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  • sql 选取分组中的第一条,显示聚合以外的列,having字句的使用

    select * from
    select row_number() over(partition by 列1,列2,... order by 列1,列2,...) as rownum -- 排序并分组
    , * -- 所需显示的字段
    from 表
    ) as T
    where T.rownum = 1

    SELECT  a.examroomnum ,
             a.positionnum ,
             a.人数 ,
             a.suminterviewscore ,
             a.avginterviewscore ,
     FROM    SELECT    examroomnum ,
                         positionnum ,
                         COUNT(*) AS 人数 ,
                         SUM(interviewscore) suminterviewscore ,
                         AVG(interviewscore) avginterviewscore
               FROM      examinee
               GROUP BY  examroomnum ,
             ) a
             LEFT JOIN examinee b ON a.examroomnum = b.examroomnum
                                     AND a.positionnum = b.positionnum

    HAVING语句通常与GROUP BY语句联合使用,用来过滤由GROUP BY语句返回的记录集。



    SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function (expression)FROM tablesWHERE predicatesGROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_nHAVING condition1 ... condition_n;


    SELECT id, COUNT(course) as numcourse, AVG(score) as avgscore

    FROM student

    GROUP BY id

    HAVING AVG(score)>=80;




    select productid,inamount,DATEDIFF(day,operatedate,getdate()) from(
    select row_number() over(partition by productid order by operatedate) as rownum,*
    from (select p.productid,p.inamount,k.operatedate from
    (select productid,isnull(sum(amount),0) as inamount from P_ProductBillSumTab a with(nolock)
    where tagid in ('1101','1102','1105','1106') group by productid having isnull(sum(amount),0)>(select sum(storage) as storate from p_productbatchtab b with(nolock)
    where productid=a.productid)) p
    left join P_ProductBillSumTab k with(nolock) on k.productid=p.productid) as mm) as T
    where T.rownum = 1 order by operatedate


    select *,DATEDIFF(day,t.operatedate,getdate()) from (
    (select row_number() over(partition by productid order by samount) as rownum,* from(
    select aa.*,c.storage from (
    select productid,amount,operatedate,
    (select SUM(amount) from product_inlist b where b.productid=a.productid and b.id>=a.id) as samount
    from product_inlist a)aa
    left join product_storage c on c.productid=aa.productid
    where samount>c.storage
    ) k )) as T where T.rownum = 1
    order by operatedate desc

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yc-shen/p/10481554.html
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