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  • OJ_摘录

    一、        OJ结果代码:

    1.         const int OJ_WAIT       = 0; //OK 等待 waiting[1]

    2.         const int OJ_Judging[2]

    3.         const int OJ_AC         = 1; //OK 接受 accepted[3]

    4.         const int OJ_PE         = 2; //OK 格式错误? Presentation error[4]

    5.         const int OJ_TLE        = 3; //OK 超时 time limit Exceeded[5]

    6.         const int OJ_MLE        = 4; //OK 超内存 memory limit Exceeded[6]

    7.         const int OJ_WA         = 5; //OK 结果错误 wrong answer[7]

    8.         const int OJ_OLE        = 6; //OK 输出限制 output limit Exceeded[8]

    9.         const int OJ_CE         = 7; //OK 编译出错 compile error[9]

    10.     const int OJ_NSP                       //OK 未知错误 No Such Problem[10]

    11.     const int OJ_RE_SEGV    = 8; //OK 运行错误Runtime ERROR

    12.     const int OJ_RE_FPE     = 9; //OK

    13.     const int OJ_RE_BUS     = 10;//OK

    14.     const int OJ_RE_ABRT    = 11;//OK

    15.     const int OJ_RE_UNKNOWN = 12;//OK

    16.     const int OJ_RF         = 13;//OK

    17.     const int OJ_SE         = 14;//System Error

    二、        退出代码:

    1.         const int EXIT_OK               =   0;

    2.         const int EXIT_BAD_USAGE        =   2;

    3.         const int EXIT_BAD_ARG          =   2;

    4.         const int EXIT_BAD_TIME_LIMIT   =   4;

    5.         const int EXIT_BAD_LANG         =   5;

    6.         const int EXIT_BAD_MEM_LIMIT    =   6;

    7.         const int EXIT_BAD_OUT_LIMIT    =   8;

    8.         const int EXIT_BAD_FORK         =   10;

    9.         const int EXIT_SETRLIMIT_TIME   =   12;

    10.     const int EXIT_SETRLIMIT_MEM    =   14;

    11.     const int EXIT_SETRLIMIT_STACK =   16;

    12.     const int EXIT_SETRLIMIT_FSIZE =   17;

    13.     const int EXIT_CHDIR            =   18;

    14.     const int EXIT_FREOPEN_IN       =   20;

    15.     const int EXIT_FREOPEN_OUT      =   22;

    16.     const int EXIT_FREOPEN_ERR      =   24;

    17.     const int EXIT_SETITIMER        =   26;

    18.     const int EXIT_PTRACE_TRACEME   =   28;

    19.     const int EXIT_EXECL            =   30;

    20.     const int EXIT_PTRACE_GETREGS   =   32;

    21.     const int EXIT_PTRACE_SYSCALL   =   34;

    22.     const int EXIT_FILEREADER_OPEN =   36;

    23.     const int EXIT_FILEREADER_READ =   38;

    24.     const int EXIT_FILEREADER_CLOSE =   40;

    25.     const int EXIT_WAIT4            =   42;

    26.     const int EXIT_SPJ_POPEN        =   44;

    27.     const int EXIT_SPJ_PCLOSE       =   46;

    28.     const int EXIT_SPJ_TIMEOUT      =   48;

    29.     const int EXIT_SPJ_FSCANF       =   50;

    30.     const int EXIT_SPJ_UNKNOWN      =   52;

    31.     const int EXIT_UNKNOWN          =   64;

    三、         输入: 命令行参数(如果某参数包含空格,记得用引号:

    1.         -e 需要执行的程序(如果是java,则需要包含完整的java ooox命令行)

    2.         -l 语言类型(0 = C, 1 = C++, 2 = pascal, 3 = Java)

    3.         -d 临时文件夹 (用于存储程序输出)

    4.         -I 输入文件 (data/1001/test.in)

    5.         -O 输出文件 (data/1001/test.out)

    6.         -t 时间限制,毫秒为单位(默认为1000ms)

    7.         -m 内存限制,KB 为单位(默认为65536KB)

    8.         -o 输出大小限制,KB 为单位(默认为8192KB)

