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  • AC自动机专题

    全名: Aho-Corasick 自动机, 类似 Trie + next函数 

    写法: 动态 / 静态, 个人比较偏向与静态

    内容: 网上一大堆,我是看的 LRJ新版白书214页


    // Aho-Corasick
    using namespace std;
    #define Clear(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
    const int N = (int)1e4;
    const int Max = 26;
    struct Aho_Corasick{
        int ch[N][Max], last[N], f[N], val[N];
        int cnt[N], top;
        void init(){
            top = 0;
        int NewNode(){
            int x = ++top;
            return ++top;    
        void insert(char *T, int num){
            int x = 0, n = strlen(T);
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                int c = T[i]-'a';
                if( !ch[x][c] ) ch[x][c] = NewNode();
                x  = ch[x][c];
            val[x] = num;    
        void getfail(){
            queue<int> Q;
            for(int c = 0; c < Max; c++){
                int u = ch[0][c];
                if(u) f[u]=0, last[u]=0, Q.push(u);
            while( !Q.empty() ){
                int r = Q.front(); Q.pop();
                for(int c = 0; c < Max; c++){
                    int u = ch[r][c];
                    if( !u ){ ch[r][c]=ch[f[r]][c]; conitnue;}
                    Q.push(u); // ooxx   Q.push(u);
                    int v = f[r]; // ooxx  v = f[r];
                    while( v&&!ch[v][c] )  v = f[v];
                    f[u] = ch[v][c];
                    last[u] = val[ f[u] ] ? f[u]: last[ f[u] ];
        void find(char *s){
            int x = 0, n = strlen(s);
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                int c = s[i]-'a';
                x = ch[x][c];
                if( val[x] ) count(x);
                else if( last[x] ) count( last[x] );
        void count(int x){
                cnt[ val[x] ]++;
                if( last[x] ) count( last[x] );
    View Code


    UVALive 4670 - Dominating Patterns

    模板题, 统计模板串出现次数最大的. Trick是可能有多个同时,与 会出现相同模板串.,用个map映射都搞出来就可以了.

    using namespace std;
    #define Clear(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
    const int N = 20000;
    const int M = (int)1e6+10;
    struct AC{
        int ch[N][26],f[N],last[N];
        int val[N],cnt[N];
        int top;
        void init(){
            Clear(ch); Clear(f); Clear(last);
            Clear(val); Clear(cnt);
            top = 0;    
        int NewNode(){
            int x = ++top;
            Clear( ch[x] );
            return x;    
        void insert(char *T, int num){
            int n = strlen(T);
            int x = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                int c = T[i]-'a';
                if( !ch[x][c] ) ch[x][c] = NewNode();
                x = ch[x][c];
            val[x] = num;    
        void getfail(){
            queue<int> Q;
            for(int c = 0; c < 26; c++){
                int u = ch[0][c];
                if(u) f[u] = 0, last[u] = 0, Q.push(u);
            while( !Q.empty() ){
                int r = Q.front(); Q.pop();
                for(int c = 0; c < 26; c++){
                    int u = ch[r][c];
                //    if( !u ) continue;
                    if( !u ){ ch[r][c] = ch[ f[r] ][c]; continue; } //补上所有不存在的边
                    int v = f[r];
                    while( v && !ch[v][c] ) v = f[v];
                    f[u] = ch[v][c];
            //        printf("f[%d] = ch[%d][%d] = %d\n", u,v,c, f[u] );
                    last[u] = val[ f[u] ] ? f[u]: last[ f[u] ];
        void find(char *T){
            int n = strlen(T);
            int x = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                int c = T[i]-'a';
            //    while( x && !ch[x][c] ) x = f[x];    
                x = ch[x][c]; //直接匹配到
            //    printf("Find: x = %d\n", x );
                if( val[x] ) count(x);
                else if( last[x] ) count( f[x] );
        void count(int x){
    //            printf("Count: x = %d\n", x );    
                cnt[ val[x] ]++;
                if( last[x] ) count( last[x] );
    map<string,int> mp;
    char str[200][100];
    char text[M];
    int main(){
        int n;
        while( scanf("%d", &n), n ){
            // init    
            int tot = 0;
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
                scanf("%s", str[i] );
                if( mp.count( str[i] ) == 0 ) mp[ str[i] ] = ++tot;
                ac.insert( str[i], mp[str[i]] );
            scanf("%s", text);
            ac.find( text );
            int k = 0;
            for(int i = 1; i <= tot; i++)
                k = max( k, ac.cnt[i] );
            printf("%d\n", k );
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
                if( ac.cnt[ mp[str[i]] ] == k )
                    printf("%s\n", str[i] );
        return 0;
    View Code

