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  • Amber学习第二天:模拟DNA的片段




    最小化 1——溶质分子的固定(仅仅最小化水和离子)

    有两种方法:"BELLY"和"positional restraints",文章中应用的是后一种。


    polyA-polyT 10-mer: initial minimization solvent + ions
    imin = 1, //IMIN = 1: Minimization is turned on (no MD)
    maxcyc = 1000, //MAXCYC = 1000: Conduct a total of 1,000 steps of minimization.
    ncyc = 500, //NCYC = 500: Initially do 500 steps of steepest descent minimization followed by 500 steps (MAXCYC - NCYC) steps of conjugate gradient minimization.
    ntb = 1, //NTB = 1: Use constant volume periodic boundaries (PME is always "on" when NTB>0).
    ntr = 1, //NTR = 1: Use position restraints based on the GROUP input given in the input file.
    cut = 10.0 //CUT = 10.0: Use a cutoff of 10 angstroms. (This is probably overkill here, we could get away with 8.0 or 9.0 angstroms if we wanted but using a larger cutoff does not harm the accuracy of the results. It just makes the calculations slightly more costly.)
    Hold the DNA fixed
    500.0 //(Note also that 500 kcal/mol-A**2 is a very large force constant, much larger than is needed. You can use this for minimization, but for dynamics, stick to much smaller values, say around 10.)
    RES 1 20

    运行:sander -O -i polyAT_wat_min1.in -o polyAT_wat_min1.out -p polyAT_wat.prmtop -c polyAT_wat.inpcrd -r polyAT_wat_min1.rst -ref polyAT_wat.inpcrd

    Input files: polyAT_wat_min1.in, polyAT_wat.prmtop, polyAT_wat.inpcrd
    Output files: polyAT_wat_min1.out, polyAT_wat_min1.rst
    最小化2--整个系统的最小化: (这步要用到上一步的最小化的文件polyAT_wat_min1.rst
    polyA-polyT 10-mer: initial minimization whole system
    imin = 1,
    maxcyc = 2500,
    ncyc = 1000,
    ntb = 1,
    ntr = 0,
    cut = 10.0
    运行:sander -O -i polyAT_wat_min2.in -o polyAT_wat_min2.out -p polyAT_wat.prmtop -c polyAT_wat_min1.rst -r polyAT_wat_min2.rst
    Input files: polyAT_wat_min2.in, polyAT_wat.prmtop, polyAT_wat_min1.rst
    Output files: polyAT_wat_min2.out, polyAT_wat_min2.rst


    ambpdb -p polyAT_wat.prmtop < polyAT_wat.inpcrd > polyAT_wat.pdb

    ambpdb -p polyAT_wat.prmtop < polyAT_wat_min2.rst > polyAT_wat_min2.pdb


    File -> New Molecule   
    (load the first pdb polyAT_wat.pdb)


    We can make the DNA stand out from the water better:


    Graphics -> Representations
    Hit "Create Rep"    This will create a second representation of our molecule
    In the "
    Selected Atoms" box type: all not water
    Then under "Drawing Method" select "Ribbons"
    Next select the representation that still has the style "Lines"
    And change the drawing method for this to "Points"


    vmd polyAT_wat.pdb

    File -> New Molecule   
    Load the polyAT_wat_min2.pdb file


    Turn off the water to make it easier to compare the DNA's:


    Select Graphics->Representations
    In the Selected Atoms box enter: all not water
    Click "Apply"
    Now under the Selected Molecule drop down box at the top of the Graphical Representations window select molecule 0: polyAT_wat.pdb and repeat the process above.

