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  • 队列



    队列的数据元素又称为队列元素。在队列中插入一个队列元素称为入队,从队列中删除一个队列元素称为出队。因为队列只允许在一端插入,在另一端删除,所以只有最早进入队列的元素才能最先从队列中删除,故队列又称为先进先出(FIFO—first in first out)线性表


           数据结构 = 结构定义 + 结构操作。


    1 typedef struct Queue {
    2     int *data;
    3     int head, tail, length;
    4 } Queue;




    1 Queue *init(int n);
    2 void empty(Queue *q);
    3 int push(Queue *q, int val);
    4 int pop(Queue *q);
    5 void output(Queue *q);
    6 void clear(Queue *q);
    7 int front(Queue *q);

    2.1 队列初始化

     1 /*
     2     描述:
     3         初始化一个容量大小为n的先行队列。
     4     参数:
     5         n:表示初始化时,队列的容量大小
     6     返回值:
     7         成功返回队列q的地址
     8 */
     9 Queue *init(int n) {
    10     Queue *q = (Queue *)malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    11     q->data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
    12     q->length = n;
    13     q->head = q->tail = 0;
    14     return q;
    15 }


    2.2 销毁队列

     1 /*
     2     描述:    
     3         销毁一个线性队列q
     4     参数:    
     5         q: 线性队列的地址
     6     返回值:
     7         无返回值。
     8 */
     9 void clear(Queue *q) {
    10     if (q == NULL) return ;
    11     free(q->data);
    12     free(q);
    13     return ;
    14 }


    2.3 返回队头元素

     1 /*
     2     描述:    
     3         返回队头元素。
     4     参数:
     5         线性队列的地址
     6     返回值:
     7         队头元素的值
     8 */
     9 int front(Queue *q) {
    10     return q->data[q->head];
    11 }


    2.4 判断队列是否为空

     1 /*
     2     描述:
     3         判断队列是否为空
     4     参数:
     5         线性队列的地址
     6     返回值:
     7         队列为空返回1,否则返回0
     8 */
     9 int empty(Queue *q) {
    10     return q->head == q->tail;
    11 }


    2.5 入队操作

     1 /*
     2     描述:
     3         入队一个元素
     4     参数:
     5         q: 线性队列的地址
     6         val:要入队的元素
     7     返回值:
     8         入队成功返回1,否则返回0
     9 */
    10 int push(Queue *q, int val) {
    11     if (q == NULL) return 0;
    12     if (q->tail == q->length) return 0;
    13     q->data[q->tail] = val;
    14     q->tail++;
    15     return 1;
    16 }


    2.6 出队操作

     1 /*
     2     描述:
     3         出队一个元素。
     4     参数:
     5         q: 线性队列的地址
     6     返回值:
     7         出队成功返回1,否则返回0
     8 */
     9 int pop(Queue *q) {
    10     if (q == NULL) return 0;
    11     if (empty(q)) return 0;
    12     q->head++;
    13     return 1;
    14 }


    2.7 输出操作

     1 /*
     2     描述:    
     3         以指定格式输出一个队列的所有元素
     4     参数:
     5         q:线性队列的地址
     6     返回值:
     7         无返回值。
     8 */
     9 void output(Queue *q) {
    10     if (q == NULL) return ;
    11     printf("Queue: [");
    12     for (int i = q->head, j = 0; i < q->tail; i++, j++) {
    13         j && printf(", ");
    14         printf("%d", q->data[i]);
    15     }
    16     printf("]
    17 }