    9.         -s SPJ程序命令行,如不提供则表示不是SPJ

    10.     -j -? 显示此提示

    四、        评判过程



    1 评判流程

    五、        系统模块图

    2 系统模块

        后端 Judge 服务器模块包括:程序运行器、守护进程、编译接口、用例测试器。

        前端 Web 服务器模块包括:系统管理员、用户验证、排名统计、问题浏览、提交、查看运行状态。





        程序运行器:程序运行器执行编译产生的可执行代码,并事先设置该程序的权限和运行限制,准备输入输出重定向,然后产生解答输出。 判断程序运行的状态。其中要保证被执行的程序不能危害系统的安全,不能访问非授权信息,不能占用超过规定量的资源。


        守护进程:管理比赛例程,监控 Judge 服务器的运行状态,帮助程序运行器完成对用户进程的监控,必要时终止用户进程。守护进程还负责与数据库耦合,取出数据库中尚未评判的程序,然后将程序的评判结果信息写回数据库。





    六、        前端 Web 系统模型

        前端 Web 系统:即给每个用户使用的客户端,负责接受用户的命令,将程序提交给服务器,并将服务器返回的结果显示给用户。对于这种类型的应用来说,有两种模式可以选择,一为客户/服务器(C/S)模式,二为浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式。

        C/S 模式有很多优点,比如能够实现更丰富的用户操作方式,给用户更加丰富的用户体验。但它也存在很根本的缺点,即非常不容易管理,需要在每一个客户端安装程序。相对来说,B/S 模式就要方便很多,只需要客户端有一个浏览器就行。在线评判系统的目标是要在校园网上开展大型的练习或竞赛,同时,用户的复杂性操作的需求不显著,所以 B/S 模式是在线评判系统的最佳选择,其系统模型如图3所示。

    3 前端 Web 系统模型

    七、        后端 Judge 服务器系统模型




        服务器在评判过程中,不管是编译阶段,程序运行阶段,还是用例测试阶段,其工作量是相当大的。特别是当程序提交数量很多时,可能会造成提交的问题需长时间的等待才能够给予评判,这不仅影响了评判进度,还会影响前端 Web 服务器的执行速度。解决该问题的一种方案是提升服务器的硬件性能指标,如使用工作站,甚至巨型机当服务器,或分布式系统计算机。另一种解决方案是利用基于网络的多服务器系统并行执行。不管采用哪一种方案,在 Judge 服务器设计过程中,应尽量提高评判过程中的并行执行特性,如多线程,多进程,多服务器,流水线系统结构等。

        并行执行的系统结构:并行执行的系统结构是通过多线程,多进程或多 Judge 服务器并行执行一个程序评判的全过程。多个 Judge 服务器通过缓冲区与评判系统的前端 Web 服务器耦合。缓冲区是一个临界资源,必须采取相应的机制(信号量,互斥锁)使得多Judge服务器的同步与互斥。其参考模型如图4所示。


    4 并行系统结构

        其中每台 Judge 服务器都相对独立的执行一个程序的评判全过程(即编译,运行和测试)。



    5 流水线系统结构


    八、        数据库设计



    6 E-R

    九、        面向对象的系统设计







    十、        /PROC文件系统

    The Linux implementation of /proc also clones that of Plan 9. Under Linux, /proc includes a directory for each running process (including kernel processes) at /proc/PID, containing information about that process, notably including:

    1.         /proc/PID/cmdline, which contains the command which originally started the process.

    2.         /proc/PID/cwd, a symlink to the current working directory of the process.

    3.         /proc/PID/environ, a file containing the names and contents of the environment variables that affect the process.

    4.         /proc/PID/exe, a symlink to the original executable file, if it still exists (a process may continue running after its original executable has been deleted or replaced).

    5.         /proc/PID/fd, a directory containing a symbolic link for each open file descriptor.

    6.         /proc/PID/root, a symlink to the root path as seen by the process. For most processes this will be a link to / unless the process is running in a chroot jail.

    7.         /proc/PID/status, a file containing basic information about a process including its run state and memory usage.

    8.         /proc/PID/task, a directory containing hard links to any tasks that have been started by this (i.e.: the parent) process.

    9.         /proc/PID/maps, the memory map showing which addresses currently visible to that process are mapped to which regions in RAM or to files.

    10.     It also includes non-process-related system information, although in the 2.6 kernel much of that information moved to a separate pseudo-file system, sysfs, mounted under /sys:

    11.     depending on the mode of power management (if at all), either directory, /proc/acpi or /proc/apm, which predate sysfs and contain various bits of information about the state of power management.

    12.     /proc/bus, containing directories representing various buses on the computer, such as input/PCI/USB. This has been largely superseded by sysfs under /sys/bus which is far more informative.

