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  • symbian 入门系列——认识TBufC和TBuf,framework,document对象分析(转)



               example from "epoc32ex\Base\BufsAndStrings\Desc\buffer"


    1.    定义

          Build independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor.

          This is a descriptor class which provides a buffer of fixed length for containing and accessing TText data.

          说明这是一个descriptor类,提供了固定长度的buffer,不可修改,用于访问和使用 TText 类型的数据。

    2.   继承关系


            TBufC--> TBufCBase16--> TDesC16。或者 TBufC--> TBufCBase8--> TDesC8

           class TBufC: public TBufCBase16

        TText iBuf[__Align(S)];

            从类结构定义中可以看出,TBufC保存的是TText 类型的数据。而TText 的定义为:

            typedef TText16 TText; 或者  typedef TText8 TText;

            而扩展定义为 typedef unsigned char TText8;  typedef unsigned short int TText16;可以看出,为了支持Unicode,TText16定义为

          16 bits的字符。



    3.   位置


    4.   使用

           因为在TBufC中保存的是TText;类型,在Unicode下,也就是unsigned short int类型的数据,所以可以通过TText数组赋值。TText数组



            TText cstr[13] =  {0x0042, ''e'' ,''l'' ,''l'' ,''o'', '' '',
                           ''W'', ''o'',''r'', ''l'', ''d'', ''!'', ''\0''};

        TText cstr[3] =  {0x0042, 0x53e4,0x0000};

        // Construct a TBufC using the NULL 

        // terminated string in cstr to initialise it.

        TBufC<16> bufc1(&cstr[0]);

    /*------------------------另外一种赋值方法----------------------- -----------*/

        _LIT(KTxtHelloWorld,"Hello World!");

        TBufC<16> bufc2(KTxtHelloWorld);

                 /*-------------------------但是要注意替换的字符长度不能超过目标的长度 ------*/

        _LIT(KTxtRepText,"Replacement text");

        bufc2 = KTxtRepText;


        bufc1.Length();  // Length指的是存储的字符数目

                       bufc1.Size()   // size指的是存储的字节数


        bufc1.Ptr()   // 可以利用Ptr()函数取得数据段的地址,Ptr()的返回值是
                 const TUint16
    // 可以利用Des()函数返回一个指向TBufC的TPtr。利用这个TPtr可以访问TBufC
        TPtr ptr = bufc2.Des();
        ptr.Ptr(), // 这个返回的地址和bufc2.Ptr()返回的地址相同
        ptr.MaxLength() // 可以取得最大的存储空间长度
    // 可以利用Des()函数返回一个指向TBufC的TPtr。利用这个TPtr可以更改
        _LIT(KTxtAndHi," & Hi");
        ptr.Delete((ptr.Length()-1),1); // 删除其中的某个位
        ptr.Append(KTxtAndHi);    // append字符,注意不要超过空间限制

    5.   存储方式


                           |   head  |  content |

        class TDesC16

        #if defined(__DESC_NO_BIT_FIELDS__)
        TUint iLength;
        unsigned int iLength:28;
        unsigned int iType:4;
       其中head包括fixed length 和 type。从类的结构定义可以看出,head占用4个字节,其中长度为28个bit,而type为4个bit。


    6. TBuf



          TBuf<16> buf(KTxtHelloWorld);


        // The data can be modified

        // Length can be changed;


        // Length can be zeroised;

        // The data can be replaced entirely  using the assignment operator.
        buf = KTxtRepText;


     其实在我看来,symbian OS之上的MMI编程和MFC类似,都是有个application framework,用户需要的就是在这个基础之上,对类进行继承,对函数进行重载,而framework完成了很多和系统进行交互的工作。

    This is the second document . on my opinion, there are same a little between MFC and symbian OS .They all own a application framework on their basic OS. Based on such framework, user only need to make their own derived class ,and reload the virtual functions. and the framework can help u hanle most work interacting with the OS.





    1. abld是利用项目文件(appname.mmp)进行编译的,所以,在你的mmp文件改动过后,一定要利用

    abld makefile vc6




    1. Building and running the examples

    This section explains how to build and run the SDK example applications. All the applications are built and run in the same way. The applications can be built to run on the Symbian OS emulator, or the target device.

    2. Building for the Symbian OS emulator

    The SDK and the example applications should be installed.

    To build an application, do the following:

    1. Create the abld file.

    In a command window, go into the application''''s top level folder (the one which contains the bld.inf file) e.g. \animation\gui\group and enter the following command:

    bldmake bldfiles

    This will create the abld.bat file in the current directory.

    2. Create the Wins build files and build the application.

    In the application''''s top level folder enter the following command:

    abld build wins udeb

    This will create the necessary build files and build the application, including any resource files required. This stage may produce warnings. If it produces errors, a DLL component may not have had its exports frozen. Perform step 3, below.

    3. If the application has a DLL component, freeze the exports.

    If an application contains a DLL component this step must be performed, otherwise it can be skipped. In the application''''s top level folder enter the following command:

    abld freeze

    This will ensure that the exports are frozen. Then enter the following command (repeated from step 2):

    abld build wins udeb

    This will build against the newly frozen interface..

