Nokia announces the X and X+, its first Android phones
Nokia is officially launching its very first Android devices, known as the X and the X+, on stage at its annual Mobile World Congress press conference. We were all taken aback by the second (and third) device (since only one leaked), so it's incredible to see Nokia make such a huge foray into enemy territory.
The X will have a 4-inch, 840 x 480 IPS screen, 512MB RAM, 4GB of storage expandable storage via microSD slot and 3-megapixel camera, while the X+ sports the same specs but more RAM (768 MB) and an included 4GB microSD card. You won't be getting Google's apps or Play store, however as both handsets will be based on the forked AOSP Android OS. Nokia says that'll have the advantages of the Android ecosystem, but with a "differentiated experience." So far, Here Maps, MixRadio, Skype and Outlook are being featured on the Nokia Store. You can access the Nokia and third party stores using the devices, but not Google Play, obviously. We've heard SwiftKey will be available on the Nokia X range (and for free, too), as will BBM, which is also coming to Windows Phone sometime "this summer."
The new devices are featuring a ported version of FastLane for Asha devices as a sort of skin, to give a similar experience as its other budget handsets. When you swipe across it, it'll bring up a sort of notification bar showing recently used apps, missed calls and texts and other activities. During the demo, Elop showed both the Nokia Store also Yandex, where he pulled down Aero Express, a Russian-flavored app. The X will be available immediately in growth markets (ie, not the US) and run 89 euros. The X+, meanwhile, will run 99 euros but won't arrive until sometime in Q2 this year.
诺基亚正式退出它的第一台android设备,被称作X和X+的机型,在其年度全球移动大会新闻发布会的舞台上.我们都很吃惊第二(第三)台设备(因为只有一个泄漏),所以令人难以置信的是看到诺基亚做出这样一个进军敌占区的巨大改革.X型号为4英寸,840 X 480 IPS屏幕,512 MB内存,4 GB的存储及通过microSD槽可扩展的存储和3-megapixel的照相机.你不会获得谷歌的应用或者应用商店,然而由于这两方面手机将基于分离的AOSP(安卓开源项目)android系统.诺基亚表示有android系统的优势,但是又有“差异化的体验”到目前为止,这里的地图、MixRadio、Skype和Outlook将出现在诺基亚商店中.很明显,你能访问诺基亚和第三方商店而不是谷歌商店.我们听说SwiftKey在X范围内是可以使用的(免费的),BBM也一样,来自Windows Phone,“这个夏天”. Asha设备会提供一个FastLanede 可替换的外壳,给人一种类似另一款手机的感觉.当你用手划过时,弹出一个笑的通知栏显示对劲使用的应用、未接来电、短信和其他的活动. 在掩饰期间,Elop(人名)展示诺基亚的两款应用包括Yandex,Aero Express, a Russian-flavored 应用. 在成长市场的X将立即可用(即不是美国)和89欧元出售。与此同时,X +将高达99欧元,但不会到在今年第二季度.