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  • 二叉排序树






    根据以上性质,我们得知二叉排序树的中序遍历是一个有序序列(升序),如上图中序遍历得到的序列为:1 2 10 14 18 20 22


    struct Node {
        int key;
        Node *lchild, *rchild;


    我们定义一个函数Node* getNewNode(int key),其传入参数是一个key,返回值为一个节点地址,表示初始化一个具体key值的节点,这里是为了给插入节点函数服务所实现的。

    Node *getNewNode(int key) {
        Node *p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        p->key = key;
        p->lchild = p->rchild = NIL;




    Node *insert(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return getNewNode(key);
        if (key == root->key) {//这里不重复插入相同key值得节点
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//若插入key比当前节点的key小,则递归到当前节点的左子树中去插入
            root->lchild = insert(root->lchild, key);
        } else (key > root->key) {//若插入key比当前节点的key大,则递归到当前节点的右子树中去插入
            root->rchild = insert(root->rchild, key);
        return root;



    删除度为0的节点 -> 直接删除
    删除度为1的节点 -> 把删除节点的孤儿节点挂到自己的位置上
    删除度为2的节点 -> 转化为删除要删除节点的前驱或者后继

    前驱 -> 左子树的最大值
    后继 -> 右子树的最小值



    Node *prodecessor(Node *root) {
        Node *p = root->lchild;
        while (p != NIL) {
            p = p->rchild;
        return p;


    Node *erase(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//key值小于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, key);
        } else if (key > root->key) {//key值大于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->rchild = erase(root->rchild, key);
        } else {//key值与当前节点的key一样,则以度的数量开始区分删除情况。
            if (root->lchild == NULL && root->rchild == NULL) {//度为1:直接删除
                return NULL;
            } else if (root->lchild == NULL || root->rchild == NULL) {//度为2:直接返回孤儿节点的地址给自身
                Node *temp = root->lchild == NULL ? root->rchild : root->lchild;
                return temp;
            } else {//度为2:直接转化为删除该节点的前驱节点
                Node *temp = predecessor(root);
                root->key = temp->key;
                root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, temp->key);
        return root;



    void in_order(Node *root) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return ;
        printf("%d ", root->key);
        return ;



    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #define KEY(n) (n ? n->key : -1)
    typedef struct Node {
        int key;
        struct Node *lchild, *rchild;
    } Node;
    Node *getNewNode(int key) {
        Node *p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        p->key = key;
        p->lchild = p->rchild = NULL;
    void clear(Node *root) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return ;
        return ;
    Node *insert(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return getNewNode(key);
        if (root->key == key) {//这里不重复插入相同key值得节点
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//若插入key比当前节点的key小,则递归到当前节点的左子树中去插入
            root->lchild = insert(root->lchild, key);
        } else {//若插入key比当前节点的key大,则递归到当前节点的右子树中去插入
            root->rchild = insert(root->rchild, key);
        return root;
    Node *prodecessor(Node *root) {
        Node *p = root->lchild;
        while (p->rchild != NULL) {
            p = p->rchild;
        return p;
    Node *erase(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//key值小于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, key);
        } else if (key > root->key){//key值大于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->rchild = erase(root->rchild, key);
        } else {//key值与当前节点的key一样,则以度的数量开始区分删除情况。
            if (root->lchild == NULL && root->rchild == NULL) {//度为0:直接删除
                return NULL;
            } else if (root->lchild == NULL || root->rchild == NULL) {//度为1:直接返回孤儿节点的地址给自身
                Node *p = root->lchild == NULL ? root->rchild : root->lchild;
                return p;
            } else {//度为2:直接转化为删除该节点的前驱节点
                Node *p = prodecessor(root);
                root->key = p->key;
                root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, p->key);
        return root;
    void print_node(Node *root) {
        printf("(%d: %d, %d)
    ", KEY(root), KEY(root->lchild), KEY(root->rchild));
    void _in_order(Node *root) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return ;
        return ;
    void in_order(Node *root) {
        printf("binary tree:
    void menu(void) {
        printf("Please enter the operation: 
        printf("Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
        printf("Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
        printf("Press TRL + D to quit!
    int main() {
        Node *root = NULL;
        int op, key;
        while (~scanf("%d", &op)) {
            if (op != 1 && op != 2) {
                printf("please enter the right operation!
            switch (op) {
                case 1:
                    printf("Enter the key you want to insert: ");
                    scanf("%d", &key);
                    root = insert(root, key);
                case 2:
                    printf("Enter the key you want to delete: ");
                    scanf("%d", &key);
                    root = erase(root, key);
        return 0;


