Note that one message can appear twice or more and if two messages have the same priority, the one comes first will be processed first.(i.e., FIFO for the same priority.)
- 如果两串字符串的优先级相同,则维护字符串的编号(显然按编号最小优先)
- 如果两串字符串的优先级不同,直接维护字符串的优先级(显然按优先级最小优先)
AC 46ms 228k
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> const int maxn = 60004; const int INF = 0x3F3F3F3F; struct MesQueue { int argu, w, num; char meg[10]; }heap[maxn]; int n=0, cnt=0; char cmd[10]; bool cmp(struct MesQueue x, struct MesQueue y) { if (x.w == y.w) return (x.num>y.num ? 1:0); else return (x.w>y.w ? 1:0); }/* cmp */ void shiftdown(int k, int n) /* From top to bottom */ { int son; struct MesQueue key = heap[k]; /* key=heap[k].w */ for (; k<=n>>1; k=son) { son = k<<1; if (k!=n && cmp(heap[son], heap[son+1])) son = son + 1; if (cmp(key, heap[son])) heap[k] = heap[son]; else break; }/* End of For */ heap[k] = key; }/* shiftdown */ void GetHeapTop() { printf("%s %d\n", heap[1].meg, heap[1].argu); heap[1] = heap[n]; heap[n].w = INF; heap[n].num = 0; heap[n].argu = 0; strcpy(heap[n].meg, "\0"); shiftdown(1, --n); }/* GetHeapTop */ void InsertHeap() { ++n; /* number of node in heap increase one */ ++cnt; /* Mark of node in heap */ scanf("%s %d %d", &heap[n].meg, &heap[n].argu, &heap[n].w); heap[n].num = cnt; int p = n; /* heap[p>>1].w>tmp.w */ struct MesQueue tmp = heap[n]; while (p!=1 && cmp(heap[p>>1], tmp)) /* From bottom to top */ { heap[p] = heap[p>>1]; p >>= 1; }/* End of While */ heap[p] = tmp; }/* InsertHeap */ int main() { while (~scanf("%s", cmd)) { if (cmd[0] == 'G') { /* GET */ if (n == 0) printf("EMPTY QUEUE!\n"); else GetHeapTop(); }/* End of IF */ else { InsertHeap(); } }/* End of While */ return 0; }