format_dict={ 'nat':'{obj.name}-{obj.addr}-{obj.type}',#学校名-学校地址-学校类型 'tna':'{obj.type}:{obj.name}:{obj.addr}',#学校类型:学校名:学校地址 'tan':'{obj.type}/{obj.addr}/{obj.name}',#学校类型/学校地址/学校名 } class School: def __init__(self,name,addr,type): self.name=name self.addr=addr self.type=type def __repr__(self): return 'School(%s,%s)' %(self.name,self.addr) def __str__(self): return '(%s,%s)' %(self.name,self.addr) def __format__(self, format_spec): # if format_spec if not format_spec or format_spec not in format_dict: format_spec='nat' fmt=format_dict[format_spec] return fmt.format(obj=self) s1=School('oldboy1','北京','私立') print('from repr: ',repr(s1)) print('from str: ',str(s1)) print(s1) ''' str函数或者print函数--->obj.__str__() repr或者交互式解释器--->obj.__repr__() 如果__str__没有被定义,那么就会使用__repr__来代替输出 注意:这俩方法的返回值必须是字符串,否则抛出异常 ''' print(format(s1,'nat')) print(format(s1,'tna')) print(format(s1,'tan')) print(format(s1,'asfdasdffd'))
class B: def __str__(self): return 'str : class B' def __repr__(self): return 'repr : class B' b=B() print('%s'%b) print('%r'%b)
class Foo: def __del__(self): print('执行我啦') f1=Foo() del f1 print('------->') #输出结果 执行我啦 ------->
class Foo: def __init__(self,name): self.name=name def __getitem__(self, item): print(self.__dict__[item]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__dict__[key]=value def __delitem__(self, key): print('del obj[key]时,我执行') self.__dict__.pop(key) def __delattr__(self, item): print('del obj.key时,我执行') self.__dict__.pop(item) f1=Foo('sb') f1['age']=18 f1['age1']=19 del f1.age1 del f1['age'] f1['name']='alex' print(f1.__dict__)
class A: def __init__(self): self.x = 1 print('in init function') def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): print('in new function') return object.__new__(A, *args, **kwargs) a = A() print(a.x)
class Singleton: def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): if not hasattr(cls, '_instance'): cls._instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kw) return cls._instance one = Singleton() two = Singleton() two.a = 3 print(one.a) # 3 # one和two完全相同,可以用id(), ==, is检测 print(id(one)) # 29097904 print(id(two)) # 29097904 print(one == two) # True print(one is two) 单例模式
注:构造方法的执行是由创建对象触发的,即:对象 = 类名() ;而对于 __call__ 方法的执行是由对象后加括号触发的,即:对象() 或者 类()()
class Foo: def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print('__call__') obj = Foo() # 执行 __init__ obj() # 执行 __call__
class A: def __init__(self): self.a = 1 self.b = 2 def __len__(self): return len(self.__dict__) a = A() print(len(a))
class A: def __init__(self): self.a = 1 self.b = 2 def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self.a)+str(self.b)) a = A() print(hash(a))
class A: def __init__(self): self.a = 1 self.b = 2 def __eq__(self,obj): if self.a == obj.a and self.b == obj.b: return True a = A() b = A() print(a == b)
class Person: def __init__(self,name,age,sex): self.name = name self.age = age self.sex = sex def __hash__(self): return hash(self.name+self.sex) def __eq__(self, other): if self.name == other.name and self.sex == other.sex:return True p_lst = [] for i in range(84): p_lst.append(Person('egon',i,'male')) print(p_lst) print(set(p_lst))