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  • 自己工作用过的SQL代码(2)

    SELECT top 50  [Id]
      FROM [xkCms].[dbo].[Xk_ArticleList]
    where 1=1 and ispass=1 and subtitle ='' and DATEDIFF(day,getdate(),AddDate)>-8
    order by viewnum desc,id desc


    <div class="click_bottom_left_topc">
    {$_begin_$}{$_gettxt(50, and ispass=1 and subtitle ='' and DATEDIFF(day,getdate(),AddDate)>-8 order by viewnum desc,id

    desc,false )_$}
    <li id="h_font"><a href="{$_url_$}" target="_blank">{$_title_$}</a></li>
    <li id="h_fontc">{$_date_$}</li>

    SELECT top 50  '0' ordernum,[Id],[Title],[AddDate],[Author] " +
                ",(select title from xk_source where id=Xk_ArticleList.sourceid) sourcename "+
                "FROM [xkCms].[dbo].[Xk_ArticleList] "+
                "where ispass=1 and subtitle ='' and DATEDIFF(day,getdate(),AddDate)>-8  "+
                "order by viewnum desc,id desc"

    //SELECT top 50 
    '0' ordernum  //新增加一个字段,并赋值0;
    ,(select title from xk_source where id=Xk_ArticleList.sourceid) sourcename // 嵌套搜索,把搜索结果作为列 sourcename 加在表

    [Xk_ArticleList] 最后,形成sourcename的字段;
      FROM [xkCms].[dbo].[Xk_ArticleList]
    where ispass=1 and subtitle ='' and DATEDIFF(day,getdate(),AddDate)>-8 //最近一周内的信息;
    order by viewnum desc,id desc

    //文章  上一节 下一节 sql 存储过程代码

    ALTER proc [dbo].[ProChangePage]
    @id            int,
    @preid int out,
    @nextid int  out
     set nocount on
     declare @temp_orderid     int--指定@id的排序值
     create table #temp_book
     tempid int  IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL ,
     bookid int NULL
     insert into  #temp_book (bookid)
     select id from [Xk_ArticleList] where columnid=90
     and ispass =1 and title like '第一章%'

     insert into  #temp_book (bookid)
     select id from [Xk_ArticleList] where columnid=90
     and ispass =1 and title like '第二章%'

            insert into  #temp_book (bookid)
     select id from [Xk_ArticleList] where columnid=90
     and ispass =1 and title like '第三章%'

     insert into  #temp_book (bookid)
     select id from [Xk_ArticleList] where columnid=90
     and ispass =1 and title like '第四章%'

            insert into  #temp_book (bookid)
     select id from [Xk_ArticleList] where columnid=90
     and ispass =1 and title like '第五章%'

     insert into  #temp_book (bookid)
     select id from [Xk_ArticleList] where columnid=90
     and ispass =1 and title like '第六章%'

            insert into  #temp_book (bookid)
     select id from [Xk_ArticleList] where columnid=90
     and ispass =1 and title like '第七章%'

     insert into  #temp_book (bookid)
     select id from [Xk_ArticleList] where columnid=90
     and ispass =1 and title like '第八章%'
        select @temp_orderid =tempid from #temp_book  where bookid=@id
     select @preid=max(tempid) from #temp_book where tempid<@temp_orderid
    if @preid is null
     set @preid = @id
     select @preid=bookid from #temp_book  where tempid=@preid
     select @nextid=min(tempid) from #temp_book where tempid>@temp_orderid
    if @nextid is null
     set @nextid = @id
     select @nextid=bookid from #temp_book  where tempid=@nextid

     drop table #temp_book

     set nocount off

    //sql  if 语句判断 示例
     USE   pubs  
      IF   (SELECT   AVG(price)   FROM   titles   WHERE   type   =   'mod_cook')   <   $15  
            PRINT   'The   following   titles   are   excellent   mod_cook   books:'  
            PRINT   '   '  
            SELECT   SUBSTRING(title,   1,   35)   AS   Title  
            FROM   titles  
            WHERE   type   =   'mod_cook'    
            PRINT   'Average   title   price   is   more   than   $15.'  
    一段运用sql语句创建临时表的使用2007-05-30 11:46首先我们来熟悉下临时表的概念:

    临时表与永久表相似,但临时表存储在 tempdb 中,当不再使用时会自动删除。

    临时表有两种类型:本地和全局。它们在名称、可见性以及可用性上有区别。本地临时表的名称以单个数字符号 (#) 打头;它们仅对当前的用

    户连接是可见的;当用户从 SQL Server 实例断开连接时被删除。全局临时表的名称以两个数字符号 (##) 打头,创建后对任何用户都是可见

    的,当所有引用该表的用户从 SQL Server 断开连接时被删除。

    例如,如果创建了 employees 表,则任何在数据库中有使用该表的安全权限的用户都可以使用该表,除非已将其删除。如果数据库会话创建了

    本地临时表 #employees,则仅会话可以使用该表,会话断开连接后就将该表删除。如果创建了 ##employees 全局临时表,则数据库中的任何

    用户均可使用该表。如果该表在您创建后没有其他用户使用,则当您断开连接时该表删除。如果您创建该表后另一个用户在使用该表,则 SQL

    Server 将在您断开连接并且所有其他会话不再使用该表时将其删除。

    conn.Execute("SELECT newscomment_user_id AS user_id, COUNT(*) AS counter INTO #userNewsComment1 " _
              & " FROM newsComment GROUP BY newscomment_user_id ")
              '把从newsComment中或的数据集合写入到临时表 #userNewsComment1 中

             Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT TOP 10 a.user_id AS trueId, * FROM userInfo AS a INNER JOIN userPoint AS b " _
              & " ON a.user_id = b.user_id INNER JOIN View_Company AS c ON a.user_id = c.user_id " _
              & " LEFT OUTER JOIN     #userNewsComment1 AS d ON d.user_id = a.user_id " _
              & " WHERE user_isProvinceNewsShow = 1 " _
              & placeCondition & " ORDER BY d.counter DESC ")

            conn.execute("drop table #userNewsComment1")


    ////把表[xkCms].[dbo].[北京媒体$] 中的数据插入到  [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]

    INSERT INTO [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
               (category ,telephone1 ,telephone2 ,companyname ,username  ,email  )

               select 类别,电话,移动电话,单位,姓名,电子邮件 from [xkCms].[dbo].[北京媒体$]

    INSERT INTO [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
               (category ,telephone1 ,telephone2 ,companyname ,username  ,email ,author )

     select 类别, 移动电话, 电话,单位,姓名,电子邮件,'谢红玲' //'谢红玲'不是搜索所得
    from [xkCms].[dbo].[北京媒体$]

    truncate table [hfc_crm]
    或者,drop table [hfc_crm]  (直接用drop速度慢,先 truncate 后drop 速度快一些)

    --把[xkCms].[dbo].[Sheet1-3-7] 中的数据插入到  [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
    INSERT INTO [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
               (username,category ,job,telephone1 ,email,companyname,author )

        select  分类, 分类, 职务,手机,Email, 所在公司名称,录入人
    from [xkCms].[dbo].[Sheet1-3-7]
    RecommendPiclist 连接数据库代码 其中的一个保护类;
     protected void getListBox()
                int state = q("e") == "" ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(q("e"));
                int page = Convert.ToInt32("0" + q("page"));
                int rowcout = 0;

                //string sqlstr = "select * from xk_articlelist where img<>'' and img is not              null and subtitle=''

    and ispass=1 order by id desc ";

                DataTable dt = GetDataTable("xk_articlelist" +
                "[Id]" +
                ",[ChannelId]" +
                ",(select top 1 dir from Xk_Channel where Xk_Channel.id=[Xk_ArticleList].            [ChannelId]) dir" +    //把

    搜索出来的结果作为列 :dir;
                ",[ColumnId]" +
                ",[orderNum]" +
                ",[IsPass]" +
                ",[ColumnName]" +
                ",[Title]" +
                ",[ViewNum]" +
                ",[ReviewNum]" +
                ",(select master_name from xk_master where master_id=[Xk_ArticleList].userid)              username" +    //把搜

    索出来的结果作为列 :username;        
                ",[IsTop]" +
                " ,[OutUrl] "+
                " id ", true   //以id排序;
                + " id "
                 + page, 20,    //当前页,每页size:20
                 +ref rowcout,
               " img<>'' and img is not null and subtitle='' and ispass=1 "//最终SQL搜索条件
                ArticleList.DataSource = dt;//确定数据源;

    //////////////   4.1
    INSERT INTO [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
               (category ,province,telephone1 ,telephone2 ,companyname ,username  ,email ,author )

     select 广东, '广东',移动电话, 电话,单位,姓名,电子邮件,'谢红玲'
    from [xkCms].[dbo].[广东媒体$]

    /////update [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
    set telephone1='86013901191933'
    where id=638
    ///update [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
    set province='北京'
    where author = '石静'

    INSERT INTO [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
               (username,category ,job,telephone1 ,email,companyname,author,province)

        select  分类, 分类, 职务,手机,Email, 所在公司名称,'石静' ,'北京’
    from [xkCms].[dbo].[shijing$]

    ////4.3    -----表字段类型转换

    update [xkCms].[dbo].[hfc_crm]
    set tel =  CAST(CAST(telephone1 AS DECIMAL(25,0)) AS VARCHAR(30))

    exec sp_rename 'hfc_crm.[telephone1]','telfloat','column'

    hfc_crm.[telephone1] 表hfc_crm中的telephone1字段改为telfloat

    select top 20 [Id],[ChannelId],
    (select top 1 dir from Xk_Channel
    where Xk_Channel.id=[Xk_ArticleList].[ChannelId]) dir,[ColumnId],[orderNum],[IsPass],[ColumnName],[Title],[ViewNum],

    [ReviewNum],(select master_name from xk_master where master_id=[Xk_ArticleList].userid) username,[IsTop] ,[OutUrl] 
    from xk_articlelist
    where  img<>'' and img is not null and subtitle='' and ispass=1  and istop=0
    and  id  < (select MIN( id ) from (select top 60  id  from xk_articlelist where  img<>'' and img is not null and subtitle=''

    and ispass=1  and istop=0 order by  id  desc) as t) order by  id  desc

    INSERT INTO [housechina].[dbo].[HouseInfo]
               ([isPass]           ,[houseName]           ,[houseCode])
               ('1'           ,'多多'           ,'23423'        )

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yhb199/p/1235609.html
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