$.fn.longPress = function(fn) { var timeout = undefined; var $this = this; for(var i = 0;i<$this.length;i++){ $this[i].addEventListener('touchstart', function(event) { timeout = setTimeout(fn, 1000); //长按时间超过1000ms,则执行传入的方法 }, false); $this[i].addEventListener('touchend', function(event) { clearTimeout(timeout); //长按时间少于800ms,不会执行传入的方法 }, false); } } $(选择器).longPress (fn)
$.fn.longPress = function(fn1,fn2) { var $this = this; var timeout = undefined; for(var i = 0;i<$this.length;i++){ $this[i].addEventListener('touchstart', function(event) { timeout = new Date().getTime(); fn1(); event.preventDefault(); }, false); $this[i].addEventListener('touchend', function(event) { if(new Date().getTime()-timeout<1500){ fn2(new Date().getTime()-timeout); } event.preventDefault(); }, false); } } $('.checkDiv').longPress(function(){ $('#progressDiv').stop().animate({'100%'},1500,function(){ console.log('调用接口') }) },function(time){ if($('#progressDiv')[0].style.width == '100%'){ return; } $('#progressDiv').stop().animate({'0px'},time,function(){}) })
// Zepto.js // (c) 2010-2015 Thomas Fuchs // Zepto.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. ;(function($, undefined){ var prefix = '', eventPrefix, // prefix浏览器前缀 -webkit等,eventPrefix事件前缀 vendors = { Webkit: 'webkit', Moz: '', O: 'o' }, //前缀数据源 不包含IE testEl = document.createElement('div'), //临时DIV容器 supportedTransforms = /^((translate|rotate|scale)(X|Y|Z|3d)?|matrix(3d)?|perspective|skew(X|Y)?)$/i, //变形检测 transform, //变形 transitionProperty, transitionDuration, transitionTiming, transitionDelay,//过渡 animationName, animationDuration, animationTiming, animationDelay, //动画 cssReset = {} //将驼峰字符串转成css属性,如aB-->a-b function dasherize(str) { return str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '$1-$2').toLowerCase() } //修正事件名 function normalizeEvent(name) { return eventPrefix ? eventPrefix + name : name.toLowerCase() } /** * 根据浏览器内核,设置CSS前缀,事件前缀 * 如-webkit, css:-webkit- event:webkit * 这里会在vendors存储webkit,moz,o三种前缀 */ $.each(vendors, function(vendor, event){ if (testEl.style[vendor + 'TransitionProperty'] !== undefined) { prefix = '-' + vendor.toLowerCase() + '-' eventPrefix = event return false } }) transform = prefix + 'transform' //变形 //过渡,对于css属性重新设置前缀 cssReset[transitionProperty = prefix + 'transition-property'] = cssReset[transitionDuration = prefix + 'transition-duration'] = cssReset[transitionDelay = prefix + 'transition-delay'] = cssReset[transitionTiming = prefix + 'transition-timing-function'] = cssReset[animationName = prefix + 'animation-name'] = cssReset[animationDuration = prefix + 'animation-duration'] = cssReset[animationDelay = prefix + 'animation-delay'] = cssReset[animationTiming = prefix + 'animation-timing-function'] = '' /** * 动画常量数据源,默认设置 * @type {{off: boolean, speeds: {_default: number, fast: number, slow: number}, cssPrefix: string, transitionEnd: *, animationEnd: *}} */ $.fx = { off: (eventPrefix === undefined && testEl.style.transitionProperty === undefined), //能力检测是否支持动画,具体检测是否支持过渡,支持过渡事件 speeds: { _default: 400, fast: 200, slow: 600 }, cssPrefix: prefix, //css 前缀 如-webkit- transitionEnd: normalizeEvent('TransitionEnd'), //过渡结束事件 animationEnd: normalizeEvent('AnimationEnd') //动画播放结束事件 } /** * 创建自定义动画 * @param properties 样式集 * @param duration 持续事件 * @param ease 速率 * @param callback 完成时的回调 * @param delay 动画延迟 * @returns {*} */ // 这里是对参数的修正和处理,真正操作的是anim方法 $.fn.animate = function(properties, duration, ease, callback, delay){ //参数修正,传参为function(properties,callback) if ($.isFunction(duration)) callback = duration, ease = undefined, duration = undefined if ($.isFunction(ease)) //传参为function(properties,duration,callback) callback = ease, ease = undefined if ($.isPlainObject(duration)) //传参为function(properties,{}) ease = duration.easing, callback = duration.complete, delay = duration.delay, duration = duration.duration // duration 数字:持续时间 字符串:取speeds: { _default: 400, fast: 200, slow: 600 }对应数字 if (duration) duration = (typeof duration == 'number' ? duration : ($.fx.speeds[duration] || $.fx.speeds._default)) / 1000 //动画持续时间默认值 if (delay) delay = parseFloat(delay) / 1000 //延迟时间,除以1000转换成s return this.anim(properties, duration, ease, callback, delay) } /** * 动画核心方法 * @param properties 样式集 * @param duration 持续事件 * @param ease 速率 * @param callback 完成时的回调 * @param delay 动画延迟 * @returns {*} */ $.fn.anim = function(properties, duration, ease, callback, delay){ var key, cssValues = {}, cssProperties, transforms = '', // transforms 变形 cssValues设置给DOM的样式 that = this, wrappedCallback, endEvent = $.fx.transitionEnd, fired = false //修正持续时间 if (duration === undefined) duration = $.fx.speeds._default / 1000 if (delay === undefined) delay = 0 //如果浏览器不支持动画,持续时间设为0,直接跳动画结束 