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  • sysbench压测cpu,io,memory,threads,mutex

    本文主要介绍了如何使用Sysbench进行CPU、 内存、 IO 、线程、 mutex压力测试。


    sysbench cpu help

    1 sysbench cpu help
    2 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    4 cpu options:
    5 --cpu-max-prime=N upper limit for primes generator [10000] 最大质数发生器数量。默认是10000


     1 ➜ ~ sysbench cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000 run
     4 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
     6 Running the test with following options:
     7 Number of threads: 1
     8 Initializing random number generator from current time
    11 Prime numbers limit: 2000
    13 Initializing worker threads...
    15 Threads started!
    18 General statistics:
    19 total time: 10.0001s
    20 total number of events: 73827
    22 Latency (ms):
    23 min: 0.12
    24 avg: 0.13
    25 max: 5.69
    26 95th percentile: 0.19
    27 sum: 9961.81
    29 Threads fairness:
    30 events (avg/stddev): 73827.0000/0.00
    31 execution time (avg/stddev): 9.9618/0.00


    1 sysbench memory help
    2 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    4 memory options:
    5 --memory-block-size=SIZE size of memory block for test [1K] 测试时内存块大小。默认是1K
    6 --memory-total-size=SIZE total size of data to transfer [100G] 传输数据的总大小。默认是100G
    7 --memory-scope=STRING memory access scope {global,local} [global] 内存访问范围{global,local}。默认是global
    8 --memory-oper=STRING type of memory operations {read, write, none} [write] 内存操作类型。{read, write, none} 默认是write
    9 --memory-access-mode=STRING memory access mode {seq,rnd} [seq] 存储器存取方式{seq,rnd} 默认是seq


     1 sysbench memory --memory-block-size=8k --memory-total-size=1G run
     2 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
     4 Running the test with following options:
     5 Number of threads: 1
     6 Initializing random number generator from current time
     9 Running memory speed test with the following options:
    10 block size: 8KiB
    11 total size: 1024MiB
    12 operation: write
    13 scope: global
    15 Initializing worker threads...
    17 Threads started!
    19 Total operations: 131072 (940750.90 per second)
    21 1024.00 MiB transferred (7349.62 MiB/sec)
    24 General statistics:
    25 total time: 0.1369s
    26 total number of events: 131072
    28 Latency (ms):
    29 min: 0.00
    30 avg: 0.00
    31 max: 1.18
    32 95th percentile: 0.00
    33 sum: 100.88
    35 Threads fairness:
    36 events (avg/stddev): 131072.0000/0.00
    37 execution time (avg/stddev): 0.1009/0.00


     1 sysbench fileio help
     2 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
     4 fileio options:
     5 --file-num=N number of files to create [128] 创建测试文件的数量。默认是128
     6 --file-block-size=N block size to use in all IO operations [16384] 测试时文件块的大小。默认是16384(16K)
     7 --file-total-size=SIZE total size of files to create [2G] 测试文件的总大小。默认是2G
     8 --file-test-mode=STRING test mode {seqwr, seqrewr, seqrd, rndrd, rndwr, rndrw} 文件测试模式{seqwr(顺序写), seqrewr(顺序读写), seqrd(顺序读), rndrd(随机读), rndwr(随机写), rndrw(随机读写)}
     9 --file-io-mode=STRING file operations mode {sync,async,mmap} [sync] 文件操作模式{sync(同步),async(异步),fastmmap(快速map映射),slowmmap(慢map映射)}。默认是sync
    10 --file-extra-flags=STRING additional flags to use on opening files {sync,dsync,direct} [] 使用额外的标志来打开文件{sync,dsync,direct} 。默认为空
    11 --file-fsync-freq=N do fsync() after this number of requests (0 - don't use fsync()) [100] 执行fsync()的频率。(0 – 不使用fsync())。默认是100
    12 --file-fsync-all[=on|off] do fsync() after each write operation [off] 每执行完一次写操作就执行一次fsync。默认是off
    13 --file-fsync-end[=on|off] do fsync() at the end of test [on] 在测试结束时才执行fsync。默认是on
    14 --file-fsync-mode=STRING which method to use for synchronization {fsync, fdatasync} [fsync]使用哪种方法进行同步{fsync, fdatasync}。默认是fsync
    15 --file-merged-requests=N merge at most this number of IO requests if possible (0 - don't merge) [0]如果可以,合并最多的IO请求数(0 – 表示不合并)。默认是0
    16 --file-rw-ratio=N reads/writes ratio for combined test [1.5] 测试时的读写比例。默认是1.5