      以指定格式[e1, e2, ..., en]输出一个队列的所有元素。

    2.8 测试程序

     1 #include <stdio.h>
     2 #include <stdlib.h>
     3 #include <time.h>
     5 #define COLOR(a, b) "33[" #b "m" a "33[0m"
     6 #define RED(a) COLOR(a, 31)
     7 typedef struct Queue {
     8     int *data;
     9     int head, tail, length;
    10 } Queue;
    12 Queue *init(int n);
    13 int empty(Queue *q);
    14 int push(Queue *q, int val);
    15 int pop(Queue *q); 
    16 void output(Queue *q); 
    17 void clear(Queue *q); 
    18 int front(Queue *q); 
    20 int main(void) {
    21     srand(time(0));
    22     #define max_op 20
    23     Queue *q = init(10);
    24     for (int i = 0; i < max_op; i++) {
    25         int val = rand() % 100;
    26         int op = rand() % 4;
    27         printf(RED("operation: %d
    "), i);
    28         switch (op) {
    29             case 0:
    30             case 1:
    31             case 2: {
    32                 printf("Push %d to the Queue!", val);
    33                 printf("result = %d
    ", push(q, val));
    34             } break;
    35             case 3: {
    36                 printf("Pop %d from the Queue! ", front(q));
    37                 printf("result = %d
    ", pop(q));
    38             } break;
    39         }
    40         output(q), printf("
    41     }
    42     #undef max_op
    43     clear(q);
    44     return 0;
    45 }
    46 //队列有两种实现方式
    47 //1.tail指针指向最后一个元素位置的地址
    48 //2.tail指针指向最后一个元素的下一个位置的地址
    49 //我们采用第二种
    50 Queue *init(int n) {
    51     Queue *q = (Queue *)malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    52     q->data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
    53     q->length = n;
    54     q->head = q->tail = 0;
    55     return q;
    56 }
    58 int front(Queue *q) {
    59     return q->data[q->head];
    60 }
    62 int empty(Queue *q) {
    63     return q->head == q->tail; 
    64 }
    66 int push(Queue *q, int val) {
    67     if (q == NULL) return 0;
    68     if (q->tail == q->length) return 0;
    69     q->data[q->tail] = val;
    70     q->tail++;
    71     return 1;
    72 }
    74 int pop(Queue *q) {
    75     if (q == NULL) return 0;
    76     if (empty(q)) return 0;
    77     q->head++;
    78     return 1;
    79 }
    81 void output(Queue *q) {
    82     if (q == NULL) return ;
    83     printf("Queue: [");
    84     for (int i = q->head, j = 0; i < q->tail; i++, j++) {
    85         j && printf(", ");
    86         printf("%d", q->data[i]);
    87     }
    88     printf("]
    89 }
    91 void clear(Queue *q) {
    92     if (q == NULL) return ;
    93     free(q->data);
    94     free(q);
    95     return ;
    96 }



    operation: 0
    Push 4 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [4]
    operation: 1
    Pop 4 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: []
    operation: 2
    Push 50 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [50]
    operation: 3
    Push 10 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [50, 10]
    operation: 4
    Push 62 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [50, 10, 62]
    operation: 5
    Push 36 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [50, 10, 62, 36]
    operation: 6
    Push 10 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [50, 10, 62, 36, 10]
    operation: 7
    Push 49 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [50, 10, 62, 36, 10, 49]
    operation: 8
    Push 83 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [50, 10, 62, 36, 10, 49, 83]
    operation: 9
    Push 59 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [50, 10, 62, 36, 10, 49, 83, 59]
    operation: 10
    Pop 50 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [10, 62, 36, 10, 49, 83, 59]
    operation: 11
    Push 66 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [10, 62, 36, 10, 49, 83, 59, 66]
    operation: 12
    Push 79 to the Queue!result = 0
    Queue: [10, 62, 36, 10, 49, 83, 59, 66]
    operation: 13
    Push 66 to the Queue!result = 0
    Queue: [10, 62, 36, 10, 49, 83, 59, 66]
    operation: 14
    Pop 10 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [62, 36, 10, 49, 83, 59, 66]
    operation: 15
    Pop 62 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [36, 10, 49, 83, 59, 66]
    operation: 16
    Push 16 to the Queue!result = 0
    Queue: [36, 10, 49, 83, 59, 66]
    operation: 17
    Pop 36 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [10, 49, 83, 59, 66]
    operation: 18
    Push 11 to the Queue!result = 0
    Queue: [10, 49, 83, 59, 66]
    operation: 19
    Push 88 to the Queue!result = 0
    Queue: [10, 49, 83, 59, 66]




    typedef struct Queue {
        int *data;
        int head, tail, length, cnt;
    } Queue;



    1 Queue *init(int n);
    2 void empty(Queue *q);
    3 int push(Queue *q, int val);
    4 int pop(Queue *q);
    5 void output(Queue *q);
    6 void clear(Queue *q);
    7 int front(Queue *q);

    循环队列的结构操作和线性队列的结构操作都一样,但是部分操作的内部逻辑我们必须进行修改,这部分需要修改的操作为init,empty, push,pop, output。接下来我们分别给出这部分操作的代码并分析。

    3.1 初始化

    1 Queue *init(int n) {
    2     Queue *q = (Queue *)malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    3     q->data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
    4     q->length = n;
    5     q->head = q->tail = 0;
    6     q->cnt = 0;
    7     return q;
    8 }


    3.2 判断队列是否为空

    1 int empty(Queue *q) {
    2     return q->cnt == 0;
    3 }


    3.3 入队操作

     1 int push(Queue *q, int val) {
     2     if (q == NULL) return 0;
     3     if (q->cnt == q->length) {
     4         if (!expand(q)) return 0;
     5         printf(GREEN("expand queue successful!, queue->length:%d
    "), q->length);
     6     }
     7     q->data[q->tail++] = val;
     8     if (q->tail == q->length) q->tail = 0; // q->tail %= q->length
     9     q->cnt += 1;
    10     return 1;
    11 }


    3.4 出队操作

    1 int pop(Queue *q) {
    2     if (q == NULL) return 0;
    3     if (empty(q)) return 0;
    4     q->head++;
    5     if (q->head == q->length) q->head = 0; //q->head %= q->length;
    6     q->cnt -= 1;
    7     return 1;
    8 }


    3.5 输出队列所有元素操作

    1 void output(Queue *q) {
    2     if (q == NULL) return ;
    3     printf("Queue: [");
    4     for (int i = 0; i < q->cnt; i++) {
    5         i && printf(", ");
    6         printf("%d", q->data[(i + q->head) % q->length]);
    7     }
    8     printf("]
    9 }


    3.6 扩容操作


     1 /*
     2     描述:
     3         扩容队列q的容量大小
     4     参数:
     5         q:需要扩容的队列的地址
     6     返回值:
     7         成功返回1,失败返回0
     8 */
     9 int expand(Queue *q) {
    10     int extra_size = q->length;
    11     int *p;
    12     while (extra_size) {
    13         p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (q->length + extra_size));
    14         if (p) break;
    15         extra_size >>= 1;
    16     }
    17     if (p == NULL) return 0;
    18     for (int i = q->head, j = 0; j < q->cnt; j++) {
    19         p[j] = q->data[(i + j) % q->length];
    20     }
    21     free(q->data);
    22     q->data = p;
    23     q->length += extra_size;
    24     q->head = 0;
    25     q->tail = q->cnt;
    26     return 1;
    27 }



