请自行下载Google Closure Compiler,和YUIcompressor
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<?php /** * 代码压缩处理 * * 1.压缩模板文件,去掉所有换行和头尾空格 * 2.压缩js和css文件,生成同名.min.js或.min.css文件 * * @author 废墟 <r.anerg#gmail.com> * @version 1.1 * @link http://anerg.com * */ ini_set("memory_limit", -1); ini_set("display_error", 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); define('BASEPATH', dirname(__FILE__)); class Compress_Template { private $input_dir; //模板源目录 private $output_dir; //压缩后的模板目录 public function __construct($type) { $this->input_dir = dirname(BASEPATH) . '/application/views_src/'; $this->output_dir = dirname(BASEPATH) . '/application/views/'; $this->js_dir = dirname(BASEPATH) . '/wwwroot/static/js/'; $this->css_dir = dirname(BASEPATH) . '/wwwroot/static/css/'; } public function run() { exec('rm ' . $this->output_dir . ' -rf'); $this->compress_file($this->input_dir, $this->output_dir); $this->compress_js_css(); } private function compress_js_css() { exec('for JS in $(find ' . $this->js_dir . ' -type f -name "*.js"|grep -v "min.js"); do java -jar compiler.jar --charset=UTF-8 --compilation_level=SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --js=$JS --js_output_file=${JS%%.js}.min.js; done'); exec('for CSS in $(find ' . $this->css_dir . ' -type f -name "*.css"|grep -v "min.css"); do java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar --type css --charset utf-8 -o ${CSS%%.css}.min.css $CSS; done'); } private function compress_file($input, $output) { $input = rtrim($input, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $output = rtrim($output, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (is_dir($input)) { $input .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $output .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; foreach (glob($input . "*") as $path) { $compress_path = str_replace($input, $output, $path); if (is_dir($path)) { if (!is_dir($compress_path)) { $this->mkpath($compress_path); } $this->compress_file($path, $compress_path); } if (is_file($path)) { $data = array_map("trim", file($path)); file_put_contents($compress_path, join('', $data)); } } } } private function mkpath($path) { return is_dir($path) or ($this->mkpath(dirname($path)) and (mkdir($path, 0777) and chmod($path, 0777))); } } $app = new Compress_Template(); $app->run(); echo "OK! ";