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  • C++之操作符重载

      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <string>
      4 using namespace std;
      5 //重载操作符
      6 //定义的方式是operator*() 重载*运算符
      8 class Sales_item
      9 {
     10 friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out,const Sales_item &s);
     11 friend istream &operator>>(istream &in,Sales_item &s);
     12 friend bool operator==(const Sales_item &,const Sales_item &);
     13 public:
     14     Sales_item(string &book,unsigned units,double price):
     15         isbn(book),
     16         units_sold(units),
     17         revenue(units*price){}
     18     Sales_item():
     19         units_sold(0),
     20         revenue(0.0){}
     21     //重载+=运算符 一般设置为成员函数 ,因为修改了当前对象
     22     Sales_item &operator+=(const Sales_item &);
     23 public:
     24     double avg_price() const;
     25 //    bool same_isbn(const Sales_item &rsh)
     26 //    {
     27 //        return isbn==rsh.isbn;
     28 //    }
     29 private:
     30     string isbn;
     31     unsigned units_sold;
     32     double revenue;
     33 };
     34 //计算书的平均价格
     35 inline double Sales_item::avg_price() const
     36 {
     37     if(units_sold)
     38     {
     39         return revenue/units_sold;
     40     }else{
     41         return 0;
     42     }
     43 }
     44 //重载==和!=运算符
     45 inline bool operator==(const Sales_item &lsh,const Sales_item &rsh)
     46 {
     47     return lsh.isbn==rsh.isbn && lsh.units_sold==rsh.units_sold && lsh.revenue==rsh.revenue;
     48 }
     49 bool operator!=(const Sales_item &lsh,const Sales_item &rsh)
     50 {
     51     //让一个操作符调用另外一个操作符
     52     return !(lsh==rsh);
     53 }
     54 //重载+=操作符
     55 Sales_item& Sales_item::operator+=(const Sales_item &s)
     56 {
     57     this->units_sold+=s.units_sold;
     58     this->revenue+=s.revenue;
     59     return *this;
     60 }
     61 //重载加法操作符 一把不设置为成员函数
     62 Sales_item operator+(const Sales_item &s1,const Sales_item &s2)
     63 {
     64     //将第一个参数进行实现用于返回结果
     65     Sales_item ret(s1);
     66     ret+=s2;
     67     return ret;
     69 }
     70 //重载输出操作符
     71 ostream &operator<<(ostream &out,const Sales_item &s)
     72 {
     73     out<<s.isbn<<"--"<<s.units_sold<<"--"<<s.revenue;
     74     return out;
     75 }
     76 //重载输入操作符
     77 istream &operator>>(istream &in,Sales_item &s)
     78 {
     79     double price;
     80     in>>s.isbn>>s.units_sold>>price;
     81     //输入的时候进行错误检查 如果出错就创建一个新的订单
     82     if(in)
     83     {
     84         s.revenue=s.units_sold*price;
     85     }else{
     86         s=Sales_item();
     87     }
     89     return in;
     90 }
     92 int main()
     93 {
     94     string s("1-001-2543");
     95 //    Sales_item item1(s,25,2.50);
     96 //    cout<<item1<<endl;
     97 //    cin>>item1;
     98 //    cout<<item1<<endl;
     99 //    Sales_item item2(s,10,120.0);
    100 //    Sales_item item3(s,20,200.0);
    101 //    Sales_item ret=item2+item3;
    102 //    cout<<ret<<endl;
    103 //
    104 //    Sales_item item4(s,20,200);
    105 //    item4+=item4;
    106 //    cout<<item4<<endl;
    107 //    Sales_item a(s,10,120.0);
    108 //    Sales_item b(s,10,120.0);
    109 //    Sales_item c(s,20,110.0);
    110 //    if(a==b)
    111 //    {
    112 //        cout<<"a和b是一个订单"<<endl;
    113 //    }
    114 //    if(a!=c)
    115 //    {
    116 //        cout<<"a和c不是一个订单"<<endl;
    117 //    }
    120     return 0;
    121 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yh2924/p/12671129.html
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