    1 sysbench fileio --threads=16 --file-total-size=2G --file-test-mode=rndrw prepare


    1 sysbench fileio --threads=20 --file-total-size=2G --file-test-mode=rndrw run


    1 sysbench fileio --threads=20 --file-total-size=2G --file-test-mode=rndrw cleanup


      1 sysbench fileio --threads=16 --file-total-size=2G --file-test-mode=rndrw prepare
      2 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
      4 128 files, 16384Kb each, 2048Mb total
      5 Creating files for the test...
      6 Extra file open flags: 0
      7 Creating file test_file.0
      8 Creating file test_file.1
      9 Creating file test_file.2
     10 Creating file test_file.3
     11 Creating file test_file.4
     12 Creating file test_file.5
     13 Creating file test_file.6
     14 Creating file test_file.7
     15 Creating file test_file.8
     16 Creating file test_file.9
     17 Creating file test_file.10
     18 Creating file test_file.11
     19 Creating file test_file.12
     20 Creating file test_file.13
     21 Creating file test_file.14
     22 Creating file test_file.15
     23 Creating file test_file.16
     24 Creating file test_file.17
     25 Creating file test_file.18
     26 Creating file test_file.19
     27 Creating file test_file.20
     28 Creating file test_file.21
     29 Creating file test_file.22
     30 Creating file test_file.23
     31 Creating file test_file.24
     32 Creating file test_file.25
     33 Creating file test_file.26
     34 Creating file test_file.27
     35 Creating file test_file.28
     36 Creating file test_file.29
     37 Creating file test_file.30
     38 Creating file test_file.31
     39 Creating file test_file.32
     40 Creating file test_file.33
     41 Creating file test_file.34
     42 Creating file test_file.35
     43 Creating file test_file.36
     44 Creating file test_file.37
     45 Creating file test_file.38
     46 Creating file test_file.39
     47 Creating file test_file.40
     48 Creating file test_file.41
     49 Creating file test_file.42
     50 Creating file test_file.43
     51 Creating file test_file.44
     52 Creating file test_file.45
     53 Creating file test_file.46
     54 Creating file test_file.47
     55 Creating file test_file.48
     56 Creating file test_file.49
     57 Creating file test_file.50
     58 Creating file test_file.51
     59 Creating file test_file.52
     60 Creating file test_file.53
     61 Creating file test_file.54
     62 Creating file test_file.55
     63 Creating file test_file.56
     64 Creating file test_file.57
     65 Creating file test_file.58
     66 Creating file test_file.59
     67 Creating file test_file.60
     68 Creating file test_file.61
     69 Creating file test_file.62
     70 Creating file test_file.63
     71 Creating file test_file.64
     72 Creating file test_file.65
     73 Creating file test_file.66
     74 Creating file test_file.67
     75 Creating file test_file.68
     76 Creating file test_file.69
     77 Creating file test_file.70
     78 Creating file test_file.71
     79 Creating file test_file.72
     80 Creating file test_file.73
     81 Creating file test_file.74
     82 Creating file test_file.75
     83 Creating file test_file.76
     84 Creating file test_file.77
     85 Creating file test_file.78
     86 Creating file test_file.79
     87 Creating file test_file.80
     88 Creating file test_file.81
     89 Creating file test_file.82
     90 Creating file test_file.83
     91 Creating file test_file.84
     92 Creating file test_file.85
     93 Creating file test_file.86
     94 Creating file test_file.87
     95 Creating file test_file.88
     96 Creating file test_file.89
     97 Creating file test_file.90
     98 Creating file test_file.91
     99 Creating file test_file.92
    100 Creating file test_file.93
    101 Creating file test_file.94
    102 Creating file test_file.95
    103 Creating file test_file.96
    104 Creating file test_file.97
    105 Creating file test_file.98
    106 Creating file test_file.99
    107 Creating file test_file.100
    108 Creating file test_file.101
    109 Creating file test_file.102
    110 Creating file test_file.103
    111 Creating file test_file.104
    112 Creating file test_file.105
    113 Creating file test_file.106
    114 Creating file test_file.107
    115 Creating file test_file.108
    116 Creating file test_file.109
    117 Creating file test_file.110
    118 Creating file test_file.111
    119 Creating file test_file.112
    120 Creating file test_file.113
    121 Creating file test_file.114
    122 Creating file test_file.115
    123 Creating file test_file.116
    124 Creating file test_file.117
    125 Creating file test_file.118
    126 Creating file test_file.119
    127 Creating file test_file.120
    128 Creating file test_file.121
    129 Creating file test_file.122
    130 Creating file test_file.123
    131 Creating file test_file.124
    132 Creating file test_file.125
    133 Creating file test_file.126
    134 Creating file test_file.127
    135 2147483648 bytes written in 2.48 seconds (826.62 MiB/sec).
    136 ➜ ~
    137 ➜ ~
    138 ➜ ~ sysbench fileio --threads=20 --file-total-size=2G --file-test-mode=rndrw run
    139 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    141 Running the test with following options:
    142 Number of threads: 20
    143 Initializing random number generator from current time
    146 Extra file open flags: 0
    147 128 files, 16MiB each
    148 2GiB total file size
    149 Block size 16KiB
    150 Number of IO requests: 0
    151 Read/Write ratio for combined random IO test: 1.50
    152 Periodic FSYNC enabled, calling fsync() each 100 requests.
    153 Calling fsync() at the end of test, Enabled.
    154 Using synchronous I/O mode
    155 Doing random r/w test
    156 Initializing worker threads...
    158 Threads started!
    161 File operations:
    162 reads/s: 15512.76
    163 writes/s: 10341.51
    164 fsyncs/s: 33093.17
    166 Throughput:
    167 read, MiB/s: 242.39
    168 written, MiB/s: 161.59
    170 General statistics:
    171 total time: 10.0005s
    172 total number of events: 589605
    174 Latency (ms):
    175 min: 0.00
    176 avg: 0.22
    177 max: 6.39
    178 95th percentile: 0.50
    179 sum: 130617.03
    181 Threads fairness:
    182 events (avg/stddev): 29480.2500/81.36
    183 execution time (avg/stddev): 6.5309/0.01
    185 ➜ ~ sysbench fileio --threads=20 --file-total-size=2G --file-test-mode=rndrw cleanup
    186 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    188 Removing test files...


