- 题目描述:
1174. 下一个更大的元素 III
- 算法思路:
- code
class Solution: """ @param n: an integer @return: the smallest 32-bit integer which has exactly the same digits existing in the integer n and is greater in value than n """ def nextGreaterElement(self, n): # Write your code here list_n = list(str(n)) length_n = len(list_n) if length_n == 1: #如果list长度为1,则不存在 return -1 index = -1 while list_n[index] <= list_n[index-1]: #从list最后一个数开始比较 index -= 1 if index == -length_n: #如果已经是按照由大到小顺序排列,则不存在 return -1 #后半部分数组 res_list = list_n[index-1:] replace = 0 for num in sorted(res_list): if num > res_list[0]: replace = num break res_list.remove(replace) result = list_n[:index-1] + [replace] + sorted(res_list) result_n = int(''.join(str(i) for i in result)) #判断输出的数的范围是32位整数范围 if result_n >= -2147483648 and result_n <= 2147483647: return result_n else: return -1