1 // Cpp.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。 2 // 3 4 #include <iostream> 5 #include <variant> 6 #include <any> 7 #include <string> 8 #include <optional> 9 10 using namespace std; 11 struct Visitor 12 { 13 void operator()(int m) { 14 cout << m << endl; 15 } 16 void operator()(string m) { 17 cout << m.data() << endl; 18 } 19 void operator()(float m) { 20 cout << m << endl; 21 } 22 }; 23 std::optional<int> asInt(const std::string& s) 24 { 25 try 26 { 27 return std::stoi(s); 28 } 29 catch (...) 30 { 31 return std::nullopt; 32 } 33 } 34 int mains() 35 { 36 //variant 的好处是可以作为函数返回值 37 using va = std::variant<std::string, int, float>; 38 va v = 23; 39 cout << std::get<int>(v); 40 va v2 = "this is hello"; 41 cout << std::get<string>(v2).data(); 42 //std::visit 访问variant 43 any data = "this is any data 12"; 44 v = 23; 45 std::visit(Visitor(), v); //23 46 v = "this is visitor"; 47 std::visit(Visitor(), v); //"this is visitor" 48 v = 3.14157f; 49 std::visit(Visitor(), v); //3.14159 50 //any 51 std::any a = 2; 52 cout << endl << a.type().name() << endl; 53 a = "string"; 54 cout << endl << a.type().name() << endl; 55 a = nullptr; 56 cout << endl << a.type().name() << endl; 57 if (nullptr == std::any_cast<std::nullptr_t>(a)) 58 { 59 cout << "nullptr" << endl; 60 } 61 62 string tstr = "this is my str"; 63 //string_view 不会创建tstr的副本 64 std::string_view view = tstr; 65 cout << view.data() << endl; //this is my str 66 tstr = "i changed it"; 67 cout << view.data() << endl; //i changed it 68 //条件内声明变量 69 int m = 12; 70 if (int j = 23; j < 24) 71 { 72 cout << j; 73 } 74 // 75 // convert string to int if possible: 76 /*std::optional<int> asInt(const std::string& s) 77 { 78 try 79 { 80 return std::stoi(s); 81 } 82 catch (...) 83 { 84 return std::nullopt; 85 } 86 }*/ 87 for (auto s : { "42", " 077", "hello", "0x33" }) 88 { 89 std::optional<int> oi = asInt(s); 90 if (oi.emplace()) { //.has_value() 91 std::cout << "convert '" << s << "' to int: " << *oi << " "; 92 } 93 else { 94 std::cout << "can't convert '" << s << "' to int "; 95 } 96 } 97 std::optional<int> opt1 = std::make_optional(23); 98 std::optional<int> opt2 = 22; 99 //访问值*opt2 或者opt2.value() 100 cout << *opt2 << endl; //opt2 101 cout << opt2.value()<<endl; //opt2 102 opt2.emplace(34); //重新赋值 103 cout << *opt2 << endl; //34 104 cout << opt2.value()<<endl; //34 105 opt2.reset(); //清空 106 //opt2.value(); //为nullopt时,调用value报异常 107 cout << opt2.value()<<endl; 108 109 }