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  • leetcode75 Sort Colors

      1 """
      2 Given an array with n objects colored red, white or blue, sort them in-place so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, white and blue.
      3 Here, we will use the integers 0, 1, and 2 to represent the color red, white, and blue respectively.
      4 Note: You are not suppose to use the library's sort function for this problem.
      5 Example:
      6 Input: [2,0,2,1,1,0]
      7 Output: [0,0,1,1,2,2]
      8 """
      9 """
     10 绝世好题:提供了四种解法
     11 传送门:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_17550379/article/details/80499816
     12 1.计数排序
     13 2.三路快排(回顾liuyubobobo的视频第三章6-9)
     14 3.适合此题的三路排序算法
     15 4.三指针
     16 """
     17 """
     18 解法一:计数排序
     19 """
     20 class Solution1:
     21     def sortColors(self, nums):
     22         """
     23         Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
     24         """
     25         count = [0, 0, 0]
     26         for i in nums:
     27             assert(i >= 0 and i <= 2)
     28             #python assert断言是声明布尔值必须为真的判定,如果发生异常就说明表达式为假。
     29             #可以理解assert断言语句为raise-if-not,用来测试表示式,其返回值为假,就会触发异常。
     30             count[i] += 1
     31         index = 0
     32         for i, num in enumerate(count):
     33             for j in range(num):
     34                 nums[index] = i
     35                 index += 1
     37 """
     38 解法二:快速排序(三路),没有随机标兵点
     39 """
     40 class Solution2:
     41     def sortColors(self, nums: List[int]) -> None:
     42         """
     43         Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
     44         """
     45         self._sortColors(nums, 0, len(nums)-1) #bug 没写-1
     46     def _sortColors(self, nums, l, r):
     47         if r <= l:
     48             return
     49         pivot = l #标定点
     50         lt = l #[l+1, lt] <val
     51         i = l+1 #[lt+1,gt-1] = val
     52         gt = r+1 #[gt, r] > val
     53         while i < gt:
     54             if nums[i] < nums[pivot]:
     55                 lt += 1
     56                 nums[i], nums[lt] = nums[lt], nums[i]
     57                 i += 1
     58             elif nums[i] > nums[pivot]:
     59                 gt -= 1
     60                 nums[i], nums[gt] = nums[gt], nums[i]  #注意与后面的交换不需要再加i
     61             else:
     62                 i += 1
     63         nums[pivot], nums[lt] = nums[lt], nums[pivot]
     64         self._sortColors(nums, l, lt-1) #快排交换放在了lt的位置
     65         self._sortColors(nums, gt, r)
     67 """
     68 解法三:适合此题的三路排序算法
     69 """
     70 class Solution3:
     71     def sortColors(self, nums):
     72         """
     73         Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
     74         """
     75         zero = -1
     76         i = 0 #从0开始向后遍历
     77         two = len(nums)
     78         while i < two:
     79             if nums[i] == 1:
     80                 i += 1
     81             elif nums[i] == 2:
     82                 two -= 1
     83                 nums[two], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[two]
     84             else:
     85                 zero += 1
     86                 nums[zero], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[zero]
     87                 i += 1 #!!! forget
     88 """
     89 解法四:用三个指针
     90 i,j,k分别指向最后一个0,1,2
     91 """
     92 class Solution4:
     93     def sortColors(self, nums):
     94         """
     95         Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
     96         """
     97         i, j, k = -1, -1, -1 #i,j,k分别指向最后一个0,1,2
     98         for m in range(len(nums)):
     99             if nums[m] == 0:
    100                 k += 1         #bug python中写成 nums[++k] 是无效的
    101                 nums[k] = 2
    102                 j += 1
    103                 nums[j] = 1
    104                 i += 1
    105                 nums[i] = 0
    106             elif nums[m] == 1:
    107                 k += 1
    108                 nums[k] = 2
    109                 j += 1
    110                 nums[j] = 1
    111             else:
    112                 k += 1
    113                 nums[k] = 2
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    Python 的语言特性
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yawenw/p/12329292.html
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