    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 12
    binary tree:
    (12: -1, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 8
    binary tree:
    (8: -1, -1)
    (12: 8, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 34
    binary tree:
    (8: -1, -1)
    (12: 8, 34)
    (34: -1, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 56
    binary tree:
    (8: -1, -1)
    (12: 8, 34)
    (34: -1, 56)
    (56: -1, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    2 12
    Enter the key you want to delete: binary tree:
    (8: -1, 34)
    (34: -1, 56)
    (56: -1, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    1 12
    Enter the key you want to insert: binary tree:
    (8: -1, 34)
    (12: -1, -1)
    (34: 12, 56)
    (56: -1, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!


    第一棵树按一下顺序插入6个元素: 6 9 3 2 7 5
    第二棵树按以下顺序插入6个元素: 2 3 5 6 7 9
    这里的时候,第一棵二叉排序树的元素平均查找期望是(1+2*2+3*3)/6 = 5/2,大致是O(logN)级别的时间复杂度;而第二棵树的凭据查找期望是(1+2+3+4+5+6)/6 = 7/3,且这很明显,这里第二颗树已经退化成链表,这时候它的查找效率是O(N),而对比第一棵树,由于是一棵完全二叉树,其查找效率在O(logN)。由此,我们可以下定结论:

    1. 插入顺序会影响最终的树形结构
    2. 不同的树形结构,查找效率不同





    Node *erase(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//key值小于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, key);
        } else if (key > root->key) {//key值大于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->rchild = erase(root->rchild, key);
        } else {//key值与当前节点的key一样,则以度的数量开始区分删除情况。
            if (root->lchild == NULL || root->rchild == NULL) {//删除度为0或者1都可以这个分支。
                Node *temp = root->lchild == NULL ? root->rchild : root->lchild;
                delete root;
                return temp;
            } else {//度为2:直接转化为删除该节点的前驱节点
                Node *temp = predecessor(root);
                root->key = temp->key;
                root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, temp->key);
        return root;


    1. 修改二叉排序树的结构定义,增加 size 字段,记录每棵树的节点数量
    2. 若K = LS + 1,则根节点就是排名第 k 位的元素
    3. 若K <= LS,则排名第 K 位的元素在左子树中
    4. 若K > LS + 1,则排名第 k 位的元素在右子树中


    typedef struct Node {
        int key, size;
        struct Node *lchild, *rchild;
    } Node;


    Node *getNewNode(int key) {
        Node *p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        p->key = key;
        p->size = 1;
        p->lchild = p->rchild = NULL;


    void update_size(Node *root) {
        root->size = SIZE(root->lchild) + SIZE(root->rchild) + 1;


    Node *insert(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return getNewNode(key);
        if (root->key == key) {//这里不重复插入相同key值得节点
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//若插入key比当前节点的key小,则递归到当前节点的左子树中去插入
            root->lchild = insert(root->lchild, key);
        } else {//若插入key比当前节点的key大,则递归到当前节点的右子树中去插入
            root->rchild = insert(root->rchild, key);
        return root;


    Node *erase(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//key值小于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, key);
        } else if (key > root->key){//key值大于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->rchild = erase(root->rchild, key);
        } else {//key值与当前节点的key一样,则以度的数量开始区分删除情况。
            if (root->lchild == NULL || root->rchild == NULL) {//删除度为0或者1都可以这个分支。
                Node *p = root->lchild == NULL ? root->rchild : root->lchild;
                return p;
            } else {////度为2:直接转化为删除该节点的前驱节点
                Node *p = prodecessor(root);
                root->key = p->key;
                root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, p->key);
        return root;




    int find_k(Node *root, int k) {
        if (root == NULL || k == 0) {
            return -1;
        if (k == SIZE(root->lchild) + 1) {//若root节点的左子树节点数量 + 1等于 k,则root节点就是第K个节点
            return root->key;
        if (k <= SIZE(root->lchild)) {//若root节点的左子树节点数量大于等于k,则递归到左子树中去找第K个节点
            return find_k(root->lchild, k);
        //若root左子树节点数量 + 1小于K,则递归到右子树中去找右子树中第K - size(L(root)) - 1个节点。
        if (k > SIZE(root->lchild) + 1) {
            return find_k(root->rchild, k - SIZE(root->lchild) - 1);
    #define KEY(n) (n ? n->key : -1)//返回某个节点的key值
    #define SIZE(n) (n ? n->size : 0)//返回某个节点对应的树的节点数量