    13.     /proc/fb, a list of the available framebuffers

    14.     /proc/cmdline, giving the boot options passed to the kernel

    15.     /proc/cpuinfo, containing information about the CPU, such as its vendor (and CPU family, model and model names which should allow users to identify the CPU) and its speed (CPU clockspeed), cache size, number of siblings, cores, and CPU flags. It contains a value called "bogomips", frequently misunderstood as measure CPU-speed like a benchmark, while it doesn't actually measure any sensible (for end-users) value at all. It occurs as a side-effect of kernel timer calibration and yields highly varying values depending on CPU type, even at equal clock speeds.

    16.     /proc/crypto, a list of available cryptographic modules

    17.     /proc/devices, a list of character and block devices sorted by device ID but giving the major part of the /dev name too

    18.     /proc/diskstats, giving some information (including device numbers) for each of the logical disk devices

    19.     /proc/filesystems, a list of the file systems supported by the kernel at the time of listing

    20.     /proc/interrupts, /proc/iomem, /proc/ioports and the directory /proc/irq, giving some self-explanatory details about the devices (physical or logical) using the various system resources

    21.     /proc/meminfo, containing a summary of how the kernel is managing its memory.

    22.     /proc/modules, one of the most important files in /proc, containing a list of the kernel modules currently loaded . It gives some indication ( not always entirely correct) of dependencies.

    23.     /proc/mounts, a symlink to self/mounts which contains a list of the currently mounted devices and their mount points (and which file system is in use and what mount options are in use).

    24.     /proc/net, a directory containing a lot of really useful information about the network stack, in particular nf_conntrack which lists existing network connections (particularly useful for tracking routing when iptables FORWARD is used to redirect network connections).

    25.     /proc/partitions, a list of the device-numbers, their size and /dev names which the kernel has identified as existing partitions (for example if /dev/sda contains a partition table, then /dev/sda1 and others will appear as available partitions). Note that if a partition isn't listed in this file, then a patched version of losetup is around which can essentially mount the partition and connect /dev/loop[n] devices to the various partitions (though it is not certain if these will then appear in /proc/partitions).

    26.     /proc/scsi, giving information about any devices connected via a SCSI or RAID controller

    27.     a symbolic link to the current (traversing) process at /proc/self (i.e. /proc/PID/ where PID is that of the current process).

    28.     /proc/slabinfo, listing statistics on the caches for frequently-used objects in the Linux kernel

    29.     /proc/swaps, a list of the active swap partitions, their various sizes and priorities

    30.     Access to dynamically-configurable kernel options under /proc/sys. Under /proc/sys appear directories representing the areas of kernel, containing readable and writable virtual files.

    31.     For example, a commonly referenced virtual file is /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, because it is necessary for routing firewalls or tunnels. The file contains either a '1' or a '0': if it is 1 then the IPv4 stack will forward packets not meant for the local host, if it is 0 then it will not.

    32.     /proc/sysvipc, containing memory sharing and IPC information.

    33.     /proc/tty, containing information about the current terminals; /proc/tty/driver looks to be a list of the different types of tty available each of which is a list of those of each type

    34.     /proc/uptime, the length of time the kernel has been running since boot and spent in idle mode (both in seconds)

    35.     /proc/version, containing the Linux kernel version, distribution number, gcc version number (used to build the kernel) and any other pertinent information relating to the version of the kernel currently running

    36.     other files depending on various hardware, module configurations, and changes to the kernel.

    The basic utilities that use /proc under Linux come in the procps (/proc processes) package, and only function in conjunction with a mounted /proc.

    The procfs plays an important role in moving functionality from kernel space to user space. For example the GNU version of ps operates entirely in user mode, using the procfs to obtain its data.


    [1] The judge is so busy that it can't judge your submit at the moment, usually you just need to wait a minute and your submit will be judged.

    [2] The judge is judging your problem now

    [3] OK! Your Answer is correct!

    [4] Your output format is not exactly the same as the judge's output, although your answer to the problem is correct. Check your output for spaces, blank lines, etc. against the problem output specification

    [5] Your program tried to run during too much time

    [6] Your program tried to use more memory than the judge default settings.

    [7] Correct solution not reached for the inputs. The inputs and outputs that we use to test the programs are not public (it is recommendable to get accustomed to a true contest dynamic).

    [8] output limit Exceeded

    [9] The compiler could not compile your program. Of course, warning messages are not error messages. Click the link at the judge reply to see the actual error message.

    [10] Either you have submitted a wrong problem ID or the problem is unavailable.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yequan/p/1676475.html
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