package com.yjm.scala object Demo04 { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(fun(1)(1)) //字符串 val str1 ="hello bjsxt" val str2 = "hello BJSXT" println(str1.indexOf("b")) //数组 val array = new Array[Int](10) for(i<- 0 until array.length){ array(i)=i*i } for(i<- 0 until array.length){ println(array(i)) } array.foreach(x=>println(x)) Array.fill(5)("bjsxt") val arr2 = Array[String]("s1","s2","s3")> x+"~").foreach(x=>println(x)) //集合 val list = List(1,2,3,4) //Nil表示空list集合 val list2 = 1::2::3::Nil list2.foreach(x=>println(x)) for(elem <- list2){ println(elem) } val filterList = list2.filter(x => x>2) filterList.foreach(x=>println(x)) val nameList = List("范冰冰","迪丽热巴","林志玲") val count = nameList.count(x=>x.contains("bb")) println("满足条件个数:"+count) nameList //Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements of this list. .map(x=>"hello "+x) //Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements of this list //and using the elements of the resulting collections. .flatMap(x=>x.split(" ")) //Applies a function f to all elements of this list. .foreach(x=>println(x)) } /** * 柯里化函数 * 高阶函数的简化 */ def fun(num1:Int):Int => Int ={ //匿名函数 (num2:Int) => num1+num2 } }