#----------------------------------------------------- # Author: Yaqiang Wang # Date: 2015-3-12 # Purpose: Convert CUACE grads data to netCDF (CUACE/Dust) # Note: Sample #----------------------------------------------------- print 'Loading classes...' from org.meteoinfo.data import GridData from org.meteoinfo.data import DataMath from org.meteoinfo.data.meteodata import MeteoDataInfo from org.meteoinfo.geoprocess.analysis import ResampleMethods from org.meteoinfo.data.meteodata.netcdf import NetCDFDataInfo from org.meteoinfo.projection import ProjectionInfo from org.meteoinfo.projection import ProjectionNames from org.meteoinfo.projection import KnownCoordinateSystems from ucar.nc2 import NetcdfFileWriter from ucar.nc2 import Attribute from ucar.ma2 import DataType from ucar.ma2 import Array import os.path import jarray import datetime from java.util import Date from java.text import SimpleDateFormat #Set date year = 2014 month = 4 day = 23 hour = 0 sdate = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour) print sdate #Set directory dataDir = 'U:/data/cuace_dust/dust_example/2014_case' outDir = dataDir infn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'dust_post_'+ sdate.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') + '.ctl') outfn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'WMO_SDS-WAS_Asian_Center_Model_Forecasting_CUACE-Dust_CMA_' + sdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.nc') #Set output X/Y coordinates and projection toProjInfo = KnownCoordinateSystems.geographic.world.WGS1984 sx = 70.0 xnum = 161 sy = 20 ynum = 71 delta = 0.5 xlist = [] ylist = [] for i in range(0, xnum): xlist.append(sx + delta * i) for i in range(0, ynum): ylist.append(sy + delta * i) X = jarray.array(xlist, 'd') Y = jarray.array(ylist, 'd') #Read GrADS data file print 'Open GrADS data file...' mdi = MeteoDataInfo() mdi.openGrADSData(infn) dataInfo = mdi.getDataInfo() dataInfo.setBigEndian(True) fromProjInfo = mdi.getProjectionInfo() tnum = dataInfo.getTimeNum() mvalue = dataInfo.getMissingValue() #Set output nc data file print 'Create output NC file: ' + outfn ncfile = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf3, outfn) #Add dimensions print 'Add dimensions...' xDim = ncfile.addDimension(None, 'lon', xnum) yDim = ncfile.addDimension(None, 'lat', ynum) tDim = ncfile.addDimension(None, 'time', tnum) #Add global attributes print 'Add global attributes...' ncfile.addGroupAttribute(None, Attribute('Conventions', 'CF-1.6')) ncfile.addGroupAttribute(None, Attribute('Title', 'Sand and dust storm forecasting')) ncfile.addGroupAttribute(None, Attribute('Model', 'CUACE/Dust')) ncfile.addGroupAttribute(None, Attribute('Center', 'WMO SDS-WAS Asian Center')) ncfile.addGroupAttribute(None, Attribute('Agency', 'China Meteorological Administration')) #Add variables xvar = ncfile.addVariable(None, 'lon', DataType.FLOAT, [xDim]) xvar.addAttribute(Attribute('units', 'degrees_east')) xvar.addAttribute(Attribute('long_name', 'Longitude')) xvar.addAttribute(Attribute('standard_name', 'longitude')) xvar.addAttribute(Attribute('axis', 'X')) yvar = ncfile.addVariable(None, 'lat', DataType.FLOAT, [yDim]) yvar.addAttribute(Attribute('units', 'degrees_north')) yvar.addAttribute(Attribute('long_name', 'Latitude')) yvar.addAttribute(Attribute('standard_name', 'latitude')) yvar.addAttribute(Attribute('axis', 'Y')) tvar = ncfile.addVariable(None, 'time', DataType.INT, [tDim]) tvar.addAttribute(Attribute('units', 'hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:0.0')) tvar.addAttribute(Attribute('long_name', 'Time')) tvar.addAttribute(Attribute('standart_name', 'time')) tvar.addAttribute(Attribute('axis', 'T')) #Data variables vnames = ['load','con','dry','wet','aod'] varlist = [] var = ncfile.addVariable(None, 'LOAD_DUST', DataType.FLOAT, [tDim, yDim, xDim]) var.addAttribute(Attribute('long_name', 'Dust load')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('units', 'kg/m2')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('missing_value', -9999.0)) varlist.append(var) var = ncfile.addVariable(None, 'SCONC_DUST', DataType.FLOAT, [tDim, yDim, xDim]) var.addAttribute(Attribute('long_name', 'Surface dust concentration')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('units', 'ug/m3')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('missing_value', -9999.0)) varlist.append(var) var = ncfile.addVariable(None, 'DDEPO_DUST', DataType.FLOAT, [tDim, yDim, xDim]) var.addAttribute(Attribute('long_name', '3-hour accumulated dry deposition')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('units', 'kg/m2')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('missing_value', -9999.0)) varlist.append(var) var = ncfile.addVariable(None, 'WDEPO_DUST', DataType.FLOAT, [tDim, yDim, xDim]) var.addAttribute(Attribute('long_name', '3-hour accumulated wet deposition')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('units', 'kg/m2')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('missing_value', -9999.0)) varlist.append(var) var = ncfile.addVariable(None, 'AOD550_DUST', DataType.FLOAT, [tDim, yDim, xDim]) var.addAttribute(Attribute('long_name', 'Dust optical depth at 550nm')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('units', '-')) var.addAttribute(Attribute('missing_value', -9999.0)) varlist.append(var) #Write nc file ncfile.create() #Write x,y,z,t variables print 'Write x variable...' shape = jarray.array([xnum], 'i') data = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, shape) for i in range(0,xnum): data.set(i, X[i]) ncfile.write(xvar, data) print 'Write y variable...' shape = jarray.array([ynum], 'i') data = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, shape) for i in range(0,ynum): data.set(i, Y[i]) ncfile.write(yvar, data) print 'Write time variable...' format = SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd') sdate = format.parse('1900-01-01') tvalues = dataInfo.getTimeValues(sdate, 'hours') shape = jarray.array([tnum], 'i') data = Array.factory(DataType.INT, shape) for i in range(0,tnum): data.set(i, tvalues[i]) ncfile.write(tvar, data) #Write data variables print 'Write data variable...' for vname, var in zip(vnames, varlist): for t in range(0, tnum): print 'Time: ' + str(t + 1) mdi.setTimeIndex(t) gData = mdi.getGridData(vname) ngData = gData.project(fromProjInfo, toProjInfo, X, Y, ResampleMethods.Bilinear) origin = jarray.array([t, 0, 0], 'i') ncfile.write(var, origin, NetCDFDataInfo.gridToArray3D(ngData)) #Close nc file ncfile.flush() ncfile.close() print 'Finished'
# coding=utf-8 #----------------------------------------------------- # Author: Yaqiang Wang # Date: 2015-3-13 # Purpose: Read CUACE/Dust netCDF data and MICAPS observation data to plot figures # Note: Sample #----------------------------------------------------- print 'Loading classes...' from org.meteoinfo.layout import MapLayout from org.meteoinfo.data import GridData from org.meteoinfo.data.meteodata import MeteoDataInfo, DrawMeteoData from org.meteoinfo.legend import LegendScheme from org.meteoinfo.shape import ShapeTypes from org.meteoinfo.global.image import AnimatedGifEncoder import os.path import jarray import datetime import sys from java.util import Date, Calendar, Locale from java.text import SimpleDateFormat from java.awt import Color #Set date year = 2013 month = 3 day = 1 hour = 0 sdate = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour) #sdate = datetime.date.today() #if len(sys.argv) >= 2: # sdate = sdate - datetime.timedelta(days=int(sys.argv[1])) # sdate = sdate + datetime.timedelta(days=1) print sdate dformat = SimpleDateFormat('HH dd MMM yyy', Locale.ENGLISH) dformat1 = SimpleDateFormat('yyMMddHH') cal = Calendar.getInstance() #Set model #model = 'CUACE-DUST_CMA' model = 'ADAM2_KMA' #Set directory dataDir = 'D:/Working/2015/International/SDS_Asian_Region_Center/Model_Verification' obsDir = 'U:/data/micaps/2014/plot' obsDir = 'E:/MetData/micaps' runDir = dataDir outDir = os.path.join(dataDir, 'figure') if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) #Set input/output file names infn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'WMO_SDS-WAS_Asian_Center_Model_Forecasting_' + model + '_' + sdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.nc') projfn = os.path.join(runDir, 'sds_asian.mip') #Plot data print 'Plot data...' mapLayout = MapLayout() mapLayout.loadProjectFile(projfn) mf = mapLayout.getActiveMapFrame() title = mapLayout.getTexts().get(2) legend = mapLayout.getLegends()[0] #---- Set weather list - sand and dust storm weathers = [6, 7, 8, 9, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35] #---- Set weather list - sand and dust storm and haze #weathers = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35] #---- Create MeteoDataInfo object mdi = MeteoDataInfo() omdi = MeteoDataInfo() #---- Plot loop mdi.openNetCDFData(infn) lsfn = os.path.join(runDir,'dust_conc.lgs') print 'Read data file: ' + infn aLS = LegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Polygon) aLS.importFromXMLFile(lsfn) tnum = mdi.getDataInfo().getTimeNum() #tnum = 3 s = 'SCONC_DUST' giffn = os.path.join(outDir, 'V_' + s + '_' + model + '_' + sdate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '--loop-.gif') print giffn encoder = AnimatedGifEncoder() encoder.setRepeat(0) encoder.setDelay(1000) encoder.start(giffn) sTime = mdi.getDataInfo().getTimes().get(0) for t in range(1, tnum): mdi.setTimeIndex(t) aTime = mdi.getDataInfo().getTimes().get(t) cal.setTime(aTime) cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, 8) bjTime = cal.getTime() #---- Open observation weather data obsfn = os.path.join(obsDir, dformat1.format(bjTime) + '.000') print obsfn if not os.path.exists(obsfn): continue omdi.openMICAPSData(obsfn) wData = omdi.getStationData('WeatherNow') weatherLayer = DrawMeteoData.createWeatherSymbolLayer(wData, weathers, 'Weather') #for lb in weatherLayer.getLegendScheme().getLegendBreaks(): # lb.setColor(Color.red) weatherLayer.setAvoidCollision(False) mf.removeMeteoLayers() mf.addLayer(weatherLayer) #---- Get grid data and create a shaded layer gData = mdi.getGridData(s) aLayer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(gData, aLS, 'Forecasting_' + s, 'Data', True) aLayer.setProjInfo(mdi.getProjectionInfo()) mf.addLayer(aLayer) mf.moveLayer(aLayer, 0) #---- Set title title.setLabelText('Run: ' + dformat.format(sTime) + ' Valid: ' + dformat.format(aTime) + '(H+' + str(t * 3) + ')') #---- Set legend legend.setLegendLayer(aLayer) mapLayout.paintGraphics() encoder.addFrame(mapLayout.getViewImage()) figurefn = os.path.join(outDir, 'V_' + model + '_' + s + '_' + dformat1.format(aTime) + '.png') print 'Output figure: ' + figurefn mapLayout.exportToPicture(figurefn) encoder.finish() print 'Finished'