1 /// <summary> 2 /// Calculates latitude/longitude for given screen coordinate. 3 /// </summary> 4 public virtual void PickingRayIntersection( 5 int screenX, 6 int screenY, 7 out Angle latitude, 8 out Angle longitude) 9 { 10 Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(); 11 v1.X = screenX; 12 v1.Y = screenY; 13 v1.Z = viewPort.MinZ; 14 v1.Unproject(viewPort, m_absoluteProjectionMatrix, m_absoluteViewMatrix, m_absoluteWorldMatrix); 15 16 Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(); 17 v2.X = screenX; 18 v2.Y = screenY; 19 v2.Z = viewPort.MaxZ; 20 v2.Unproject(viewPort, m_absoluteProjectionMatrix, m_absoluteViewMatrix, m_absoluteWorldMatrix); 21 22 Point3d p1 = new Point3d(v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z); 23 Point3d p2 = new Point3d(v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z); 24 25 double a = (p2.X - p1.X) * (p2.X - p1.X) + (p2.Y - p1.Y) * (p2.Y - p1.Y) + (p2.Z - p1.Z) * (p2.Z - p1.Z); 26 double b = 2.0*((p2.X - p1.X)*(p1.X) + (p2.Y - p1.Y)*(p1.Y) + (p2.Z - p1.Z)*(p1.Z)); 27 double c = p1.X*p1.X + p1.Y*p1.Y + p1.Z*p1.Z - _worldRadius * _worldRadius; 28 29 double discriminant = b*b - 4 * a * c; 30 if(discriminant <= 0) 31 { 32 latitude = Angle.NaN; 33 longitude = Angle.NaN; 34 return; 35 } 36 37 // float t0 = ((-1.0f) * b + (float)Math.Sqrt(b*b - 4 * a * c)) / (2*a); 38 double t1 = ((-1.0) * b - Math.Sqrt(b*b - 4 * a * c)) / (2*a); 39 40 // Vector3 i0 = new Vector3(p1.X + t0*(p2.X - p1.X), p1.Y + t0*(p2.Y - p1.Y), p1.Z + t0 *(p2.Z - p1.Z)); 41 Point3d i1 = new Point3d(p1.X + t1*(p2.X - p1.X), p1.Y + t1*(p2.Y - p1.Y), p1.Z + t1 *(p2.Z - p1.Z)); 42 43 // Vector3 i0t = MathEngine.CartesianToSpherical(i0.X, i0.Y, i0.Z); 44 Point3d i1t = MathEngine.CartesianToSphericalD(i1.X, i1.Y, i1.Z); 45 Point3d mousePointer = i1t; 46 47 latitude = Angle.FromRadians(mousePointer.Y); 48 longitude = Angle.FromRadians(mousePointer.Z); 49 }
1 Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(); 2 v1.X = screenX; 3 v1.Y = screenY; 4 v1.Z = viewPort.MinZ; 5 v1.Unproject(viewPort, m_absoluteProjectionMatrix, m_absoluteViewMatrix, m_absoluteWorldMatrix);
1 Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(); 2 v2.X = screenX; 3 v2.Y = screenY; 4 v2.Z = viewPort.MaxZ; 5 v2.Unproject(viewPort, m_absoluteProjectionMatrix, m_absoluteViewMatrix, m_absoluteWorldMatrix);
Point3d i1为计算得到的相交点。
Point3d i1t = MathEngine.CartesianToSphericalD(i1.X, i1.Y, i1.Z);将世界坐标转换为经纬度。
using System; using Microsoft.DirectX; namespace WorldWind { /// <summary> /// Commonly used mathematical functions. /// </summary> public sealed class MathEngine { /// <summary> /// This class has only static methods. /// </summary> private MathEngine() { } /// <summary> /// Converts position in spherical coordinates (lat/lon/altitude) to cartesian (XYZ) coordinates. /// </summary> /// <param name="latitude">Latitude in decimal degrees</param> /// <param name="longitude">Longitude in decimal degrees</param> /// <param name="radius">Radius (OBS: not altitude)</param> /// <returns>Coordinates converted to cartesian (XYZ)</returns> public static Vector3 SphericalToCartesian( double latitude, double longitude, double radius ) { latitude *= System.Math.PI / 180.0; longitude *= System.Math.PI /180.0; double radCosLat = radius * Math.Cos(latitude); return new Vector3( (float)(radCosLat * Math.Cos(longitude)), (float)(radCosLat * Math.Sin(longitude)), (float)(radius * Math.Sin(latitude)) ); } /// <summary> /// Converts position in spherical coordinates (lat/lon/altitude) to cartesian (XYZ) coordinates. /// </summary> /// <param name="latitude">Latitude (Angle)</param> /// <param name="longitude">Longitude (Angle)</param> /// <param name="radius">Radius (OBS: not altitude)</param> /// <returns>Coordinates converted to cartesian (XYZ)</returns> public static Vector3 SphericalToCartesian( Angle latitude, Angle longitude, double radius ) { double latRadians = latitude.Radians; double lonRadians = longitude.Radians; double radCosLat = radius * Math.Cos(latRadians); return new Vector3( (float)(radCosLat * Math.Cos(lonRadians)), (float)(radCosLat * Math.Sin(lonRadians)), (float)(radius * Math.Sin(latRadians))); } /// <summary> /// Converts position in spherical coordinates (lat/lon/altitude) to cartesian (XYZ) coordinates. /// </summary> /// <param name="latitude">Latitude (Angle)</param> /// <param name="longitude">Longitude (Angle)</param> /// <param name="radius">Radius (OBS: not altitude)</param> /// <returns>Coordinates converted to cartesian (XYZ)</returns> public static Point3d SphericalToCartesianD( Angle latitude, Angle longitude, double radius ) { double latRadians = latitude.Radians; double lonRadians = longitude.Radians; double radCosLat = radius * Math.Cos(latRadians); return new Point3d( radCosLat * Math.Cos(lonRadians), radCosLat * Math.Sin(lonRadians), radius * Math.Sin(latRadians)); } /// <summary> /// Converts position in cartesian coordinates (XYZ) to spherical (lat/lon/radius) coordinates in radians. /// </summary> /// <returns>Coordinates converted to spherical coordinates. X=radius, Y=latitude (radians), Z=longitude (radians).</returns> public static Vector3 CartesianToSpherical(float x, float y, float z) { double rho = Math.Sqrt((double)(x * x + y * y + z * z)); float longitude = (float)Math.Atan2(y,x); float latitude = (float)(Math.Asin(z / rho)); return new Vector3((float)rho, latitude, longitude); } public static Point3d CartesianToSphericalD(double x, double y, double z) { double rho = Math.Sqrt((double)(x * x + y * y + z * z)); double longitude = Math.Atan2(y,x); double latitude = (Math.Asin(z / rho)); return new Point3d(rho, latitude, longitude); } /// <summary> /// Converts an angle in decimal degrees to angle in radians /// </summary> /// <param name="degrees">Angle in decimal degrees (0-360)</param> /// <returns>Angle in radians (0-2*Pi)</returns> public static double DegreesToRadians(double degrees) { return Math.PI * degrees / 180.0; } /// <summary> /// Converts an angle in radians to angle in decimal degrees /// </summary> /// <param name="radians">Angle in radians (0-2*Pi)</param> /// <returns>Angle in decimal degrees (0-360)</returns> public static double RadiansToDegrees(double radians) { return radians * 180.0 / Math.PI; } /// <summary> /// Computes the angle (seen from the center of the sphere) between 2 sets of latitude/longitude values. /// </summary> /// <param name="latA">Latitude of point 1 (decimal degrees)</param> /// <param name="lonA">Longitude of point 1 (decimal degrees)</param> /// <param name="latB">Latitude of point 2 (decimal degrees)</param> /// <param name="lonB">Longitude of point 2 (decimal degrees)</param> /// <returns>Angle in decimal degrees</returns> public static double SphericalDistanceDegrees(double latA, double lonA, double latB, double lonB) { double radLatA = MathEngine.DegreesToRadians(latA); double radLatB = MathEngine.DegreesToRadians(latB); double radLonA = MathEngine.DegreesToRadians(lonA); double radLonB = MathEngine.DegreesToRadians(lonB); return MathEngine.RadiansToDegrees( Math.Acos(Math.Cos(radLatA)*Math.Cos(radLatB)*Math.Cos(radLonA-radLonB)+Math.Sin(radLatA)*Math.Sin(radLatB))); } /// <summary> /// Computes the angular distance between two pairs of lat/longs. /// Fails for distances (on earth) smaller than approx. 2km. (returns 0) /// </summary> public static Angle SphericalDistance(Angle latA, Angle lonA, Angle latB, Angle lonB) { double radLatA = latA.Radians; double radLatB = latB.Radians; double radLonA = lonA.Radians; double radLonB = lonB.Radians; return Angle.FromRadians( Math.Acos( Math.Cos(radLatA)*Math.Cos(radLatB)*Math.Cos(radLonA-radLonB)+ Math.Sin(radLatA)*Math.Sin(radLatB)) ); } /// <summary> /// Calculates the azimuth from latA/lonA to latB/lonB /// Borrowed from /// </summary> public static Angle Azimuth( Angle latA, Angle lonA, Angle latB, Angle lonB ) { double cosLatB = Math.Cos(latB.Radians); Angle tcA = Angle.FromRadians( Math.Atan2( Math.Sin(lonA.Radians - lonB.Radians) * cosLatB, Math.Cos(latA.Radians) * Math.Sin(latB.Radians) - Math.Sin(latA.Radians) * cosLatB * Math.Cos(lonA.Radians - lonB.Radians))); if(tcA.Radians < 0) tcA.Radians = tcA.Radians + Math.PI*2; tcA.Radians = Math.PI*2 - tcA.Radians; return tcA; } /// <summary> /// Transforms a set of Euler angles to a quaternion /// </summary> /// <param name="yaw">Yaw (radians)</param> /// <param name="pitch">Pitch (radians)</param> /// <param name="roll">Roll (radians)</param> /// <returns>The rotation transformed to a quaternion.