The Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) project is an OWASP project to create simple strong security controls for every web platform. Security controls are not simple to build. You can read about the hundreds of pitfalls for unwary developers on the OWASP website. By providing developers with a set of strong controls, we aim to eliminate some of the complexity of creating secure web applications. This can result in significant cost savings across the SDLC.
Project metadata download: esapi-2.0GA.pom
Binary download: esapi-2.0GA.jar
Source download: esapi-2.0GA-sources.jar
Files: 172,
Classes: 191,
Lines of code: 35795
Google AppEngine: Partial support
Depends on:(View as diagram)
Maven-Central / commons-beanutils / commons-beanutils
Maven-Central / commons-collections / commons-collections
Maven-Central / commons-configuration / commons-configuration
Maven-Central / commons-digester / commons-digester
Maven-Central / commons-fileupload / commons-fileupload
Maven-Central / commons-httpclient / commons-httpclient
Maven-Central / commons-io / commons-io
Maven-Central / commons-lang / commons-lang
Maven-Central / commons-logging / commons-logging
Maven-Central / dom4j / dom4j
Maven-Central / javax.servlet / servlet-api
Maven-Central / jaxen / jaxen
Maven-Central / jdom / jdom
Maven-Central / junit / junit
Maven-Central / logkit / logkit
Maven-Central / net.sourceforge.nekohtml / nekohtml
Maven-Central / org.owasp.antisamy / antisamy
Maven-Central / xalan / xalan
Maven-Central / xerces / xercesImpl
Maven-Central / xml-apis / xml-apis
Maven-Central / xom / xom
JDK / jdk / openjdk
Used by:
Maven-Central / org.jasig.cas / cas-server-support-openid
MD5 Signatures:
- 1381dc4493764494c8e80d581c63f004
- 9f2bbdaa61a9999cd2935abcf2973fe2
for deails: