// //********************************************************* //Ftp basic operation //********************************************************* // // //1. connect to ftp // BOOL flag; CString cstrFtpServer = TEXT(""); //ftp server address CString cstrFtpUserName = TEXT("pdmug"); //user name CString cstrFtpPassword = TEXT("pdmuguser"); //password CInternetSession* m_pInternetSession = NULL; CFtpConnection* m_pFtpConnection = NULL; try { m_pInternetSession = new CInternetSession(); m_pFtpConnection = m_pInternetSession->GetFtpConnection(cstrFtpServer, cstrFtpUserName, cstrFtpPassword, 21); //21 --- ftp port } catch (CInternetException* pEx) //error:can not connect to specific ftp { if (m_pInternetSession != NULL) { delete m_pInternetSession; } if (m_pFtpConnection != NULL) { delete m_pFtpConnection; } return; } // //2. get current directory // CString cstrCurrDir; flag = m_pFtpConnection->GetCurrentDirectory(cstrCurrDir); if (!flag) //get current directory error { } // //3. set current directory // CString cstrNewCurrDir = TEXT("//pdmpv/GOX/BACK_COVER/"); flag = m_pFtpConnection->SetCurrentDirectory(cstrNewCurrDir); if (!flag) //set current directory error { } // //4. download file from ftp // flag = m_pFtpConnection->GetFile(TEXT("CA110900_2ND_MD.ol"), TEXT("D:\\123.ol"), TRUE); if (!flag) //download file fail { } // //5. upload file to ftp // flag = m_pFtpConnection->PutFile(TEXT("D:\\123.txt"), TEXT("456.txt")); if (!flag) //upload file fail { } // //6. rename file on ftp // flag = m_pFtpConnection->Rename(TEXT("456.txt"), TEXT("456_wy.txt")); if (!flag) //rename file fail { } // //7. remove file on ftp // flag = m_pFtpConnection->Remove(TEXT("456.txt")); if (!flag) //remove file fail { } // //8. create directory on ftp // flag = m_pFtpConnection->CreateDirectory(TEXT("WangYao")); if (!flag) //create directory on ftp fail { } // //9. remove directory on ftp //Note: directory must be empty or will cause error // flag = m_pFtpConnection->RemoveDirectory(TEXT("WangYao")); if (!flag) //remove directory on ftp fail { } // //10. Do not forget to free resource // delete m_pInternetSession; delete m_pFtpConnection; // //********************************************************* //Ftp file finder //********************************************************* // // //1. 如上:connect to ftp // // //2. 如上:set current directory // // //3. find file(参考CFileFind) // CFtpFileFind fFinder(m_pFtpConnection); BOOL bFind = fFinder.FindFile(TEXT("*.*")); while (bFind) { bFind = fFinder.FindNextFile(); //当前文件夹及上层文件夹(名称分别为.和..)----------------- if (fFinder.IsDots()) { continue; } //子文件夹--------------------------------------------- if(fFinder.IsDirectory()) { CString cstrDirName = fFinder.GetFileName(); //directory name CString cstrDirPath = fFinder.GetFilePath(); //directory path continue; } //文件------------------------------------------------- CString cstrFileName = fFinder.GetFileName(); //file name CString cstrFilePath = fFinder.GetFilePath(); //file path } fFinder.Close();