    equilibration protocol is allow our system to heat up from 0 K to 300 K
    NTT=1 维持温度不变;NTT=3 which is significantly better at maintaining and equalizing the system temperature
    polyA-polyT 10-mer: 20ps MD with res on DNA
    imin = 0, //IMIN = 0: Minimization is turned off (run molecular dynamics)
    irest = 0, ntx = 1, //IREST = 0, NTX = 1: We are generating random initial velocities from a Boltzmann distribution and only read in the coordinates from the inpcrd. In other words this is the first stage of our molecular dynamics. Later we will change these values to indicate that we want to restart a molecular dynamics run from where we left off.
    ntb = 1, //NTB = 1: Use constant volume periodic boundaries (PME is always "on" when NTB>0).
    cut = 10.0, //CUT = 10.0: Use a cutoff of 10 angstroms.
    ntr = 1, // Use position restraints based on the GROUP input given in the input file. In this case we will restrain the DNA with a force constant of 10 angstroms.
    ntc = 2, //NTC = 2, NTF = 2: SHAKE should be turned on and used to constrain bonds involving hydrogen.
    ntf = 2,
    tempi = 0.0, //TEMPI = 0.0, TEMP0 = 300.0: We will start our simulation with a temperature, derived from the kinetic energy, of 0 K and we will allow it to heat up to 300 K. The system should be maintained, by adjusting the kinetic energy, as 300 K.
    temp0 = 300.0,
    ntt = 3, //NTT = 3, GAMMA_LN = 1.0: The langevin dynamics should be used to control the temperature using a collision frequency of 1.0 ps
    gamma_ln = 1.0,
    nstlim = 10000, dt = 0.002 //NSTLIM = 10000, DT = 0.002: We are going to run a total of 10,000 molecular dynamics steps with a time step of 2 fs per step, possible since we are now using SHAKE, to give a total simulation time of 20 ps.
    ntpr = 100, ntwx = 100, ntwr = 1000 //NTPR = 100, NTWX = 100, NTWR = 1000: Write to the output file (NTPR) every 100 steps (200 fs), to the trajectory file (NTWX) every 100 steps and write a restart file (NTWR), in case our job crashes and we want to restart it, every 1,000 steps.
    Keep DNA fixed with weak restraints
    RES 1 20
    运行:sander -O -i polyAT_wat_md1.in -o polyAT_wat_md1.out -p polyAT_wat.prmtop -c polyAT_wat_min2.rst -r polyAT_wat_md1.rst -x polyAT_wat_md1.mdcrd -ref polyAT_wat_min2.rst
    Input files: polyAT_wat_md1.in, polyAT_wat.prmtop, polyAT_wat_min2.rst
    Output files: polyAT_wat_md1.out,polyAT_wat_md1.rst,polyAT_wat_md1.mdcrd.gz 平衡整个系统MD:
    polyA-polyT 10-mer: 100ps MD
    imin = 0, //IMIN = 0: Minimization is turned off (run molecular dynamics)
    irest = 1, ntx = 7, //We want to restart our MD simulation where we left off after the 20 ps of constant volume simulation. IREST tells sander that we want to restart a simulation, so the time is not reset to zero but will start at 20 ps.
    Previously we have had NTX set at the default of 1 which meant only the coordinates were read from the restrt file. This time, however, we want to continue from where we finished so we set NTX = 7 which means the coordinates,
    velocities and box information will be read from a formatted (ASCII) restrt file.
    ntb = 2, pres0 = 1.0, ntp = 1, taup = 2.0, //Use constant pressure periodic boundary with an average pressure of 1 atm (PRES0). Isotropic position scaling should be used to maintain the pressure (NTP=1) and a relaxation time of 2ps should be used (TAUP=2.0).
    cut = 10.0, ntr = 0, //CUT = 10.0: Use a cut off of 10 angstroms.NTR = 0: We are no longer using positional restraints.
    ntc = 2, ntf = 2, //NTC = 2, NTF = 2: SHAKE should be turned on and used to constrain bonds involving hydrogen.
    tempi = 300.0, temp0 = 300.0, //TEMPI = 300.0, TEMP0 = 300.0: Our system was already heated to 300 K during the first stage of MD so here it will start at 300 K and should be maintained at 300 K.
    ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 1.0, //NTT = 3, GAMMA_LN = 1.0: The Langevin dynamics should be used to control the temperature using a collision frequency of 1.0 ps
    nstlim = 50000, dt = 0.002, //NSTLIM = 50000, DT = 0.002: We are going to run a total of 50,000 molecular dynamics steps with a time step of 2 fs per step, possible since we are now using SHAKE, to give a total simulation time of 100 ps.
    ntpr = 100, ntwx = 100, ntwr = 1000 //NTPR = 100, NTWX = 100, NTWR = 1000: Write to the output file (NTPR) every 100 steps (200 fs), to the trajectory file (NTWX) every 100 steps and write a restart file (NTWR), in case our job crashes and we want to restart it, every 1,000 steps.
    开始:sander -O -i polyAT_wat_md2.in -o polyAT_wat_md2.out -p polyAT_wat.prmtop -c polyAT_wat_md1.rst -r polyAT_wat_md2.rst -x polyAT_wat_md2.mdcrd
    Input files: polyAT_wat_md2.in, polyAT_wat.prmtop, polyAT_wat_md1.rst Output files: polyAT_wat_md2.out,polyAT_wat_md2.rst,(polyAT_wat_md2.mdcrd
    molecule m;
    m = fd_helix( "adna", "aaaaaaaaaa", "dna" );

    putpdb( "a-dna.nab.pdb", m, "-wwpdb");

    Run nab to create our pdb file:

    $AMBEROME/exe/nab a-dna.nab



    >source leaprc.ffSB99
    >adna = loadpdb a-dna.nab.pdb
    >addions adna Na+ 0
    >saveamberparm adna a-dna_charges_only.prmtop a-dna_charges_only.inpcrd
    输出文件: a-dna_charges_only.prmtop, a-dna_charges_only.inpcrd
    >solvateoct adna TIP3PBOX 8.0
    >edit adna
    >saveamberparm adna a-dna_wat.prmtop a-dna_wat.inpcrd
    Stage 1: 500 steps of steepest descent followed by 500 steps of conjugate gradient minimization, with a 500 kcal/mol restraint force on the DNA molecule (Res 1-20)
    a-dna_min1.in (固定DNA)
    A-DNA 10-mer: initial minimization solvent + ions
    imin = 1,
    maxcyc = 1000,
    ncyc = 500,
    ntb = 1,
    ntr = 1,
    cut = 10.0
    Hold the DNA fixed
    RES 1 20
    sander -O -i a-dna_min1.in -o a-dna_min1.out -p a-dna_wat.prmtop -c a-dna_wat.inpcrd -r a-dna_min1.rst -ref a-dna_wat.inpcrd
    Input files: a-dna_min1.in, a-dna_wat.prmtop, a-dna_wat.inpcrd
    Output files: a-dna_min1.out,a-dna_min1.rst
    Stage 2: 1,000 steps of steepest descent followed by 1,500 steps of conjugate gradient minimization with no restraints
    a-dna_min2.in (用到上一步的 a-dna_min1.rst
    A-DNA 10-mer: initial minimization solvent + ions
    imin = 1,
    maxcyc = 2500,
    ncyc = 1000,
    ntb = 1,
    ntr = 0,
    cut = 10.0
    sander -O -i a-dna_min2.in -o a-dna_min2.out -p a-dna_wat.prmtop -c a-dna_min1.rst -r a-dna_min2.rst
    Input files: a-dna_min2.in, a-dna_wat.prmtop, a-dna_min1.rst
    Output files: a-dna_min2.out,a-dna_min2.rst

    The next stage is to start running molecular dynamics. We will initially run 20 ps of heating/equilibration at constant volume in the same fashion as we did for the B-DNA explicit water simulation. This will be done using the same protocols:
    20 ps at constant volume periodic boundaries with weak (10 kcal/mol) restraints on the DNA. An initial temperature of 0 K, final temperature of 300 K, Langevin temperature controls, SHAKE constraints on hydrogen atoms and a 2 fs time step.
     To save disk space we will only write to our output and mdcrd files every 250 steps (0.5 ps). We will also compress our mdcrd file upon completion using gzip. This will give us a compression ratio of about 60 %. This is important because the next step
    will be to run 1.8 ns of MD which can create some very big mdcrd files:
    A-DNA 10-mer: 20ps MD with res on DNA
    imin = 0,
    irest = 0,
    ntx = 1,
    ntb = 1,
    cut = 10.0,
    ntr = 1,
    ntc = 2,
    ntf = 2,
    tempi = 0.0,
    temp0 = 300.0,
    ntt = 3,
    gamma_ln = 1.0,
    nstlim = 10000, dt = 0.002,
    ntpr = 250, ntwx = 250, ntwr = 10000
    Keep DNA fixed with weak restraints
    RES 1 20
    运行:sander -O -i a-dna_md1.in -o a-dna_md1.out -p a-dna_wat.prmtop -c a-dna_min2.rst -r a-dna_md1.rst -ref a-dna_min2.rst -x a-dna_md1.mdcrd
    Input files: a-dna_md1.in, a-dna_wat.prmtop, a-dna_min2.rst
    Output files: a-dna_md1.out,a-dna_md1.rst, a-dna_md1.mdcrd.gz
    In the next stage of our simulation we are going to run a further 1.8 ns of MD. Rather than run a separate equilibration and production phase we will, for convenience, combine the two since our production conditions
    will be identical to our final equilibration conditions. Here we will use the same conditions as we did for the B-DNA explicit solvent equilibration. Namely we will run without restraints on the DNA. We shall maintain
    the temperature at 300 K using the Langevin thermostat, run with constant pressure (1 atm) periodic boundaries, use SHAKE constraints on the hydrogen atoms and a 2 fs time step.
    Since this simulation will take a long time to run it is probably not a good idea to run all 1.8 ns in one shot. Thus we will actually run 9 x 200 ps simulations with each successive simulation continuing on from the previous one.
    In this way if a job crashes we only lose the progress of that job and can restart from where we got to. The input file will be the same in each case:
    A-DNA 10-mer: 200ps of MD
    imin = 0, irest = 1, ntx = 7,
    ntb = 2, pres0 = 1.0, ntp = 1,
    taup = 2.0,
    cut = 10.0, ntr = 0,
    ntc = 2, ntf = 2,
    tempi = 300.0, temp0 = 300.0,
    ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 1.0,
    nstlim = 100000, dt = 0.002,
    ntpr = 250, ntwx = 250, ntwr = 10000
    We will run the 9 simulations one after the other using the restrt file from the previous run as the input for the next run. While you could run each of these jobs manually using a command line as below
    sander -O -i a-dna_md_1800ps.in -o a-dna_md2.out -p a-dna_wat.prmtop -c a-dna_md1.rst -r a-dna_md2.rst -x a-dna_md2.mdcrd


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yanzhi123/p/2553938.html
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