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  • Blender插件编写指南


    Blender插件是Blender的利器, 用户可以使用各种插件扩充Blender的功能.

    Blender Python插件以bpy.props, bpy.types.Operator, bpy.types.Panel, bpy.types.UILayout, (...)为基础, 通过用户自定义包来实现.


    1. 定义操作器
    2. 定义操作器控制面板(或菜单)
    3. 注册/注销操作器和面板


    bl_info = {
        "name": "Move X Axis",
        "category": "Object",
    import bpy
    class ObjectMoveX(bpy.types.Operator):
        """My Object Moving Script"""      # blender will use this as a tooltip for menu items and buttons.
        bl_idname = "object.move_x"        # unique identifier for buttons and menu items to reference.
        bl_label = "Move X by One"         # display name in the interface.
        bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}  # enable undo for the operator.
        def execute(self, context):        # execute() is called by blender when running the operator.
            # The original script
            scene = context.scene
            for obj in scene.objects:
                obj.location.x += 1.0
            return {'FINISHED'}            # this lets blender know the operator finished successfully.
    def register():
    def unregister():
    # This allows you to run the script directly from blenders text editor
    # to test the addon without having to install it.
    if __name__ == "__main__":


    1. Blender插件之操作器(Operator)实战 1
    2. Blender之UILayout 2
    3. Blender插件之Panel 3
    4. Blender之Property 4
    5. Addon Tutorial 5
  • 相关阅读:
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    CSS 21 浮动
    CSS 20 相对定位
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yaoyu126/p/9319746.html
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