    解决 Top-K 问题(找到小于第 k 位的所有元素)

    1. 根节点就是第 k 位元素的话,就把左子树中的值全部输出出来
    2. 第 k 位在左子树中,前 k 位元素全都在左子树中
    3. 第 k 位在右子树中,说明根节点和左子树中的元素,都是前 k 位元素里面的值
    void output_k(Node *root, int k) {
        if (root == NULL || k <= 0) {
            return ;
        if (k == SIZE(root->lchild)) {
        } else if (k < SIZE(root->lchild)) {
            output_k(root->lchild, k);
        } else {
            output_k(root->rchild, k - SIZE(root->lchild) - 1);


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #define KEY(n) (n ? n->key : -1)
    #define SIZE(n) (n ? n->size : 0)
    typedef struct Node {
        int key, size;
        struct Node *lchild, *rchild;
    } Node;
    Node *getNewNode(int key) {
        Node *p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        p->key = key;
        p->size = 1;
        p->lchild = p->rchild = NULL;
    void clear(Node *root) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return ;
        return ;
    void update_size(Node *root) {
        root->size = SIZE(root->lchild) + SIZE(root->rchild) + 1;
    Node *insert(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return getNewNode(key);
        if (root->key == key) {//这里不重复插入相同key值得节点
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//若插入key比当前节点的key小,则递归到当前节点的左子树中去插入
            root->lchild = insert(root->lchild, key);
        } else {//若插入key比当前节点的key大,则递归到当前节点的右子树中去插入
            root->rchild = insert(root->rchild, key);
        return root;
    Node *prodecessor(Node *root) {
        Node *p = root->lchild;
        while (p->rchild != NULL) {
            p = p->rchild;
        return p;
    Node *erase(Node *root, int key) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return root;
        if (key < root->key) {//key值小于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, key);
        } else if (key > root->key){//key值大于当前节点的key,则要删除的点在root的左子树上
            root->rchild = erase(root->rchild, key);
        } else {//key值与当前节点的key一样,则以度的数量开始区分删除情况。
            if (root->lchild == NULL || root->rchild == NULL) {//删除度为0或者1都可以这个分支。
                Node *p = root->lchild == NULL ? root->rchild : root->lchild;
                return p;
            } else {////度为2:直接转化为删除该节点的前驱节点
                Node *p = prodecessor(root);
                root->key = p->key;
                root->lchild = erase(root->lchild, p->key);
        return root;
    void print_node(Node *root) {
        printf("(%d[%d]: %d, %d)
    ", KEY(root), SIZE(root), KEY(root->lchild), KEY(root->rchild));
    void _in_order(Node *root) {
        if (root == NULL) {
            return ;
        return ;
    void in_order(Node *root) {
        printf("binary tree:
    int find_k(Node *root, int k) {
        if (root == NULL || k == 0) {
            return -1;
        if (k == SIZE(root->lchild) + 1) {//若root节点的左子树节点数量 + 1等于 k,则root节点就是第K个节点
            return root->key;
        if (k <= SIZE(root->lchild)) {//若root节点的左子树节点数量大于等于k,则递归到左子树中去找第K个节点
            return find_k(root->lchild, k);
        //若root左子树节点数量 + 1小于K,则递归到右子树中去找右子树中第K - size(L(root)) - 1个节点。
        if (k > SIZE(root->lchild) + 1) {
            return find_k(root->rchild, k - SIZE(root->lchild) - 1);
    void menu(void) {
        printf("Please enter the operation: 
        printf("Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
        printf("Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
        printf("Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
        printf("Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
        printf("Press TRL + D to quit!
    int main() {
        Node *root = NULL;
        int op, val;
        while (~scanf("%d", &op)) {
            if (op < 1 || op > 4) {
                printf("please enter the right operation!
            switch (op) {
                case 1:
                    printf("Enter the key you want to insert: ");
                    scanf("%d", &val);
                    root = insert(root, val);
                case 2:
                    printf("Enter the key you want to delete: ");
                    scanf("%d", &val);
                    root = erase(root, val);
                case 3:
                    printf("Enter the index you are looking for:");
                    scanf("%d", &val);
                    printf("Find NO.%d of the binary tree, result: %d
