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  • wkhtmltopdf 安装过程不包含php扩展部分

    Qt Webkit HTML Converter
    Install wkhtmltopdf
    This page documents installation of wkhtmltopdf on Gentoo Linux using the patched Qt4 libraries from the wkhtmltopdf project.
    Notice that portage provides media-gfx/wkhtmltopdf, but some features will be missing as the binaries are linked against the standard Qt libraries. See the wkhtmltopdf manual for further information.
    The destination directory will be /usr/local/wkhtmltopd, with the patched Qt 4 installed in the sub directory qt4.
    Prepare source code
    Download the latest source code for wkhtmltopdf:

    bash$> mkdir wkhtmltopdf && cd wkhtmltopdf 
    bash$> wget https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/archive/0.11.0_rc2.tar.gz
    bash$> tar zxvf 0.11.0_rc2.tar.gz
    bash$> ln -s wkhtmltopdf-0.11.0_rc2 wkhtmltopdf

    Install patched Qt 4

    Use git to clone the Qt repository.

    bash$>yum install gstreamer-plugins-base-devel
    bash$>wget https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/qt/archive/v4.8.7.tar.gz
    bash$>tar -zxvf v4.8.7.tar.gz
    bash$>mv qt-4.8.7 wkhtmltopdf-qt
    bash$> cd wkhtmltopdf-qt
    bash$> QTDIR=../bin/syncqt
    bash$> ./configure -nomake tools,examples,demos,docs,translations -opensource -prefix /usr/local/wkhtmltopdf/qt4 
    bash$> make -j6 && make install

    Install wkhtmltopdf 

    With Qt installed, its time to install wkhtmltopdf.

    bash$> cd wkhtmltopdf

    Update QtGui.prl path in common.pri:

    bash$> sed -i s%'QtGui.framework/QtGui.prl'%'libQtGui.prl'%g common.pri

    Generate makefiles, build and install using QMAKE from the patched Qt installation:

    export QMAKESPEC=/usr/local/wkhtmltopdf/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++

    bash$> /usr/local/wkhtmltopdf/qt4/bin/qmake 
    bash$> make 
    bash$> make install INSTALL_ROOT=/usr/local/wkhtmltopdf


    For convenience, create symbolic links in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib:

    bash$> ( cd /usr/local/bin && ln -s ../wkhtmltopdf/bin/* . ) 
    bash$> ( cd /usr/local/lib && ln -s ../wkhtmltopdf/lib/* . )

    Update library resolve cache:

    bash$> ldconfig


    Try out the installation with some simple example. If installed correct, there shouldn't be any complains about missing X11. If so, it's an indication that the wrong Qt libraries being used.

    bash$> wkhtmltopdf toc http://www.uu.se uu.pdf
    Loading pages (1/6) 
    Counting pages (2/6) 
    Loading TOC (3/6) 
    Resolving links (4/6) 
    Loading headers and footers (5/6) 
    Printing pages (6/6) 

    The generated PDF-file should contain the front page and a table of content (TOC).

    bash$> wkhtmltopdf http://www.baidu.com /tmp/baidu.pdf
    Loading pages (1/6) 
    Counting pages (2/6) 
    Loading TOC (3/6) 
    Resolving links (4/6) 
    Loading headers and footers (5/6) 
    Printing pages (6/6) 


    wkhtmltopdf: cannot connect to X server
    bash$> yum -y install Xvfb bash$> xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" wkhtmltopdf http://www.baidu.com /tmp/baidu.pdf



    在目录下 /usr/share/fonts/chinese/simsun.ttc 增加该字体


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