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  • C#写的ftp上传类

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Sockets;
    using System.Text;
    namespace WindowsForms
        public class FTPClient
            #region 构造函数
            /// 构造函数
            private static FTPClient instance;
            private static object lockObj = new object();
            /// 主机地址
            private string strRemoteHost = "";
            /// 本地文件路径
            private string strRemotePath = "";
            /// FTP用户名
            private string strRemoteUser = "";
            /// FTP密码
            private string strRemotePass = "";
            private int strRemotePort = 21;
            public FTPClient()
            { }
            public static FTPClient Instance()
                lock (lockObj)
                    if (instance == null)
                        instance = new FTPClient();
                return instance;
            /// 带参数的构造函数
            /// 主机地址
            /// 路径
            /// 用户名
            /// 密码
            /// 端口
            public void FTPClientPram(string remoteHost, string remotePath, string remoteUser, string remotePass, int remotePort)
                strRemoteHost = remoteHost;
                strRemotePath = remotePath;
                strRemoteUser = remoteUser;
                strRemotePass = remotePass;
                strRemotePort = remotePort;
            #region 登陆
            /// FTP服务器IP地址
            public string RemoteHost
                    return strRemoteHost;
                    strRemoteHost = value;
            /// FTP服务器端口
            public int RemotePort
                    return strRemotePort;
                    strRemotePort = value;
            /// 当前服务器目录
            public string RemotePath
                    return strRemotePath;
                    strRemotePath = value;
            /// 登录用户账号
            public string RemoteUser
                    strRemoteUser = value;
            /// 用户登录密码
            public string RemotePass
                    strRemotePass = value;
            /// 是否登录
            private Boolean bConnected;
            public bool Connected
                    return bConnected;
            #region 链接
            /// 建立连接 
            public void Connect()
                socketControl = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(RemoteHost), strRemotePort);
                // 链接
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new IOException("Couldn't connect to remote server");
                // 获取应答码
                if (iReplyCode != 220)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                // 登陆
                SendCommand("USER " + strRemoteUser);
                if (!(iReplyCode == 331 || iReplyCode == 230))
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                if (iReplyCode != 230)
                    SendCommand("PASS " + strRemotePass);
                    if (!(iReplyCode == 230 || iReplyCode == 202))
                        throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                bConnected = true;
                // 切换到目录
            /// 关闭连接
            public void DisConnect()
                if (socketControl != null)
            #region 传输模式
            /// 传输模式:二进制类型、ASCII类型
            public enum TransferType
            /// 设置传输模式
            /// 传输模式
            public void SetTransferType(TransferType ttType)
                if (ttType == TransferType.Binary)
                    SendCommand("TYPE I");//binary类型传输
                    SendCommand("TYPE A");//ASCII类型传输
                if (iReplyCode != 200)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                    trType = ttType;
            /// 获得传输模式
            /// 传输模式
            public TransferType GetTransferType()
                return trType;
            #region 文件操作
            /// 获得文件列表
            /// 文件名的匹配字符串
            public string[] Dir(string strMask)
                // 建立链接
                if (!bConnected)
                Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket();
                SendCommand("NLST " + strMask);
                if (!(iReplyCode == 150 || iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 226))
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                strMsg = "";
                while (true)
                    int iBytes = socketData.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0);
                    strMsg += ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, iBytes);
                    if (iBytes < buffer.Length)
                char[] seperator = { '\n' };
                string[] strsFileList = strMsg.Split(seperator);
                if (iReplyCode != 226)
                    if (iReplyCode != 226)
                        throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                return strsFileList;
            /// 获取文件大小
            /// 文件名
            /// 文件大小
            public long GetFileSize(string strFileName)
                if (!bConnected)
                SendCommand("SIZE " + Path.GetFileName(strFileName));
                long lSize = 0;
                if (iReplyCode == 213)
                    lSize = Int64.Parse(strReply.Substring(4));
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                return lSize;
            /// 删除
            /// 待删除文件名
            public void Delete(string strFileName)
                if (!bConnected)
                SendCommand("DELE " + strFileName);
                if (iReplyCode != 250)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
            /// 重命名(如果新文件名与已有文件重名,将覆盖已有文件)
            /// 旧文件名
            /// 新文件名
            public void Rename(string strOldFileName, string strNewFileName)
                if (!bConnected)
                SendCommand("RNFR " + strOldFileName);
                if (iReplyCode != 350)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                // 如果新文件名与原有文件重名,将覆盖原有文件
                SendCommand("RNTO " + strNewFileName);