      1 //循环队列
      2 #include <stdio.h>
      3 #include <stdlib.h>
      4 #include <time.h>
      6 #define COLOR(a, b) "33[" #b "m" a "33[0m"
      7 #define RED(a) COLOR(a, 31)
      8 #define GREEN(a) COLOR(a, 32)
     10 typedef struct Queue {
     11     int *data;
     12     int head, tail, length, cnt;
     13 } Queue;
     15 //队列有两种实现方式
     16 //1.tail指针指向最后一个元素位置的地址
     17 //2.tail指针指向最后一个元素的下一个位置的地址
     18 //我们采用第二种
     19 Queue *init(int n) {
     20     Queue *q = (Queue *)malloc(sizeof(Queue));
     21     q->data = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
     22     q->length = n;
     23     q->head = q->tail = 0;
     24     q->cnt = 0;
     25     return q;
     26 }
     28 int front(Queue *q) {
     29     return q->data[q->head];
     30 }
     32 int empty(Queue *q) {
     33     return q->cnt == 0; 
     34 }
     36 int expand(Queue *q) {
     37     int extra_size = q->length;
     38     int *p;
     39     while (extra_size) {
     40         p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (q->length + extra_size));
     41         if (p) break;
     42         extra_size >>= 1;
     43     }
     44     if (p == NULL) return 0;
     45     for (int i = q->head, j = 0; j < q->cnt; j++) {
     46         p[j] = q->data[(i + j) % q->length];
     47     }
     48     free(q->data);
     49     q->data = p;
     50     q->length += extra_size;
     51     q->head = 0;
     52     q->tail = q->cnt;
     53     return 1;
     54 }
     56 int push(Queue *q, int val) {
     57     if (q == NULL) return 0;
     58     if (q->cnt == q->length) {
     59         if (!expand(q)) return 0;
     60         printf(GREEN("expand queue successful!, queue->length:%d
    "), q->length);
     61     } 
     62     q->data[q->tail++] = val;
     63     if (q->tail == q->length) q->tail = 0; // q->tail %= q->length
     64     q->cnt += 1;
     65     return 1;
     66 }
     68 int pop(Queue *q) {
     69     if (q == NULL) return 0;
     70     if (empty(q)) return 0;
     71     q->head++;
     72     if (q->head == q->length) q->head = 0; //q->head %= q->length;
     73     q->cnt -= 1;
     74     return 1;
     75 }
     77 void output(Queue *q) {
     78     if (q == NULL) return ;
     79     printf("Queue: [");
     80     for (int i = 0; i < q->cnt; i++) {
     81         i && printf(", ");
     82         printf("%d", q->data[(i + q->head) % q->length]);
     83     }
     84     printf("]
     85 }
     87 void clear(Queue *q) {
     88     if (q == NULL) return ;
     89     free(q->data);
     90     free(q);
     91     return ;
     92 }
     94 int main(void) {
     95     srand(time(0));
     96     #define max_op 20
     97     Queue *q = init(2);
     98     for (int i = 0; i < max_op; i++) {
     99         int val = rand() % 100;
    100         int op = rand() % 4;
    101         printf(RED("operation: %d
    "), i);
    102         switch (op) {
    103             case 0:
    104             case 1:
    105             case 2: {
    106                 printf("Push %d to the Queue!", val);
    107                 printf("result = %d
    ", push(q, val));
    108             } break;
    109             case 3: {
    110                 printf("Pop %d from the Queue! ", front(q));
    111                 printf("result = %d
    ", pop(q));
    112             } break;
    113         }
    114         output(q), printf("
    115     }
    116     printf("tail: %d
    ", q->tail);
    117     #undef max_op
    118     clear(q);
    119     return 0;
    120 }


    operation: 0
    Push 62 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [62]
    operation: 1
    Push 57 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [62, 57]
    operation: 2
    Push 76 to the Queue!expand queue successful!, queue->length:4
    result = 1
    Queue: [62, 57, 76]
    operation: 3
    Pop 62 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [57, 76]
    operation: 4
    Push 26 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [57, 76, 26]
    operation: 5
    Push 19 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [57, 76, 26, 19]
    operation: 6
    Push 95 to the Queue!expand queue successful!, queue->length:8
    result = 1
    Queue: [57, 76, 26, 19, 95]
    operation: 7
    Push 29 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [57, 76, 26, 19, 95, 29]
    operation: 8
    Push 35 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [57, 76, 26, 19, 95, 29, 35]
    operation: 9
    Pop 57 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [76, 26, 19, 95, 29, 35]
    operation: 10
    Pop 76 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [26, 19, 95, 29, 35]
    operation: 11
    Push 99 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [26, 19, 95, 29, 35, 99]
    operation: 12
    Push 82 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [26, 19, 95, 29, 35, 99, 82]
    operation: 13
    Pop 26 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [19, 95, 29, 35, 99, 82]
    operation: 14
    Push 14 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [19, 95, 29, 35, 99, 82, 14]
    operation: 15
    Push 65 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [19, 95, 29, 35, 99, 82, 14, 65]
    operation: 16
    Push 1 to the Queue!expand queue successful!, queue->length:16
    result = 1
    Queue: [19, 95, 29, 35, 99, 82, 14, 65, 1]
    operation: 17
    Push 98 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [19, 95, 29, 35, 99, 82, 14, 65, 1, 98]
    operation: 18
    Pop 19 from the Queue! result = 1
    Queue: [95, 29, 35, 99, 82, 14, 65, 1, 98]
    operation: 19
    Push 73 to the Queue!result = 1
    Queue: [95, 29, 35, 99, 82, 14, 65, 1, 98, 73]
    tail: 11





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    P3197 [HNOI2008]越狱[组合数学]
    P1351 联合权值[鬼畜解法]
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ydqblogs/p/14056203.html
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