- 系统提供内部函数
- 第三方提供的函数
- 自定义函数
>>> s = 'bling' >>> s.islower() True >>> s = 'Bling' >>> s.islower() False >>> help(str.islower) Help on method_descriptor: islower(...) S.islower() -> bool Return True if all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is at least one cased character in S, False otherwise. >>> s2 = 'Bling' >>> s2.islower() False >>> help(str) >>> help(str.replace) Help on method_descriptor: replace(...) S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> string Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. If the optional argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced. >>> s4 = 'hhhnnjmjmjmjababababababababababab2222' >>> s4.replace('ab','AB') 'hhhnnjmjmjmjABABABABABABABABABABAB2222'
>>> import math >>> val = math.sin(3.14/6) >>> print(val) 0.499770102643 >>> math.pi 3.141592653589793 >>> val = math.sin(math.pi/6) >>> print(val) 0.5 >>> val = math.cos(math.pi/6) >>> print(val) 0.866025403784 >>> help(math) Help on built-in module math: >>> 3*3*3*3 81 >>> math.pow(3,4) 81.0 >>> 3**4 81 >>> 3*3*3*3*3*3*3 2187 >>> 3**7 2187 >>> math.pow(3,7) 2187.0 >>>
>>> import os >>> os.getcwd() 'C:\Users\bling\Desktop' >>> help(os.getcwd) Help on built-in function getcwd in module nt: >>> currentdir = os.getcwd() >>> print currentdir C:UserslingDesktop >>> help(listdir) >>> help(os.listdir) Help on built-in function listdir in module nt: listdir(...) listdir(path) -> list_of_strings Return a list containing the names of the entries in the directory. path: path of directory to list The list is in arbitrary order. It does not include the special entries '.' and '..' even if they are present in the directory. >>> ldirs = os.listdir(currentdir) >>> print ldirs ['00xc9xe8xb1xb8xc0xe0xb1xf0.xls', '1.png', '360xd2xbbxbcxfcRoot.lnk', '360xd4xc6xc5xcc.lnk', '360xb0xb2xc8xabxcexc0xcaxbf.lnk', '360xcaxd6xbbxfaxd6xfaxcaxd6.lnk', '360xc8xedxbcxfexb9xdcxbcxd2.lnk', '3DCIMP.unity3d', 'CheckExcel', 'desktop.ini', 'eclipse - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', 'eclipse.lnk', 'EditPlus 3.lnk', 'Edraw.exe - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', 'EVM-DEMO', 'EVMxc6xf3xd2xb5xbfxc9xcaxd3xbbxafxb9xdcxc0xedxc6xbdxccxa8xd3xc3xbbxa7xcaxd6xb2xe1 v1.1.doc', 'Foxmail - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', 'FSCapture.lnk', 'goagent.exe - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', 'Google Chrome.lnk', 'install.sql', 'JsonView.exe.lnk', 'myeclipse - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', 'Navicat for MySQL.lnk', 'plsqldev - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', 'ppturl.pptx', 'PUTTY.EXE - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', 'startup.bat.lnk', 'STS.exe.lnk', 'ttt', 'UltraISO - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', 'WinSCP - xbfxecxbdxddxb7xbdxcaxbd.lnk', '[]linuxxd4xcbxcexacxd6xd0xbcxb6xc3xe6xcaxd4xccxe2.pdf', 'xc4xdaxb2xbfxb5xdaxd2xbbxb4xcexd1xddxcaxbexd7xdcxbdxe1.docx', 'xd0xc2xbdxa8xcexc4xbcxfexbcxd0', 'xd0xc2xbdxa8xcexc4xbcxfexbcxd0 (2)', 'xbbxfaxb9xf1xd6xd0xc9xe8xb1xb8xbaxcbxb6xd4.txt', 'xc4xa3xd0xcdxc1xacxbdxd3.txt', 'xb0xd9xb6xc8xd4xc6xb9xdcxbcxd2.lnk', 'xc9xe8xb1xb8xcaxd9xc3xfcxd4xa4xb2xe2-xbdxd8xcdxbc.docx', 'xc8xfcxb6xfb-xc1xd9xcaxb1xc4xbfxc2xbc', 'xc8xfcxb6xfb-xd0xdexb8xc4xbaxf3xcaxfdxbexdd', 'xc8xfcxb6xfb-xb3xf5xcaxbcxcaxfdxbexdd', 'xc8xfcxb6xfbxd7xeexd6xd5', 'xc8xfcxb6xfbxcfxeexc4xbfxbbxe3xb1xa8PPTxb4xf3xb8xd9.docx', 'xb4xedxcexf3xc9xe8xb1xb8xc1xacxcfxdf.txt'] >>>
>>> import socket >>> baiduip = socket.gethostbyname('') >>> print baiduip >>> help(socket.gethostbyname) Help on built-in function gethostbyname in module _socket: gethostbyname(...) gethostbyname(host) -> address Return the IP address (a string of the form '') for a host. >>> help(socket)
easy_install httplib2
1 下载模块
到 “” 下载一款适合你的压缩包“”
2 解压下载的压缩包“”到某目录下
4 dos下安装httpLib2模块
进入httplib2-0.4.0.zip的解压目录,运行python install 进行安装
##简单的网络爬虫,下载163主页,并用默认浏览器的tab页打开 import urllib import webbrowser as web url = '' content = urllib.urlopen(url).read() open('D:/work_space/pythonWork/python_example/','w').write(content) web.open_new_tab('D:/work_space/pythonWork/python_example/') web.open_new_tab('')