                if (iReplyCode != 250)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
            #region 上传和下载
            /// 上传一个文件
            /// 本地文件名
            public void Put(string strFileName)
                if (!bConnected)
                Socket socketData = CreateDataSocket();
                SendCommand("TYPE I");
                if (iReplyCode != 200)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                SendCommand("STOR " + Path.GetFileName(strFileName));
                if (!(iReplyCode == 125 || iReplyCode == 150))
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                FileStream input = new FileStream(strFileName, FileMode.Open);
                int iBytes = 102400;
                while ((iBytes = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                    socketData.Send(buffer, iBytes, 0);
                if (socketData.Connected)
                //if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250))
                //    ReadReply();
                //    if (!(iReplyCode == 226 || iReplyCode == 250))
                //    {
                //        throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                //    }
            #region 目录操作
            /// 创建目录
            /// 目录名
            public void MkDir(string strDirName)
                if (!bConnected)
                SendCommand("MKD " + strDirName);
                if (iReplyCode != 257)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
            /// 删除目录
            /// 目录名
            public void RmDir(string strDirName)
                if (!bConnected)
                SendCommand("RMD " + strDirName);
                if (iReplyCode != 250)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
            /// 改变目录
            /// 新的工作目录名
            public void ChDir(string strDirName)
                if (strDirName.Equals(".") || strDirName.Equals(""))
                if (!bConnected)
                SendCommand("CWD " + strDirName);
                if (iReplyCode != 250)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                this.strRemotePath = strDirName;
            #region 内部变量
            /// 服务器返回的应答信息(包含应答码)
            private string strMsg;
            /// 服务器返回的应答信息(包含应答码)
            private string strReply;
            /// 服务器返回的应答码
            private int iReplyCode;
            /// 进行控制连接的socket
            private Socket socketControl;
            /// 传输模式
            private TransferType trType;
            /// 接收和发送数据的缓冲区
            private static int BLOCK_SIZE = 10240;
            Byte[] buffer = new Byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
            /// 编码方式
            Encoding ASCII = Encoding.ASCII;
            #region 内部函数
            /// 将一行应答字符串记录在strReply和strMsg
            /// 应答码记录在iReplyCode
            private void ReadReply()
                strMsg = "";
                strReply = ReadLine();
                iReplyCode = Int32.Parse(strReply.Substring(0, 3));
            /// 建立进行数据连接的socket
            /// 数据连接socket
            private Socket CreateDataSocket()
                if (iReplyCode != 227)
                    throw new IOException(strReply.Substring(4));
                int index1 = strReply.IndexOf('(');
                int index2 = strReply.IndexOf(')');
                string ipData =
                strReply.Substring(index1 + 1, index2 - index1 - 1);
                int[] parts = new int[6];
                int len = ipData.Length;
                int partCount = 0;
                string buf = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < len && partCount <= 6; i++)
                    char ch = Char.Parse(ipData.Substring(i, 1));
                    if (Char.IsDigit(ch))
                        buf += ch;
                    else if (ch != ',')
                        throw new IOException("Malformed PASV strReply: " +
                    if (ch == ',' || i + 1 == len)
                            parts[partCount++] = Int32.Parse(buf);
                            buf = "";
                        catch (Exception)
                            throw new IOException("Malformed PASV strReply: " +
                string ipAddress = parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + "." +
                parts[2] + "." + parts[3];
                int port = (parts[4] << 8) + parts[5];
                Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress), port);
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new IOException("Can't connect to remote server");
                return s;
            /// 关闭socket连接(用于登录以前)
            private void CloseSocketConnect()
                if (socketControl != null)
                    socketControl = null;
                bConnected = false;
            /// 读取Socket返回的所有字符串
            /// 包含应答码的字符串行
            private string ReadLine()
                while (true)
                    int iBytes = socketControl.Receive(buffer, buffer.Length, 0);
                    strMsg += ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, iBytes);
                    if (iBytes < buffer.Length)
                char[] seperator = { '\n' };
                string[] mess = strMsg.Split(seperator);
                if (strMsg.Length > 2)
                    strMsg = mess[mess.Length - 2];
                    strMsg = mess[0];
                if (!strMsg.Substring(3, 1).Equals(" "))//返回字符串正确的是以应答码(如220开头,后面接一空格,再接问候字符串)
                    return ReadLine();
                return strMsg;
            /// 发送命令并获取应答码和最后一行应答字符串
            /// 命令
            private void SendCommand(String strCommand)
                Byte[] cmdBytes =
                Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes((strCommand + "\r\n").ToCharArray());
                socketControl.Send(cmdBytes, cmdBytes.Length, 0);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yexinw/p/2067587.html
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