windows 下调用gzip.exe 和tar.exe解压*.tar.gz压缩包到指定目录
如:解压D:/test/1.tar.gz 到E:/test/下
cd /d D:
gzip /test/1.tar.gz
tar xvf /test/1.tar -C //./E:/test/
下面是我自己用QT写的解压函数,windows 和 linux 都适用。
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <QFile> #include <QProcess> #include <QDebug> typedef int BOOL; #define RET_FAILED -1 #define RET_SUCCESS 0 BOOL Extract(QString fileName,QString dstPath) { if(fileName.length()<8 || fileName.right(7)!=".tar.gz") { qDebug()<<"Extract error:unknown file format,mast be '.tar.gz'"; return RET_FAILED; } if(dstPath.length() == 0) { return RET_FAILED; } int ret; QProcess p; fileName = fileName.replace("//","/"); qDebug()<<"Extrating "<<fileName<<" to "<<dstPath<<" ..."; if( == ':') { QString driveId = fileName.left(2); fileName = fileName.right(fileName.length()-2); p.execute("cd /d " + driveId); } qDebug()<<"start to ungzip "<<fileName<<" ..."; ret = p.execute("gzip -d " + fileName); if(ret != 0) { qDebug()<<"gzip returns error code:"<<ret; } qDebug()<<"ungzip "<<fileName<<" success!"; fileName = fileName.left(fileName.length()-3); if( == ':') { dstPath = "//./" + dstPath; } qDebug()<<"start to untar "<<fileName<<" ..."; p.execute("tar xvf " + fileName + " -C " + dstPath); if(ret != 0) { qDebug()<<"tar returns error code:"<<ret; } qDebug()<<"untar "<<fileName<<" success!"; QFile::remove(fileName); return RET_SUCCESS; }