    HDU 2896 病毒侵袭

    也是差不多模板题,统计哪些模式串出现过,Trick是 字符集是0-127,不是a-z有木有, 还有就是模式串总长500*200,开到6*10^4就行..坑爹大作... 还有模板姿势要对...AC开全局.不然会RE或者MLE.

    using namespace std;
    const int N = (int)6e4+10;
    const int M = (int)1e4+10;
    const int Max = 128;
    #define max Max
    #define clear(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x));
    struct AC{
        int ch[N][128],f[N],last[N],val[N];
        int cnt[N], top;
        void init(){
            top = 0;    
        int NewNode(){
            return ++top;        
        void insert(char *T, int num){
            int x = 0, n = strlen(T);
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                int c = T[i];
                if( !ch[x][c] ) ch[x][c] = NewNode();
                x = ch[x][c];
            val[x] = num;    
        void getfail(){
            queue<int> Q;
            for(int c = 0; c < max; c++){
                int u = ch[0][c];
                if( u ) Q.push(u);
            while( !Q.empty() ){
                int r = Q.front(); Q.pop();
                for(int c = 0; c < max; c++){
                    int u = ch[r][c];
                    if( !u ){ ch[r][c] = ch[f[r]][c]; continue; }
                    int v = f[r];
                    while( v&&!ch[v][c] ) v = f[v];
                    f[u] = ch[v][c];
                    last[u] = val[ f[u] ] ? f[u] : last[ f[u] ];
        void find(char *T){
            int x = 0, n = strlen(T);
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                int c = T[i];
                x = ch[x][c];
                if( val[x] ) count(x);
                else if( last[x] ) count( last[x] );
        void count(int x){
                cnt[ val[x] ]++;
                count( last[x] );
    }ac; //记得开全局啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
    char s[510][210];
    char text[M];
    int main(){
        int n, m;
        while( scanf("%d", &n) != EOF){
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
                scanf("%s", s[i] );
                ac.insert( s[i], i );
            scanf("%d", &m); 
            int tot = 0;    
            for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){
                scanf("%s", text );
                int cnt = 0;
                for(int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                    if( ac.cnt[j] ) cnt++;
                if( cnt > 0 ){
                    printf("web %d:", i);
                    for(int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                        if(ac.cnt[j]) printf(" %d", j);
            printf("total: %d\n", tot);    
        return 0;
    View Code

