PH_VIF_SQUARE, PH_VIF_PORTRAIT, and PH_VIF_LANDSCAPE
                                   are set as input.  The client can add PH_VIF_ENABLEHOOK to
                                   indicate that plpfnHook is valid.
        [out]    phInstance      : see above.
        [out]    plpTemplateName : See above.
        [out]    plpfnHook       : See above.
        S_OK      : success.
        E_NOTIMPL : the phone application should use its defaults.*/
    extern "C" HRESULT PHExtGetPhoneViewInfo(PH_VIEW view, HINSTANCE* phInstance, PH_VIEWINFOFLAGS* pvif, LPPHONEVIEWHOOKPROC*  plpfnHook, LPCTSTR* plpTemplateName)
        HRESULT hr = E_NOTIMPL;

        // Specify dialog templates for dialer view
        switch (view)
        // dialer view
        case PH_VIEW_DIALER:

        // progress view
        case PH_VIEW_PROGRESS:
        // incoming call view
        case PH_VIEW_INCOMING:
            case PH_VIF_PORTRAIT:
                // Specify a calert portrait view dialog template
                *phInstance = g_MainWnd.m_hInst;
                *pvif = (PH_VIEWINFOFLAGS) (*pvif | PH_VIF_ENABLEHOOK);  //如果不想HOOK的话,这行和下面那一行可以注释掉
                *plpfnHook = (LPPHONEVIEWHOOKPROC)CalertWndProc;        //如果不想HOOK的话,本行和上面那一行可以注释掉
                *plpTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(dwIDD_CALERT_PORT);
                hr = S_OK;

            case PH_VIF_LANDSCAPE:
                // Specify a calert landscape view dialog template
                *phInstance = g_MainWnd.m_hInst;
                *pvif = (PH_VIEWINFOFLAGS) (*pvif | PH_VIF_ENABLEHOOK);
                *plpfnHook = (LPPHONEVIEWHOOKPROC)CalertWndProc;
                *plpTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(dwIDD_CALERT_LAND);
                hr = S_OK;



        return hr;

    这样当有电话进来的时候, 就会调用CalertWndProc,  和调用dwIDD_CALERT_XXX资源对话框了. 我做的是整个来电对话框自己Draw上相关的来电信息,还有接听/挂断按钮,添加菜单等. 没用dwIDD_CALERT_XXX资源对话框, 所以没有试过不用HOOK, 只换Caler资源对框来自定义的情况, 不过文档上说是可以的...

    3. 来电时会调用CalertWndProc, 这里要添加一些小小的处理. 这个CallBack里的hWnd是最底层的(用Remote SPY 可以看得到), 所以要用两次GetParent来取得MSFT显示的来电对话框的handle, 将其它Move出显示区域,并对它进行SetWindowLong.


    The windows procedure for the Calert control

    HWND hWnd       - handle to the window
    UINT uMsg       - the message to process
    WPARAM wParam   - additional parameter
    LPARAM lParam   - additional parameter

    LRESULT lRes 0 = success
    LRESULT CALLBACK CalertWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        LRESULT lRes = 0;
        HWND hWndWorker = NULL;

        switch (uMsg)
        case WM_INITDIALOG:
            m_hWndCalert = hWnd;

            // to hide and SetWindowLong the MSFT incoming call view main dialog
            hWndWorker = GetParent(hWnd);
            if (hWndWorker == NULL)

            m_hWndIncomingCall = GetParent(hWndWorker);

            if (m_hWndIncomingCall != NULL)

                // 这里我将MSFT的来电对话框Move出去,  这样它就不会显示出来了

                MoveWindow(m_hWndIncomingCall, -1, -1, 0, 0, FALSE);

                // set window long for MSFT incoming call view main dialog
                if (m_OldIncomingCallWndProc == NULL)

                    // 调用SetWindowLong, 来到来电对话框的CallBack消息.

                    m_OldIncomingCallWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLong(m_hWndIncomingCall, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)IncomingCallWndProc);

                        DEBUGMSG(1 , (L"m_OldIncomingCallWndProc == NULL"));


        return lRes;

    4. IncomingCallWndProc 处理. SHBM_SHOW(用Remote SPY 可以看得到)这个就是来电BubbleBox, Show/Hide时的消息


    The windows procedure for the Incoming Call control

    HWND hWnd       - handle to the window
    UINT uMsg       - the message to process
    WPARAM wParam   - additional parameter
    LPARAM lParam   - additional parameter

    LRESULT lRes 0 = success, else callback default

    LRESULT CALLBACK CCalert::IncomingCallWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        LRESULT lRet = S_OK;

        switch (uMsg)
        case SHBM_SHOW:
            // shbox.h: Show/Hide dialog box. wParam == TRUE to Show. wParam == FALSE to Hide. lParam=TRUE to set foreground.
            if (wParam)
                // 来电对话框 Show

                // 这里用来添加自

            // Hide the incoming call dialog box
                // hide the custome incoming call and the default incoming call
                // 来电对话框 Hide

            return CallWindowProc(m_OldIncomingCallWndProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);

        return lRet;

    OK, 这样当来电的时候就显示自定义的窗口了...

    关于来电话定义的东西比较多, 这里我先写点对来电对话框自定义显示的小结, 等有时间再写其它的.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xyzlmn/p/3168312.html
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