1. SkGradientShader:: CreateLinear
/** Returns a shader that generates a linear gradient between the two specified points. <p /> CreateLinear returns a shader with a reference count of 1. The caller should decrement the shader's reference count when done with the shader. It is an error for count to be < 2. @param pts The start and end points for the gradient. @param colors The array[count] of colors, to be distributed between the two points @param pos May be NULL. array[count] of SkScalars, or NULL, of the relative position of each corresponding color in the colors array. If this is NULL, the the colors are distributed evenly between the start and end point. If this is not null, the values must begin with 0, end with 1.0, and intermediate values must be strictly increasing. @param count Must be >=2. The number of colors (and pos if not NULL) entries. @param mode The tiling mode @param mapper May be NULL. Callback to modify the spread of the colors. */ static SkShader* CreateLinear( const SkPoint pts[2], const SkColor colors[], const SkScalar pos[], int count, SkShader::TileMode mode, SkUnitMapper* mapper = NULL); |
(1). SkPoint pts[2]; 显示count 个颜色构成的Gradient的起始点和结束点。
(2). SkColor colors[] ; 可用于组成Gradient 的颜色表
(3). SkScalar pos[] ; 构成Gradient的各颜色起始点在Gradient区间占据的位置(百分比),必须以0开始,以1.0结束,中间值严格增长
(4). int count ; 指定用于构成Gradient的颜色数()
(5). SkShader::TileMode mode ; Gradient填充指定区域的方式,绘制范围大于 pts的两个点指定的距离时的重复模式
(6). SkUnitMapper *mapper ;
pts 分别为 [0,0]、[50,50], 画 区域SkRect(0,0,100,100),重复模式kMirror_TileMode,颜色表用红绿蓝白黑
本来是红绿蓝白黑 超出部分挨着就是 黑白蓝绿红 再次 红绿蓝白黑 ……
如果画图的范围小于 (0,0,50,50),就按比例裁剪
画到(0,0,50,50) (0,0,20,50)
如果pts 起始点不是(0,0),比如(x,y),如果在(x,y)左侧有绘制Gradient,则按照 mode模式重复。
从起始点的x坐标(50)开始往左,是右边的kMirror_TileMode模式的重复:从坐标50往左是 红绿蓝白黑。
参数count ,如果小于colors的元素个数,则只取colors的前count个颜色,如果大于,则填充了透明色(但是如果count比colors的元素个数多了超过1,比如大3,就填充3个空颜色,但是空颜色之间的过渡有颜色)
pts (50,50),(100,50);画范围SkRect r = {0,0,SkIntToScalar(200),SkIntToScalar(100)};
如:SkColor colors[] ={SK_ColorRED,SK_ColorGREEN,SK_ColorBLUE,SK_ColorWHITE,SK_ColorBLACK};
count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(colors);
, ,
coutn = 5 count = 2: count =8:
关于constSkScalar pos[]参数,以0开始,以1.0结束,中间值严格增长。
我个人理解:constSkColor colors[]中两个颜色的过渡所占百分比为pos[]中对应两个值的差值
SkColor colors[] ={SK_ColorRED,SK_ColorGREEN,SK_ColorBLUE,SK_ColorWHITE,SK_ColorBLACK};
SkScalar scalars[] ={0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3,1.0};
pts差值800,就是过渡完5个颜色要800像素, 画宽带为800像素的矩形
绿蓝过渡占0(0.2-0.2) 没有绿蓝过渡区
蓝白过渡占0.1(0.3-0.2) 有80像素
白黑过渡占0.7(1.0-0.3) 560像素