def test_var_args(f_arg, *argv):
print("first normal arg:", f_arg)
for arg in argv:
print("another arg through *argv:", arg)
test_var_args('yasoob', 'python', 'eggs', 'test')
first normal arg: yasoob
another arg through *argv: python
another arg through *argv: eggs
another arg through *argv: test
def greet_me(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print("{0} = {1}".format(key, value))
>>> greet_me(name="yasoob")
name = yasoob
def test_args_kwargs(arg1, arg2, arg3):
print("arg1:", arg1)
print("arg2:", arg2)
print("arg3:", arg3)
# first with *args
>>> args = ("two", 3, 5)
>>> test_args_kwargs(*args)
arg1: two
arg2: 3
arg3: 5
# now with **kwargs:
>>> kwargs = {"arg3": 3, "arg2": "two", "arg1": 5}
>>> test_args_kwargs(**kwargs)
arg1: 5
arg2: two
arg3: 3