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  • Simulate a keypress(转)


    Simulation of keys can be used in numerous Applications where we need to programmatically simulate key events for various purposes.

    Simulating key events can be done in the following ways:



    [edit]Procedure1: Using TKeyEvent:

    First set the iCode,iScanCode,iModifiers & iRepeats for the key to be simulated of the TKeyEvent class. Using RWsSession call the SimulateKeyEvent() by passing the keyevent to be generated.

    The following is the sample code for simulation of green key:

    Location: W32STD.H 	// RWsSession 
    Link against: ws32.lib // RWsSession
    Location: W32STD.H // TKeyEvent
    RWsSession wsSession=CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();
    TKeyEvent keyEvent;
    keyEvent.iCode = EKeyYes; //member of TKeyCode
    keyEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyYes;
    keyEvent.iModifiers = 0;
    keyEvent.iRepeats = 0;

    Note that at least in Symbian OS v9.3, this method is protected with the capability: SwEvent.

    NOTE: This seems to be working in S60 V3 MR emulator without capabilities, but produces WSERV 66 panic, when run on a device without capabilities.

    NOTE2: This method does exists in S60 V3 MR SDK headers, but not in the documentation.

    [edit]Procedure2: Using TWsEvent:

    Simulation of a key can also be accomplished by using TWsEvent class, wherein the event key to be simulated is passed to the RWsSession by calling the SendEventToWindowGroup() and also passing the id of the focus window. This API sends an event to a window group.

    The following is the sample code for simulation of Up Arrow key:

    Location: W32STD.H 	// RWsSession 
    Link against: ws32.lib // RWsSession
    Location: W32STD.H // TWsEvent
    TWsEvent event;
    RWsSession wsSession=CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();
    TInt id = wsSession.GetFocusWindowGroup();
    event.Key()->iCode = EKeyUpArrow;
    event.Key()->iModifiers = 0;
    event.Key()->iRepeats = 0;
    event.Key()->iScanCode = EStdKeyUpArrow;
    wsSession.SendEventToWindowGroup( id, event );


    Location: W32STD.H 	// RWsSession 
    Link against: ws32.lib // RWsSession
    Location: W32STD.H // TWsEvent
    TWsEvent event;
    RWsSession wsSession=CCoeEnv::Static()->WsSession();
    TInt id = wsSession.GetFocusWindowGroup();
    event.Key()->iCode = EKeyUpArrow;
    event.Key()->iModifiers = 0;
    event.Key()->iRepeats = 0;
    event.Key()->iScanCode = 0;
    wsSession.SendEventToWindowGroup( id, event );

    The output of both codes are same.

    Note that at least in Symbian OS v9.3, this method is protected with the capability: SwEvent.

    [edit]Procedure3: Using TApaTask:

    This API finds the app using TApaTaskList, and sends the required Key event to that App.

    Location: apgtask.h 	  // TApaTaskList
    Link against: apgrfx.lib // TApaTaskList
    Location: apgtask.h // TApaTask
    Link against: apgrfx.lib // TApaTask
    TApaTaskList tlist(iEikonEnv->WsSession());
    TApaTask app(tlist.FindApp(_L("AppName")));
    TKeyEvent key;
    key.iModifiers = 0;
    key.iRepeats = 0;
    key.iCode = EKeyDownArrow;
    key.iScanCode = EStdKeyDownArrow;

    Note that at least in Symbian OS v9.3, this method is protected with the capability: SwEvent.

    [edit]Procedure4: Using TRawEvent:

    Simulation can also be done using the TRawEvent class by Set() API passing the respective keydown/keyup event and the scancode of the key.After setting the event, add this event to the usersrv.

    The following is the sample code for simulation of Red key:

    Location: e32event.h       // TRawEvent
    Link against: euser.lib // TRawEvent
    Location: e32std.h // User class
    Link against: euser.lib // User class
    TRawEvent lEventDown;
    lEventDown.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyDown, EStdKeyNo);
    TRawEvent lEventUp;
    lEventUp.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyUp, EStdKeyNo);

    Note that in Symbian OS v9.x, this method is protected with the capability: SwEvent.

    [edit]Procedure5: Using SimulateRawEvent:

    RWsSession::SimulateRawEvent(TRawEvent aEvent)

    This function should only be used for test code. Note that in Symbian OS v9.x, this method is protected with the capability: SwEvent.

    [edit]Special case

    If you do not wish to simulate a key event, but open a dialog, with keys 0-9 or so, so that the opening key will appear in the dialog, you can just open the dialog with EEventKeyDown, so the EEventKey will be directed to the dialog itself. This does not require capabilities.

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yaoliang11/p/1866980.html
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