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  • Proving NP-completeness

      Proving NP-completeness by generalization. For each of the problems below, prove that it is NP-complete by showing that it is a generalization of some NP-complete problem we have seen in this chapter.

      (a) SUBGRAPH ISOMORPHISM: Given as input two undirected graphs G and H, determine whether G is a subgraph of H (that is, whether by deleting certain vertices and edges of H we obtain a graph that is, up to renaming of vertices, identical to G), and if so, return the corresponding mapping of V (G) into V (H).

      (b) LONGEST PATH: Given a graph G and an integer g, find in G a simple path of length g.

      (c) MAX SAT: Given a CNF formula and an integer g, find a truth assignment that satisfies at least g clauses.

      (d) DENSE SUBGRAPH: Given a graph and two integers a and b, find a set of a vertices of G such that there are at least b edges between them.

      (e) SPARSE SUBGRAPH: Given a graph and two integers a and b, find a set of a vertices of G such that there are atmost b edges between them.

      (f) SET COVER. (This problem generalizes two known NP-complete problems.)

      (g) RELIABLE NETWORK: We are given two n×n matrices,a distance matrix dij and a connectivity requirement matrix rij, as well as a budget b; we must find a graph G = ({1,2,…,n},E) such that (1) the total cost of all edges is b or less and (2)between any two distinct vertices i and j there are rij vertex-disjoint paths. (Hint: Suppose that all dij’s are 1 or 2, b = n,and all rij’s are 2. Which well known NP-complete problem is this ?)


      令图G 为一个环,环上的顶点数等于图H 的顶点数。那么若G 是H 的同构子图,则说明H 存在Rudrata 回路(经过图中每个顶点有且仅有一次的回路)。所以可以判断Rudrata回路事实上是子图同构问题的一个特例。所以子图同构是Rudrata回路的推广。
      如果令g = V −1,即得到一条Rudrata 路径(经过图中每个顶点有且仅有一次的回路)。所以Rudrata路径可以看做是该问题的一个特例。
      令b=a(a-1)/2,此时这a 个顶点两两相连,于是即成最大团问题(图中的每个顶点间均有边相连)。
      令b = 0,即成最大独立集问题(一个顶点集合中的任意两个顶点间均没有边相连)。
      集合覆盖问题是指:包含一个集合U以及U内元素构成的若干各小类集合S,目标是找到S 的一个子集,该子集满足所含元素包含了所有的元素且使小类集合个数最少。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yangjiannr/p/7391324.html
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