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  • TFS错误一则(資料集 'IterationParam' 的查詢執行失敗)

    報表處理期間發生錯誤。 (rsProcessingAborted) 取得線上說明
    資料集 'IterationParam' 的查詢執行失敗。 (rsErrorExecutingCommand) 取得線上說明
    Team System Cube 不存在或尚未處理。


    用關鍵字向 Google 詢問了一下,找到兩篇很有用的討論串:

    1. Warehouse Troubleshooting Guide
    2. Warehouse Cube Won't Process - B3Refresh Upgraded OK

    我是先照第一篇的說明逐一檢測,不過它的 Step 2 的 SQL 指令有誤,以下是我修正後的 SQL 指令:

    use TfsWarehouse
    select Setting as [Last Cube Processing] from _WarehouseConfig where ID = 'LastProcessTimeStamp'
    -- total revisions in the relational warehouse
    use TfsWarehouse
    select top 1 __LastUpdatedTime as [LastVCWHWrite] from dbo.[Code Churn] with (nolock) order by __LastUpdatedTime desc
    select top 1 __LastUpdatedTime as [LastWITWHWrite] from dbo.[Work Item History] with (nolock) order by __LastUpdatedTime desc
    use TfsWarehouse
    select count(*) as [WH Revisions] from [dbo].[Work Item History] with (nolock)
    where [Record Count] <> -1
    use TfsWorkitemTracking
    select count(*) as [WIT Revisions] from [dbo].[WorkitemsLatestAndWere] with (nolock)
    use TfsWarehouse
    select max ([Changeset ID]) as [WH Changeset] from [dbo].Changeset with (nolock)
    where __DimensionMemberActive = 1
    use TfsVersionControl
    select max(ChangeSetId) as [VC Changeset] from tbl_Changeset with (nolock)
    -- identities
    use TfsWarehouse
    select Property_Value as [Warehouse Identity Id] from _PropertyBag
    where Property_Key = 'CSS Identity Sequence Id'
    use TfsIntegration
    select max(sequence_Id) as [Integration Identity Id] from tbl_security_identity_cache
    -- structure
    use TfsWarehouse
    select Property_Value as [Warehouse Structure Id] from _PropertyBag
    where Property_Key = 'CSS Structure Sequence Id'
    use TfsIntegration
    select max(sequence_Id) as [Integration Structure Id] from tbl_nodes with (nolock)

    到 Step 3 時發現 TfsWarehouse 沒資料,於是跳到 Gathering Error Data。照 Gathering Error Data 這個步驟,下載了 SysInternals 的 DebugView 工具來觀看除錯訊息,有一大堆這樣的錯誤:

    MdxScript(Team System) (66, 1) END SCOPE 陳述式不符合開始的 SCOPE 陳述式。 
    MdxScript(Team System) (68, 46) '[Str]' 函數不存在。 

    再到 Google 搜尋一次,便找到第二篇討論串,依照裡面的步驟刪除 Cube 資料,問題就完全解決了!

    順便把第二篇討論串的 Step 2 所執行的命令和結果貼上來,將以下只令存成 fix_tfs.bat,然後執行此批次檔就行了:

    cd \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server\Tools
    Setupwarehouse -rebuild -mturl http://localhost:8080 -c warehouseschema.xml -s localhost -d TfsWarehouse -a VSTS\TFSSERVICE -ra VSTS\TFSREPORTS

    (註:我的機器名稱是 VSTS)

    SetupWarehouse: 已成功更新倉儲。

    完成後,再重複執行第一篇討論串的 Step 3,直到 Warehouse 的狀態從 Running Adapters 變成 Idle。然後再檢視 Team 專案入口網站,在首頁底下的「剩餘工作」報告應該就能正常顯示了。

  • 相关阅读:
    Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause().
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yanlixin/p/IterationParam.html
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