    HDU 1277 全文检索 

    坑爹的字符串输入, 不过幸好涨姿势了.  格式控制比较准. 解法模板变动下..按顺序存起来,输出.  GetFail指针记得进队...老是忘记...OOXX

    using namespace std;
    #define Clear(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
    const int N = (int)6e5+10;
    const int M = (int)1e4+10;
    int n, m;
    vector<int> S;
    struct AC{
        int ch[N][10], f[N], last[N], val[N];
        int vis[M], top;
        void init(){
            Clear(ch); Clear(f);
            Clear(last); Clear(val);
            top = 0;
        int NewNode(){
            return ++top;    
        void insert(char *T,int num){
            int x = 0, L = strlen(T);
            for(int i = 0; i < L; i++){
                int c = T[i]-'0';    
                if( !ch[x][c] ) ch[x][c] = NewNode();
                x = ch[x][c];
            val[x] = num;    
        void getfail(){
            queue<int> Q;    
            for(int c = 0; c < 10; c++){
                int u = ch[0][c];
                if(u) Q.push(u);
            while( !Q.empty() ){
                int r = Q.front(); Q.pop();
                for(int c = 0; c < 10; c++){
                    int u = ch[r][c];
                    if(!u){ ch[r][c]=ch[f[r]][c]; continue; }
                    Q.push(u); // ooxx    
                    int v = f[r];
                    while( v&&!ch[v][c] ) v = f[v];
                    f[u] = ch[v][c];
                    last[u] = val[ f[u] ] ? f[u]: last[ f[u] ];
        void find(string T){
            int x = 0, L = T.size();
            for(int i = 0; i < L; i++){
                int c = T[i]-'0';
                x = ch[x][c];
                if( val[x] ) count(x);
                else if( last[x] ) count(last[x]);
        void count(int x){
                if( !vis[ val[x] ] )
                    vis[ val[x] ] = true, S.push_back( val[x] );
                if( last[x] ) count( last[x] );    
    string text;
    char s[N], t[N];
    int main(){
        while( scanf("%d%d",&m,&n) != EOF){
            for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){
                scanf("%s", s);    
                text += s;
            for(int i = 1, x; i <= n; i++){
                scanf(" [Key No. %d] %s", &x,s);
                ac.insert(s, i);
            int cnt = 0;
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                if( ac.vis[i] ) cnt++;
            if( cnt ){
                printf("Found key:");    
                for(int i = 0; i < (int)S.size(); i++)
                    printf(" [Key No. %d]", S[i]);    
                puts("No key can be found !");    
        return 0;
    View Code

    HDU 2222 Keywords Search

    题目Trick 是模板串 会出现相同的. 也要被计算. 

    using namespace std;
    const int N = (int)5e5+10;
    const int M = (int)1e6+10;
    #define Clear(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
    int cnt[N];
    struct AC{
        int ch[N][26],f[N],last[N];
        int val[N],top, ans;
        void init(){
            top = 0;
            last[0] = f[0] = val[0] = 0;
        int NewNode(){ 
            int x = ++top;
            last[x] = f[x] = val[x] = 0;
            return x;
        void insert(char *T,int num){
            int x = 0, n = strlen(T);
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                int c = T[i]-'a';
                if( !ch[x][c] ) ch[x][c] = NewNode();
                x = ch[x][c];
            val[x] = num;    
        void getfail(){
            for(int c = 0; c < 26; c++){
                int u = ch[0][c];
                if(u) Q.push(u), last[u] = 0, f[0] = 0; 
            while( !Q.empty() ){
                int r = Q.front(); Q.pop();
                for(int c = 0; c < 26; c++){
                    int u = ch[r][c]; 
                    if( !u ){ ch[r][c]=ch[f[r]][c]; continue; }
                    int v = f[r];
                    while( v&&!ch[v][c] ) v = f[v];
                    f[u] = ch[v][c];
                    last[u] = val[ f[u] ] ? f[u]: last[ f[u] ];
        int find(char *T){
            int x = 0, n = strlen(T);
            ans = 0;    
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                int c = T[i]-'a'; 
                x = ch[x][c];
                if( val[x] ) count(x);
                else if( last[x] ) count( last[x] );
            return ans;    
        void count(int x){
                cnt[ val[x] ]++;
                if(last[x]) count(last[x]);
    map<string,int> mp;
    char s[M], t[10111][55];
    int main(){
        int _;
        scanf("%d", &_);
        while( _-- ){
            int n;
            scanf("%d", &n);
            ac.init();    Clear(cnt);
            int top = 0;    
            for(int i=1; i <= n; i++){
                scanf("%s", t[i]); //vis[i] = false;
                if( mp.count(t[i]) == 0 ){
                    mp[ t[i] ] = ++top;    
                    ac.insert( t[i], top );    
            scanf("%s", s);
            int res = 0;
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                if( cnt[ mp[t[i]] ] ) res++;
            printf("%d\n",res++ );
        return 0;
    View Code