    3. Running the application on the emulator

    To run the application on the emulator, carry out the following steps:

    1. Run the emulator.

    From a command window, run the command


    to launch the debug emulator, or

    epoc -rel

    to launch the release emulator. The emulator window will appear.

    2. Find the application folder.

    When the emulator has started, a set of applications and folders will appear. Find the Other folder.

    3. Run the application.

    Select the Other folder, and then select the relevant application icon. This will run the application.

    4. Running the application from Visual C++

    The emulator can also be run from Microsoft Visual C++. This can be useful when modifying or debugging the application.

    Create the Visual C++ workspace and project files.

    In the application''''s top level folder enter the following command:

    abld makefile vc6

    This will create the Visual C++ project files in a subdirectory of the %EPOCROOT%epoc32\Build'''' directory, where %EPOCROOT% is the pathname of the emulator root; e.g. \Symbian\6.0\NokiaCPP\

    (在我使用的siemens SX1中目录为Q:\Siemens\SX1\bin )

    Run Microsoft Visual C++ and open the workspace file

    The workspace file a pathname of the following form:



    %EPOCROOT% is the pathname of the emulator root; e.g. \Symbian\6.0\NokiaCPP\ (在我使用的siemens SX1中目录为Q:\Siemens\SX1\bin )

    ApplicationPathname is the pathname of the example application folder; e.g. \Examples\animation

    ApplicationName is the name of the example application. e.g. animation

    So the whole pathname could be, e.g.


    Select the Execute item from the Build menu.

    When the ''''Executable for Debug Session'''' dialog box appears press the command button in the right of the dialog box and select browse from the pop-up menu. Using the browse dialog select the file %EPOCROOT%epoc32\release\wins\udeb\epoc.exe. The emulator will run. You only need to do this once. When you subsequently select execute for this application, the emulator will automatically run.

    5 Building for the target device

    The SDK and the example applications should be installed.

    To build the applications, do the following:

    5.1 Create the abld file.

    Go into the application''''s top level folder (the one which contains the bld.inf file) e.g. ''''\animation\gui\group'''' and enter the following command:

    bldmake bldfiles

    This will create the abld.bat file in the current directory.

    5.2 Create the target build files and build the application.

    In the application''''s top level folder enter one of the following commands, depending upon whether you wish to target the ARMI or THUMB instructions sets:

    abld build armi urel

    abld build thumb urel

    This will create the necessary build files and build the application, including any resource files required. This stage may produce warnings. If it produces errors, a DLL component may not have had its exports frozen. Perform stage 3, below.

    5.3 If the application has a DLL component, freeze the exports.

    If an application contains a DLL component this step must be performed, otherwise

    it can be skipped. In the application''''s top level folder enter the following command:

    abld freeze

    This will ensure that the exports are frozen. Then enter the following command (repeated from step 2):

    abld build armi urel

    abld build thumb urel

    This will build against the newly frozen interface. 



      ——————————————————————————CAknDocument -> CEikDocument -> CApaDocument——————————————————————————「主要作用」

      1) 是app的data model.

     2) 在基于文件的app中,document提供了对于文件的访问(store/restore)

      3) 负责创建AppUI,从而可以提供修改document的基础,CreateAppUiL()负责创建application的appUI对象。

      实际上,document起到了一个中间层(intermediate layer)的作用。负责在appui和app model(engine)以及 file之间建立联系。


      ----------------------- 『Document』

      |「model」 <-> 「file」


      1) OpenFileL()


      RESOURCE TBUF r_default_document_name { buf="";}这个segment决定了application关联的文件名。这里的文件名连同路径就作为参数传递给了OpenFileL() 函数。这就使得application在启动的时候能够调用缺省的file,如果这个segment是空的,那么缺省的document的名字和application的basename相同。这里需要注意的是series60只允许存在一个缺省的file.这个函数的返回值是CFileStore*,这是返回给application framework的指针,以方便application framework把它传递给其他函数。


      注意OpenFileL() 需要三个参数,其中文件名(TDesC& aFilename)和file server session参数(RFs& aFs) 应当是由application framework自动创建的。但是另外一个参数怎么确定的呢?

      2) NewDocumentL()

      这个函数是由application framework来调用,用于初始化一个default document file.「注?」




      我在Document函数里面重载了函数NewDocumentL()和OpenFileL(),并分别加上了断点跟踪调试。发现:(#) 如果在资源文件中没有文件名的话,那么这两个函数都不执行。

      (#) 如果在资源文件存在文件名的话,那么首先执行的是OpenFileL()函数,但是这个时候的aOpen参数值是0,表明文件不存在或者文件没有打开。那么接下来调用NewDocumentL(),这个函数负责创建一个新的document file.接下来会调用document类的StoreL()函数。

      (#) 在晚上上述的步骤之后,再重新运行这个app,那么启动的时候会调用OpenFileL()函数,这个时候aOpen参数值是1,表明文件存在,那么接下来就调用ReStoreL()函数对文件进行读写。





      SaveL() ——> StoreL();而RestoreL()是在app启动的时候调用的,负责把文件的信息保存在document相关的model(engine)中去。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yaoliang11/p/1846777.html
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