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const fx:array[1..8] of longint=(0,0,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1); fy:array[1..8] of longint=(-1,1,0,0,-1,1,-1,1); type lujing=record h:longint; l:longint; end; var ditu:array[1..10,1..10] of 0..1; visited:array[1..10,1..10] of boolean; b:array[1..100] of lujing; n:longint; i,j:longint; sum:longint=0; procedure find(x,y,k:longint); var fi:longint; begin b[k].h:=x; b[k].l:=y; if (x=1) and (y=n) then inc(sum); for fi:=1 to 8 do if ((x+fx[fi]>0) and(x+fx[fi]<=n) and(fy[fi]+y>0) and(fy[fi]+y<=n) and(ditu[fx[fi]+x,fy[fi]+y]<>1) and(visited[fx[fi]+x,fy[fi]+y]=true)) then begin visited[x,y]:=false; x:=fx[fi]+x; y:=fy[fi]+y; find(x,y,k+1); x:=x-fx[fi]; y:=y-fy[fi]; if (x=1) and (y=n) then inc(sum); visited[x,y]:=true; end; end; begin read(n); fillchar(visited,sizeof(visited),true); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do read(ditu[i,j]); find(1,1,1); writeln(sum); end.