    1 sysbench threads help
    2 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    4 threads options:
    5 --thread-yields=N number of yields to do per request [1000] 每个请求产生多少个线程。默认是1000
    6 --thread-locks=N number of locks per thread [8] 每个线程的锁的数量。默认是8
     1 sysbench threads --num-threads=500 --thread-yields=100 --thread-locks=4 run
     2 WARNING: --num-threads is deprecated, use --threads instead
     3 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
     5 Running the test with following options:
     6 Number of threads: 500
     7 Initializing random number generator from current time
    10 Initializing worker threads...
    12 Threads started!
    15 General statistics:
    16 total time: 10.0902s
    17 total number of events: 25095
    19 Latency (ms):
    20 min: 78.56
    21 avg: 200.33
    22 max: 258.32
    23 95th percentile: 235.74
    24 sum: 5027387.63
    26 Threads fairness:
    27 events (avg/stddev): 50.1900/0.40
    28 execution time (avg/stddev): 10.0548/0.02


    1 sysbench mutex help
    2 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
    4 mutex options:
    5 --mutex-num=N total size of mutex array [4096] 数组互斥的总大小。默认是4096
    6 --mutex-locks=N number of mutex locks to do per thread [50000] 每个线程互斥锁的数量。默认是50000
    7 --mutex-loops=N number of empty loops to do outside mutex lock [10000] 内部互斥锁的空循环数量。默认是10000


     1 sysbench mutex --num-threads=100 --mutex-num=1000 --mutex-locks=100000 --mutex-loops=10000 run
     4 WARNING: --num-threads is deprecated, use --threads instead
     5 sysbench 1.0.7 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)
     7 Running the test with following options:
     8 Number of threads: 100
     9 Initializing random number generator from current time
    12 Initializing worker threads...
    14 Threads started!
    17 General statistics:
    18 total time: 17.9762s
    19 total number of events: 100
    21 Latency (ms):
    22 min: 15479.16
    23 avg: 17200.68
    24 max: 17910.48
    25 95th percentile: 17752.80
    26 sum: 1720067.67
    28 Threads fairness:
    29 events (avg/stddev): 1.0000/0.00
    30 execution time (avg/stddev): 17.2007/0.59


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yangxiaochu/p/9516013.html
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