if ($.fx.off) duration = 0 // properties是动画名 if (typeof properties == 'string') { // keyframe [animationName] = properties cssValues[animationName] = properties cssValues[animationDuration] = duration + 's' cssValues[animationDelay] = delay + 's' cssValues[animationTiming] = (ease || 'linear') endEvent = $.fx.animationEnd //动画结束事件 } else { //properties 是样式集 cssProperties = [] // CSS transitionsanimation cssValues for (key in properties) // supportedTransforms.test(key) 正则检测是否为变形 // key + '(' + properties[key] + ') '拼凑成变形方法 if (supportedTransforms.test(key)) transforms += key + '(' + properties[key] + ') ' else cssValues[key] = properties[key], cssProperties.push(dasherize(key)) console.log(transforms) // 变形统一存入 cssValues cssProperties if (transforms) cssValues[transform] = transforms, cssProperties.push(transform) // duration > 0可以播放动画,且properties是对象,表明为过渡,上面有字符串,则为animate if (duration > 0 && typeof properties === 'object') { cssValues[transitionProperty] = cssProperties.join(', ') cssValues[transitionDuration] = duration + 's' cssValues[transitionDelay] = delay + 's' cssValues[transitionTiming] = (ease || 'linear') //默认线性速率 } } //动画完成后的响应函数 wrappedCallback = function(event){ if (typeof event !== 'undefined') { if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) return // makes sure the event didn't bubble from "below" $(event.target).unbind(endEvent, wrappedCallback) } else $(this).unbind(endEvent, wrappedCallback) // triggered by setTimeout fired = true // TODO 既然已经执行完了,为什么这里要重复css一下,不太理解 $(this).css(cssReset) callback && callback.call(this) } //处理动画结束事件 if (duration > 0){ //绑定动画结束事件 this.bind(endEvent, wrappedCallback) // transitionEnd is not always firing on older Android phones // so make sure it gets fired //延时ms后执行动画,注意这里加了25ms,保持endEvent,动画先执行完。 //绑定过事件还做延时处理,是transitionEnd在older Android phones不一定触发 setTimeout(function(){ //如果触发过,就不处理 if (fired) return wrappedCallback.call(that) }, ((duration + delay) * 1000) + 25) } // trigger page reflow so new elements can animate //主动触发页面回流,刷新DOM,让接下来设置的动画可以正确播放 //更改 offsetTop、offsetLeft、 offsetWidth、offsetHeight;scrollTop、scrollLeft、scrollWidth、scrollHeight;clientTop、clientLeft、clientWidth、clientHeight;getComputedStyle() 、currentStyle()。这些都会触发回流。回流导致DOM重新渲染,平时要尽可能避免,但这里,为了动画即时生效播放,则主动触发回流,刷新DOM。 // 与.length属性一致 this.size() && this.get(0).clientLeft //设置样式,启动动画 this.css(cssValues) // duration为0,即浏览器不支持动画的情况,直接执行动画结束,执行回调。 if (duration <= 0) setTimeout(function() { that.each(function(){ wrappedCallback.call(this) }) }, 0) return this; } testEl = null //去掉不必要的数据存储,便于垃圾回收 })(Zepto)
3、如果要使用zepto的show, hide, toggle, and fade*()等方法,需引入zepto.fn.js,(https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/blob/master/src/fx_methods.js#files)如下:
/** * 使用show()、hide()、fadeIn()、fadeOut()等 * Zepto.js * (c) 2010-2016 Thomas Fuchs * Zepto.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. * @param {Object} $ * @param {Object} undefined */ ;(function($, undefined) { var document = window.document, docElem = document.documentElement, origShow = $.fn.show, origHide = $.fn.hide, origToggle = $.fn.toggle function anim(el, speed, opacity, scale, callback) { if(typeof speed == 'function' && !callback) callback = speed, speed = undefined var props = { opacity: opacity } if(scale) { props.scale = scale el.css($.fx.cssPrefix + 'transform-origin', '0 0') } return el.animate(props, speed, null, callback) } function hide(el, speed, scale, callback) { return anim(el, speed, 0, scale, function() { origHide.call($(this)) callback && callback.call(this) }) } $.fn.show = function(speed, callback) { origShow.call(this) if(speed === undefined) speed = 0 else this.css('opacity', 0) return anim(this, speed, 1, '1,1', callback) } $.fn.hide = function(speed, callback) { if(speed === undefined) return origHide.call(this) else return hide(this, speed, '0,0', callback) } $.fn.toggle = function(speed, callback) { if(speed === undefined || typeof speed == 'boolean') return origToggle.call(this, speed) else return this.each(function() { var el = $(this) el[el.css('display') == 'none' ? 'show' : 'hide'](speed, callback) }) } $.fn.fadeTo = function(speed, opacity, callback) { return anim(this, speed, opacity, null, callback) } $.fn.fadeIn = function(speed, callback) { var target = this.css('opacity') if(target > 0) this.css('opacity', 0) else target = 1 return origShow.call(this).fadeTo(speed, target, callback) } $.fn.fadeOut = function(speed, callback) { return hide(this, speed, null, callback) } $.fn.fadeToggle = function(speed, callback) { return this.each(function() { var el = $(this) el[ (el.css('opacity') == 0 || el.css('display') == 'none') ? 'fadeIn' : 'fadeOut' ](speed, callback) }) } })(Zepto);