SourceAnalysis (StyleCop)软件放在codeplex可以下载,网址为:微软有另一个相似的工具FxCop.
SourceAnalysis (StyleCop)检查的规则包括:
布局(Layout of elements, statements, expressions, and query clauses ) 括号位置(Placement of curly brackets, parenthesis, square brackets, etc ) 空格(Spacing around keywords and operator symbols ) 行距(Line spacing ) 参数位置(Placement of method parameters within method declarations or method calls ) 元素标准排列(Standard ordering of elements within a class ) 注释格式(Formatting of documentation within element headers and file headers ) 命名(Naming of elements, fields and variables ) 内置类型的使用(Use of the built-in types ) 访问修饰符的使用(Use of access modifiers ) 文件内容(Allowed contents of files ) Debugging文本(Debugging text)