</returns> public static Quaternion EulerToQuaternion(double yaw, double pitch, double roll) { double cy = Math.Cos(yaw * 0.5); double cp = Math.Cos(pitch * 0.5); double cr = Math.Cos(roll * 0.5); double sy = Math.Sin(yaw * 0.5); double sp = Math.Sin(pitch * 0.5); double sr = Math.Sin(roll * 0.5); double qw = cy*cp*cr + sy*sp*sr; double qx = sy*cp*cr - cy*sp*sr; double qy = cy*sp*cr + sy*cp*sr; double qz = cy*cp*sr - sy*sp*cr; return new Quaternion((float)qx, (float)qy, (float)qz, (float)qw); } /// <summary> /// Transforms a rotation in quaternion form to a set of Euler angles /// </summary> /// <returns>The rotation transformed to Euler angles, X=Yaw, Y=Pitch, Z=Roll (radians)</returns> public static Vector3 QuaternionToEuler(Quaternion q) { double q0 = q.W; double q1 = q.X; double q2 = q.Y; double q3 = q.Z; double x = Math.Atan2( 2 * (q2*q3 + q0*q1), (q0*q0 - q1*q1 - q2*q2 + q3*q3)); double y = Math.Asin( -2 * (q1*q3 - q0*q2)); double z = Math.Atan2( 2 * (q1*q2 + q0*q3), (q0*q0 + q1*q1 - q2*q2 - q3*q3)); return new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z); } /// <summary> /// Compute the tile number (used in file names) for given latitude and tile size. /// </summary> /// <param name="latitude">Latitude (decimal degrees)</param> /// <param name="tileSize">Tile size (decimal degrees)</param> /// <returns>The tile number</returns> public static int GetRowFromLatitude(double latitude, double tileSize) { return (int)System.Math.Round((System.Math.Abs(-90.0 - latitude)%180)/tileSize, 1); } /// <summary> /// Compute the tile number (used in file names) for given latitude and tile size. /// </summary> /// <param name="latitude">Latitude (decimal degrees)</param> /// <param name="tileSize">Tile size (decimal degrees)</param> /// <returns>The tile number</returns> public static int GetRowFromLatitude(Angle latitude, double tileSize) { return (int)System.Math.Round((System.Math.Abs(-90.0 - latitude.Degrees)%180)/tileSize, 1); } /// <summary> /// Compute the tile number (used in file names) for given longitude and tile size. /// </summary> /// <param name="longitude">Longitude (decimal degrees)</param> /// <param name="tileSize">Tile size (decimal degrees)</param> /// <returns>The tile number</returns> public static int GetColFromLongitude(double longitude, double tileSize) { return (int)System.Math.Round((System.Math.Abs(-180.0 - longitude)%360)/tileSize, 1); } /// <summary> /// Compute the tile number (used in file names) for given longitude and tile size. /// </summary> /// <param name="longitude">Longitude (decimal degrees)</param> /// <param name="tileSize">Tile size (decimal degrees)</param> /// <returns>The tile number</returns> public static int GetColFromLongitude(Angle longitude, double tileSize) { return (int)System.Math.Round((System.Math.Abs(-180.0 - longitude.Degrees)%360)/tileSize, 1); } /// <summary> /// Computes the distance between a point and a plane. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">Plane</param> /// <param name="v">Point (XYZ coordinates)</param> /// <returns>The shortest distance between the point and the plane.</returns> public static float DistancePlaneToPoint(Plane p, Vector3 v) { return p.A * v.X + p.B * v.Y + p.C + v.Z + p.D; } /// <summary> /// Computes the hypotenuse (sqrt(x?y?). /// </summary> public static double Hypot( double x, double y ) { return Math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y); } /* public static Quaternion GetWorldQuaternion(double latitude, double longitude) { return Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll((float)-MathEngine.DegreesToRadians(latitude),0.0f, (float)-MathEngine.DegreesToRadians(longitude)); } public static Quaternion GetViewQuaternion(float eyeTilt, float eyeDirection) { Quaternion q1 = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0,0,-1), eyeDirection * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f); Quaternion q2 = Quaternion.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1,0,0), eyeTilt * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f); return Quaternion.Multiply(q1, q2); } */ } }
d·(P-C) 和(P-C)·(P-C)是向量数量积。求出来的t实际是一个比例的概念,或者说长度,距离起点P的长度。