    HDU 3065 病毒持续侵袭中


    using namespace std;
    const int N = (int)5e5+10;
    const int M = (int)2e6+10;
    #define Clear(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x));
    int cnt[N];
    struct AC{
        int ch[N][26],f[N],last[N];
        int val[N], top;
        void init(){
            val[0] = 0;
            top = 0;
        int NewNode(){
            int x = ++top;
            val[x]=f[x]=last[x] = 0;
            return x;
        void insert(char *T,int num){
            int x = 0;
            for(int i = 0; T[i] != 0; i++){
                int c = T[i]-'A';    
                if( !ch[x][c] ) ch[x][c] = NewNode();
                x = ch[x][c];
            val[x] = num;    
        void getfail(){
            queue<int> Q;
            for(int c = 0; c < 26; c++){
                int u = ch[0][c];
                if(u) last[u]=f[u]=0, Q.push(u);
            while( !Q.empty() ){
                int r = Q.front(); Q.pop();
                for(int c = 0; c < 26; c++){
                    int u = ch[r][c];
                    if( !u ){ ch[r][c]=ch[f[r]][c];continue; }
                    int v = f[r];
                    while( v&&!ch[v][c] ) v = f[v];
                    f[u] = ch[v][c];
                    last[u] = val[ f[u] ]? f[u]: last[ f[u] ];
        void find(char *T){
            int x = 0;
            for(int i = 0; T[i] != 0; i++){ 
                if( (T[i]<'A'||T[i]>'Z') ) x = 0;
                    int c = T[i]-'A';
                    x = ch[x][c]; 
                    if( val[x] ) count(x);
                    else if( last[x] ) count( last[x] );
        void count(int x){
                cnt[ val[x] ]++;
                x = last[x];
    char s[M], t[1010][55];
    int main(){
        int n;
        while( scanf("%d", &n) != EOF ){
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
                scanf("%s", t[i]);
                ac.insert(t[i], i);
            scanf("%s", s); 
        //    getchar(); gets(s);
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
                if( cnt[i] ) printf("%s: %d\n", t[i], cnt[i] );    
        return 0;
    View Code

    uva 11468 substring

    只考虑端点是否为 模式串结尾, 然后概率计算 在AC自动机上走L步的, 根据全概率公式以及 记忆化搜索来做.不过要注意空间问题,用多少清多少.

    using namespace std;
    const int N = 5010;
    #define Clear(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
    double p[100];
    int idx(char ch){
        if( ch>='0' && ch<='9' ) return ch-'0';
        else if( ch>='A' && ch<='Z') return 10 + ch-'A';
        else return 36 + ch-'a';
    struct Trie{
        int ch[N][65], f[N], top;
        bool end[N];
        void init(){
            f[0] = end[0] = 0;
            top = 0;    
        int NewNode(){
            int x = ++top;
            f[x] = end[x] = 0;
            return x;
        void insert(char *T){
            int x = 0;
            for(int i = 0; T[i] != 0; i++){
                int c = idx( T[i] );
                if( !ch[x][c] ) ch[x][c] = NewNode();
                x = ch[x][c];
            end[x] = true;    
        void getfail(){
            queue<int> Q;
            for(int c = 0; c < 65; c++){
                int u = ch[0][c];
                if(u) Q.push(u);
            while( !Q.empty() ){
                int r = Q.front(); Q.pop();
                end[r] |= end[ f[r] ];
                for(int c = 0; c < 65; c++){
                    int u = ch[r][c];
                    if( !u ){ ch[r][c] = ch[f[r]][c]; }
                        Q.push(u); f[u] = ch[f[r]][c];
    double dp[N][310];
    bool vis[N][310];
    double getprob(int u,int L){
        if( L == 0 ) return 1.0;
        if( vis[u][L] ) return dp[u][L];
        vis[u][L] = true;
        double &ans = dp[u][L];
        ans = 0.0;
        for(int c = 0; c < 65; c++){
            if( !AC.end[ AC.ch[u][c] ] ){
                ans += p[c]*getprob( AC.ch[u][c], L-1 );    
        return ans;    
    char str[50];
    int main(){
        int _;
        int n, k;
        scanf("%d", &_);
        for(int Case = 1; Case <= _; Case++){    
            scanf("%d", &k);
            for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){
                scanf("%s", str);
            scanf("%d", &n);    
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
                double a;
                scanf("%s %lf", str, &a);
                p[ idx(str[0]) ] = a;
            int L; scanf("%d", &L);    
            double res = getprob( 0, L );
            printf("Case #%d: %.6lf\n", Case, res );
        return 0;
    View Code

