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  • oracle赋予当前用户查询另一个用户下表的查询权限




      grant connect to CRJDATA;
      grant create synonym to CRJDATA;
      grant create session to CRJDATA;

      grant create sequence to CRJDATA;

    2.因为需要把ZZ的所有表的查询权限给CRJDATA。所以需要所有表的grant select on table_name to CRJDATA语句,不可能一句一句去写,因此用select 吧所有的grant语句查出来直接执行

      select 'grant select on '||owner||'.'||object_name||' to CRJDATA;'
      from dba_objects
      where owner in ('ZZ')
      and object_type='TABLE';

    把所有结果复制出来,在UserB 下执行一遍

      grant select on ZZ.Table1 to CRJDATA;

      grant select on ZZ.Table2 to CRJDATA;

      grant select on ZZ.Table3 to CRJDATA;


      grant select  any sequence  to CRJDATA;


      SELECT 'create or replace SYNONYM CRJDATA. ' || object_name|| ' FOR ' || owner || '.' || object_name|| ';'
      from dba_objects
      where owner in ('ZZ')
      and object_type='TABLE';


      create or replace SYNONYM  CRJDATA. T_KDXF_ACCOUNT FOR ZZ.Table1 ;

      create or replace SYNONYM  CRJDATA. T_KDXF_ACCOUNT FOR ZZ.Table2 ;

      create or replace SYNONYM  CRJDATA. T_KDXF_ACCOUNT FOR ZZ.Table3 ;


        select 'grant all on '||owner||'.'||table_name||' to hisuser;' from dba_tables
        where owner = 'CPR';
        select 'grant all on '||owner||'.'||view_name||' to hisuser;' from dba_views
        where owner = 'CPR';
        select 'grant execute on '||owner||'.'||name||' to hisuser;' from dba_source
        where owner = 'CPR' and type in ('PROCEDURE','FUNCTION','PACKAGE','PACKAGE BODY','TYPE BODY','TRIGGER','TYPE') ;
        select 'grant all on '||sequence_owner||'.'||sequence_name||' to hisuser;' from dba_sequences where sequence_owner = 'CPR' ;
        select 'create or replace public synonym '||synonym_name||' for '||table_owner||'.'||table_name||' ;' from dba_synonyms
        where table_owner='CPR' ;
        select 'create or replace public synonym '||view_name||' for '||owner||'.'||view_name||' ;' from dba_views
        where owner = 'CPR' and (owner NOT LIKE '%$%' OR view_name NOT LIKE '%$%') ;
        select 'grant all on '||owner||'.'||table_name||' to hisuser;' from dba_tables
        where owner = 'SYSTEM' and table_name NOT LIKE '%$%';
        select 'grant all on '||owner||'.'||view_name||' to hisuser;' from dba_views
        where owner = 'SYS';    
        select DISTINCT 'grant execute on '||owner||'.'||name||' to hisuser;' from dba_source
        where owner = 'SYS' and type in ('PROCEDURE','FUNCTION','PACKAGE','PACKAGE BODY','TYPE BODY','TRIGGER','TYPE') AND name NOT LIKE '%$%'
        select 'grant all on '||sequence_owner||'.'||sequence_name||' to hisuser;' from dba_sequences where sequence_owner = 'SYSTEM' AND sequence_name NOT LIKE '%$%';
        select 'create or replace public synonym '||synonym_name||' for '||table_owner||'.'||table_name||' ;' from dba_synonyms
        where table_owner='SYS' and synonym_name NOT LIKE '%$%';
        select 'create or replace public synonym '||view_name||' for '||owner||'.'||view_name||' ;' from dba_views
        where owner = 'SYS' and (owner NOT LIKE '%$%' OR view_name NOT LIKE '%$%') ;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yangyongxin/p/15037528.html
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