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  • [RGEOS]绘制多边形Polygon


     1    public void DrawPolygon(Polygon pol, Brush brush, Pen pen, bool clip)
     2         {
     3             gc = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle);
     4             if (pol.ExteriorRing == null)
     5                 return;
     6             if (pol.ExteriorRing.Vertices.Count > 2)
     7             {
     8                 //Use a graphics path instead of DrawPolygon. DrawPolygon has a problem with several interior holes
     9                 GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
    11                 //Add the exterior polygon
    12                 PointF[] pts = TransformLineString(pol.ExteriorRing);
    13                 if (!clip)
    14                     gp.AddPolygon(LimitValues(pts, extremeValueLimit));
    15                 else
    16                     DrawPolygonClipped(gp, pts, (int)100, (int)100);
    18                 //Add the interior polygons (holes)
    20                 for (int i = 0; i < pol.InteriorRings.Count; i++)
    21                 {
    22                     PointF[] pts1 = TransformLineString(pol.InteriorRings[i]);
    23                     if (!clip)
    24                         gp.AddPolygon(LimitValues(pts1, extremeValueLimit));
    25                     else
    26                         DrawPolygonClipped(gp, pts1, (int)100, (int)100);
    27                 }
    29                 // Only render inside of polygon if the brush isn't null or isn't transparent
    30                 if (brush != null && brush != Brushes.Transparent)
    31                     gc.FillPath(brush, gp);
    32                 // Create an outline if a pen style is available
    33                 if (pen != null)
    34                     gc.DrawPath(pen, gp);
    35                 gc.Dispose();
    36             }
    37         }
    1   public static PointF[] TransformLineString(LineString line)
    2         {
    3             PointF[] v = new PointF[line.Vertices.Count];
    4             for (int i = 0; i < line.Vertices.Count; i++)
    5                 v[i] = new PointF((float)line.Vertices[i].X, (float)line.Vertices[i].Y);
    6             return v;
    7         }
      1         internal static PointF[] clipPolygon(PointF[] vertices, int width, int height)
      2         {
      3             float deltax, deltay, xin, xout, yin, yout;
      4             float tinx, tiny, toutx, touty, tin1, tin2, tout;
      5             float x1, y1, x2, y2;
      7             List<PointF> line = new List<PointF>();
      8             if (vertices.Length <= 1) /* nothing to clip */
      9                 return vertices;
     11             for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length - 1; i++)
     12             {
     13                 x1 = vertices[i].X;
     14                 y1 = vertices[i].Y;
     15                 x2 = vertices[i + 1].X;
     16                 y2 = vertices[i + 1].Y;
     18                 deltax = x2 - x1;
     19                 if (deltax == 0)
     20                 {
     21                     // bump off of the vertical
     22                     deltax = (x1 > 0) ? -nearZero : nearZero;
     23                 }
     24                 deltay = y2 - y1;
     25                 if (deltay == 0)
     26                 {
     27                     // bump off of the horizontal
     28                     deltay = (y1 > 0) ? -nearZero : nearZero;
     29                 }
     31                 if (deltax > 0)
     32                 {
     33                     //  points to right
     34                     xin = 0;
     35                     xout = width;
     36                 }
     37                 else
     38                 {
     39                     xin = width;
     40                     xout = 0;
     41                 }
     43                 if (deltay > 0)
     44                 {
     45                     //  points up
     46                     yin = 0;
     47                     yout = height;
     48                 }
     49                 else
     50                 {
     51                     yin = height;
     52                     yout = 0;
     53                 }
     55                 tinx = (xin - x1) / deltax;
     56                 tiny = (yin - y1) / deltay;
     58                 if (tinx < tiny)
     59                 {
     60                     // hits x first
     61                     tin1 = tinx;
     62                     tin2 = tiny;
     63                 }
     64                 else
     65                 {
     66                     // hits y first
     67                     tin1 = tiny;
     68                     tin2 = tinx;
     69                 }
     71                 if (1 >= tin1)
     72                 {
     73                     if (0 < tin1)
     74                         line.Add(new PointF(xin, yin));
     76                     if (1 >= tin2)
     77                     {
     78                         toutx = (xout - x1) / deltax;
     79                         touty = (yout - y1) / deltay;
     81                         tout = (toutx < touty) ? toutx : touty;
     83                         if (0 < tin2 || 0 < tout)
     84                         {
     85                             if (tin2 <= tout)
     86                             {
     87                                 if (0 < tin2)
     88                                 {
     89                                     if (tinx > tiny)
     90                                         line.Add(new PointF(xin, y1 + tinx * deltay));
     91                                     else
     92                                         line.Add(new PointF(x1 + tiny * deltax, yin));
     93                                 }
     95                                 if (1 > tout)
     96                                 {
     97                                     if (toutx < touty)
     98                                         line.Add(new PointF(xout, y1 + toutx * deltay));
     99                                     else
    100                                         line.Add(new PointF(x1 + touty * deltax, yout));
    101                                 }
    102                                 else
    103                                     line.Add(new PointF(x2, y2));
    104                             }
    105                             else
    106                             {
    107                                 if (tinx > tiny)
    108                                     line.Add(new PointF(xin, yout));
    109                                 else
    110                                     line.Add(new PointF(xout, yin));
    111                             }
    112                         }
    113                     }
    114                 }
    115             }
    116             if (line.Count > 0)
    117                 line.Add(new PointF(line[0].X, line[0].Y));
    119             return line.ToArray();
    120         }
    122         private void DrawPolygonClipped(GraphicsPath gp, PointF[] polygon, int width, int height)
    123         {
    124             ClipState clipState = DetermineClipState(polygon, width, height);
    125             if (clipState == ClipState.Within)
    126             {
    127                 gp.AddPolygon(polygon);
    128             }
    129             else if (clipState == ClipState.Intersecting)
    130             {
    131                 PointF[] clippedPolygon = clipPolygon(polygon, width, height);
    132                 if (clippedPolygon.Length > 2)
    133                     gp.AddPolygon(clippedPolygon);
    134             }
    135         }
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