    uva 11019 Matrix Matcher 

    二维匹配, 将P按行拆分构自动机,然后 T按行匹配,  利用一个数组Count[N][N], 来组合行形成矩阵. 详细见 LRJ白书218. P中可能有多行相同.可为之建一链表存储.

    using namespace std;
    const int N = 1010;
    const int M = 10101;
    #define Clear(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
    #define count Count
    char T[N][N], P[N][N];
    int n, m, X, Y;
    int count[N][N];
    struct node{
        int row, nxt;
    int idx;
    struct Trie{
        int ch[M][26], f[M], end[M], last[M];
        int top;
        void init(){
            f[0] = 0; last[0] = 0; end[0] = -1;
            top = 0, idx = 0;    
        int NewNode(){
            int x = ++top;
            f[x] = last[x] = 0; end[x] = -1;
            return x;
        void AddEdge(int x,int row){
            edge[idx].row = row; 
            edge[idx].nxt = end[x];
            end[x] = idx++;
        void insert(char *s,int row){
            int x = 0;
            for(int i = 0; s[i]!=0; i++){
                int c = s[i]-'a';
                if( !ch[x][c] ) ch[x][c] = NewNode();
                x = ch[x][c];
            AddEdge( x, row );    
        void getfail(){
            queue<int> Q;
            for(int c = 0; c < 26; c++){
                int u = ch[0][c];
                if( u ) Q.push(u);
            while( !Q.empty() ){
                int r = Q.front(); Q.pop();
                for(int c = 0; c < 26; c++){
                    int u = ch[r][c];
                    if( !u ){
                        ch[r][c] = ch[ f[r] ][c];    
                        int v = f[r];
                        while( v && !ch[v][c] ) v = f[v];
                        f[u] = ch[v][c];
                        last[u] = end[ f[u] ] != -1 ? f[u] : last[ f[u] ];    
        void find(char *s, int r){
            int x = 0;
            for(int i = 0; s[i] != 0; i++){
                int c = s[i]-'a', col = i+1;
                x = ch[x][c];
                if( end[x] != -1 ) frac( x, r, col );
                else if( last[x] ) frac( last[x],r,col );
        void frac(int x,int r,int c){
                for(int j = end[x]; ~j; j = edge[j].nxt ){
                    int row = edge[j].row;
                    if( (r-row+1 >= 1) && (c-Y+1 >= 1) ){
                        count[ r-row+1 ][ c-Y+1 ]++;        
                if( last[x] ) frac( last[x],r,c );
    int main(){
        int _; scanf("%d",&_);
        while( _-- ){
            scanf("%d%d", &n,&m);    
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                scanf("%s", T[i] );
            for(int i = 0; i < X; i++)
                scanf("%s", P[i] );
                AC.insert( P[i], i+1 );
            Clear( count );
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                AC.find( T[i], i+1 );
            int res = 0;
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                for(int j = 1; j <= m; j++)
                    if( count[i][j] == X ) res++;
            printf("%d\n", res);
        return 0;
    View Code
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    CDH Yarn 调度资源指南
    Sqoop export(Hive to MySQL) 的一些 reference
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yefeng1627/p/3094566.html
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