- 什么是变位词
- 解法
#s1和s2依次遍历比较 def anagramSulution1(s1,s2): alist = list(s2) #将s2复制成list pos1 = 0 stillOK = True while pos1< len(s1) and stillOK: #循环s1每个字符 pos2 = 0 found = False while pos2 < len(alist) and not found: #s2与s1逐个对比 if s1[pos1] = alist[pos2]: found = True else: pos2 += 1 if found: alist[pos2] = None #找到,将s2对应位置赋值为None else: stillOK = False #未找到 pos1 += 1 return stillOK ###算法复杂度O(n2)
#将两个字符按照字母顺序排序后按照位置比较 def anagramSulutions(s1,s2): alist1 = list(s1) alist2 = list(s2) alist1.sort() #排序具有时间复杂度(O(nlog n)) alist2.sort() mathes =True pos = 0 while pos < len(s1) and mathes: if alist1[pos] == alist2[pos] pos += 1 else: mathes = False return mathes print(anagramSulutions('abcde','bcade')) ##算法复杂度O(nlog n),关键在于sort函数的时间复杂度
3. 计数比较
#解决思路:对比每个字母出现的次数,为每个字母设定一个计数器 def anagramSulutions(s1,s2): c1 = [0] * 26 c2 = [0] * 26 for i in range(len(s1)): pos = ord(s1[i] - ord('a')) #ord将字母转换成对应的ASCII码 c1[pos] = c1[pos] + 1 for i in range(len(s2)): pos = ord(s2[i] - ord('a')) c2[pos] = c2[pos] + 1 j = 0 stillOK = True while j <26 and stillOK: if c1[j] == c2[j]: j += 1 eles: stillOK = False return stillOK print(anagramSulutions('abcde','bcade')) ##时间复杂度T(n) = 2n+26 ##时间复杂度为O(n),但空间复杂度高