    ", val, find_k(root, val));
                case 4:
                    printf("Enter a k for output top-k sequence: ");
                    scanf("%d", &val);
                    output_k(root, val);
            if (op != 3 && op != 4) {
        return 0;
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 12
    binary tree:
    (12[1]: -1, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 8
    binary tree:
    (8[1]: -1, -1)
    (12[2]: 8, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 10
    binary tree:
    (8[2]: -1, 10)
    (10[1]: -1, -1)
    (12[3]: 8, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 9
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[4]: 8, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 34
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[5]: 8, 34)
    (34[1]: -1, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 23
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[6]: 8, 34)
    (23[1]: -1, -1)
    (34[2]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 20
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[7]: 8, 34)
    (20[1]: -1, -1)
    (23[2]: 20, -1)
    (34[3]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 18
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[8]: 8, 34)
    (18[1]: -1, -1)
    (20[2]: 18, -1)
    (23[3]: 20, -1)
    (34[4]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 17
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[9]: 8, 34)
    (17[1]: -1, -1)
    (18[2]: 17, -1)
    (20[3]: 18, -1)
    (23[4]: 20, -1)
    (34[5]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 19
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[10]: 8, 34)
    (17[1]: -1, -1)
    (18[3]: 17, 19)
    (19[1]: -1, -1)
    (20[4]: 18, -1)
    (23[5]: 20, -1)
    (34[6]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 21
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[11]: 8, 34)
    (17[1]: -1, -1)
    (18[3]: 17, 19)
    (19[1]: -1, -1)
    (20[5]: 18, 21)
    (21[1]: -1, -1)
    (23[6]: 20, -1)
    (34[7]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 25
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[12]: 8, 34)
    (17[1]: -1, -1)
    (18[3]: 17, 19)
    (19[1]: -1, -1)
    (20[5]: 18, 21)
    (21[1]: -1, -1)
    (23[7]: 20, 25)
    (25[1]: -1, -1)
    (34[8]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to insert: 28
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[13]: 8, 34)
    (17[1]: -1, -1)
    (18[3]: 17, 19)
    (19[1]: -1, -1)
    (20[5]: 18, 21)
    (21[1]: -1, -1)
    (23[8]: 20, 25)
    (25[2]: -1, 28)
    (28[1]: -1, -1)
    (34[9]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the key you want to delete: 17
    binary tree:
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[12]: 8, 34)
    (18[2]: -1, 19)
    (19[1]: -1, -1)
    (20[4]: 18, 21)
    (21[1]: -1, -1)
    (23[7]: 20, 25)
    (25[2]: -1, 28)
    (28[1]: -1, -1)
    (34[8]: 23, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the index you are looking for:4
    Find NO.4 of the binary tree, result: 12
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter the index you are looking for:10
    Find NO.10 of the binary tree, result: 25
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter a k for output top-k sequence: 7
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[12]: 8, 34)
    (18[2]: -1, 19)
    (19[1]: -1, -1)
    (20[4]: 18, 21)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter a k for output top-k sequence: 3
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!
    Enter a k for output top-k sequence: 4
    (8[3]: -1, 10)
    (9[1]: -1, -1)
    (10[2]: 9, -1)
    (12[12]: 8, 34)
    Please enter the operation:
    Press 1 to insert a node to binary search tree
    Press 2 to delete a node from binary search tree
    Press 3 to find a node from binary search tree
    Press 4 to output top-k sequence from binary search tree
    Press TRL + D to quit!


  • 相关阅读:
    AcWing 157. 树形地铁系统 (hash判断树同构)打卡
    AcWing 156. 矩阵 (哈希二维转一维查询)打卡
    AcWing 144. 最长异或值路径 01字典树打卡
    AcWing 143. 最大异或对 01字典树打卡
    AcWing 142. 前缀统计 字典树打卡
    AcWing 139. 回文子串的最大长度 hash打卡
    AcWing 138. 兔子与兔子 hash打卡
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ydqblogs/p/14676077.html
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