Blender Python UV 学习
1. bmesh面转换
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
2. 面选择
# Index of face to texture face_ind = 0 bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') bm.faces[face_ind].select = True
3. uv展开
# Unwrap to instantiate uv layer (对选择表面, 展开uv层) bpy.ops.uv.unwrap()
4. 得到uv BMLayerItem
# Grab uv layer uv_layer =
bm.loops <bmesh.types.BMLoopSeq>
This meshes loops (read-only).
Note: Loops must be accessed via faces, this is only exposed for layer access.
bm.loops.layers <bmesh.types.BMLayerAccessLoop>
custom-data layers (read-only).
bm.loops.layers.uv <bmesh.types.BMLayerCollection>
Accessor for BMLoopUV UV (as a 2D Vector). <bmesh.types.BMLayerItem>
The active layer of this type (read-only).
Exposes a single custom data layer, their main purpose is for use as item accessors to custom-data when used with vert/edge/face/loop data.
5. 开始uv映射
# Begin mapping... loop_data = bm.faces[face_ind].loops
bm.faces <bmesh.types.BMFaceSeq>
This meshes face sequence (read-only).
bm.faces[face_ind] <bmesh.types.BMFace>
bm.faces[face_ind].loops <bmesh.types.BMElemSeq of BMLoop>
This is normally accessed from BMFace.loops where each face loop represents a corner of the face.
# bottom right uv_data = loop_data[0][uv_layer].uv uv_data.x = 1.0 uv_data.y = 0.0