ContentResolver是通过URI来查询ContentProvider中提供的数据。除了URI以 外,还必须知道需要获取的数据段的名称,以及此数据段的数据类型。
返回值 | 函数声明 |
final Uri | insert (Uri url, ContentValues values) Inserts a row into a table at the given URL. |
final int | delete (Uri url, String where, String[] selectionArgs) Deletes row(s) specified by a content URI. |
final Cursor | query (Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) Query the given URI, returning a Cursor over the result set. |
final int | update (Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] selectionArgs) Update row(s) in a content URI. |