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  • EasyUI 开发笔记(二)

    接上篇 : EasyUI 开发笔记(一)  (http://www.cnblogs.com/yiayi/p/3485258.html)

    这期就简单介绍下, easyui 的 list 展示, 在easyui中叫datagrid, 其实就是html中,放个<table>然后用easyui 的datagrid 为其绑定数据。


    aspx 页面代码: 

     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
     3 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     4 <head runat="server">
     5     <title></title>
     6 </head>
     7 <body>
     8     <div style="border: 1px solid #ddd; margin-top: 4px;">
     9 <div style="padding-top: 5px;">
    10                 <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="TabReload()" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="plain:true,iconCls:'icon-reload'"
    11                     style="float: left;">刷新</a>
    12                 <div class="tools_separator">
    13                 </div>
    14                 <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="addRole()" class="easyui-linkbutton"
    15                     data-options="plain:true,iconCls:'icon-z_add'" style="float: left;">新建角色</a>
    16                 <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="deleteRole()" class="easyui-linkbutton"
    17                     data-options="plain:true,iconCls:'icon-z_edit'" style="float: left;">删除</a>
    18                      <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Edit()" class="easyui-linkbutton"
    19                     data-options="plain:true,iconCls:'icon-z_edit'" style="float: left;">编辑</a>
    20                 <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="fpqx()" class="easyui-linkbutton"
    21                     data-options="plain:true,iconCls:'icon-z_edit'" style="float: left;">分配权限</a>
    22                 <div style="clear: both;">
    23                 </div>
    24             </div>
    25             <div class="hr">
    26             </div>
    27             <div id="qx_RoleListWindow"></div>
    31    <table id="qx_roleList">
    32     </table>
    33     <script>
    34         $(function () {
    36             $('#qx_roleList').datagrid({
    37                 url: '/admin/system/systemHandler.ashx?ajaxMethod=RoleList',
    38                 title: '角色管理',
    40                 height: 'auto',
    41                 fitColumns: true,
    42                 singleSelect: true,
    43                 pagination: true,
    44                 rownumbers: true,
    45                 idField: "RoleId",
    46                 pageSize:20,
    47                 pagePosition: 'both',
    48                 columns: [[
    49                     { field: 'RoleId', title: '角色编号',  10 },
    50                     { field: 'RoleName', title: '角色名称',  80 },
    51                     { field: 'RoleDesc', title: '角色备注',  80 }
    53                 ]],
    54                 onDblClickRow: function (rowIndex, rowData) {
    55                     $('#qx_RoleListWindow').window({  300, height: 150, collapsible: false, title: "编辑角色", minimizable: false, iconCls: 'icon-z_SysModule', maximizable: false, closable: true, modal: true, closed: false }).panel('refresh', '/admin/system/RoleEdit.aspx?RoleId=' + rowData.RoleId);
    56                 }
    57             });
    58         })
    59         function addRole() {
    60             $('#qx_RoleListWindow').window({  300, height: 150, collapsible: false, title: "添加角色", minimizable: false, iconCls: 'icon-z_SysModule', maximizable: false, closable: true, modal: true, closed: false }).panel('refresh', '/admin/system/RoleEdit.aspx');
    61         }
    62         function deleteRole() {
    63             var row = $('#qx_roleList').datagrid('getSelected');
    64             if (row) {
    65                 $.messager.confirm("智能提示", "确定要删除该角色吗?", function (r) {
    66                     if (r) {
    67                         $.get("/admin/system/systemHandler.ashx?ajaxMethod=deleteRole&RoleId=" + row.RoleId, function (data) {
    68                            if(data=="true")
    69                                $('#qx_roleList').datagrid('load');
    70                         })
    71                     }
    72                 })
    73             } else {
    74                 showException('请先选择数据行!');
    75             }
    76         }
    77         function Edit() {
    78             var row = $('#qx_roleList').datagrid('getSelected');
    79             if (row) {
    80                 $('#qx_RoleListWindow').window({  300, height: 150, collapsible: false, title: "编辑角色", minimizable: false, iconCls: 'icon-z_SysModule', maximizable: false, closable: true, modal: true, closed: false }).panel('refresh', '/admin/system/RoleEdit.aspx?RoleId=' + row.RoleId);
    81             } else {
    82                 showException('请先选择数据行!');
    83             }
    84         }
    85         function fpqx() {
    86             var row = $('#qx_roleList').datagrid('getSelected');
    87             if (row) {
    88                 $('#qx_RoleListWindow').window({left:300,top:80, 900, height: 600, collapsible: false, title: "分配权限", minimizable: false, iconCls: 'icon-z_SysModule', maximizable: false, closable: true, modal: true, closed: false }).panel('refresh', '/admin/system/PermissionSet.aspx?RoleId=' + row.RoleId);
    89             } else {
    90                 showException('请先选择数据行!');
    91             }
    92         }
    93     </script>
    94         </div>
    95 </body>
    96 </html>
    View Code


    addRole 也是弹出同样的对话框,来添加操作。deleteRole为删除操作。Edit()编辑对话框,fpqx()为分配权限功能,此处展示就不做说明了。

    systemHandler.ashx 部分代码: 

     1   #region 获取角色列表
     2         public void GetRoleList(HttpContext context)
     3         {
     4             UserRoleMgr bll = new UserRoleMgr();
     5             List<UserRole> list = bll.GetList();
     6             var pageindex = UrlHelper.GetFormValue("page", 1);
     7             var pagesize = UrlHelper.GetFormValue("rows", 20);
     8             int totalCount = list.Count;
     9             list = list.Skip((pageindex - 1) * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList();
    10             var timeConverter = new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter
    11             {
    12                 DateTimeFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ss"
    13             };
    14             var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list, Formatting.Indented, timeConverter);
    15             json = "{"total":" + totalCount.ToString() + ","rows":" + json + "}";
    16            context.Response.Write(json);
    17         }
    18         #endregion
     1    #region 删除角色
     2         public void DeleteRole(HttpContext context)
     3         {
     5             string roleId = UrlHelper.GetPramaValue("RoleId", "");
     6             UserRoleMgr bll = new UserRoleMgr();
     7             int int_roleid=0;
     9             if (int.TryParse(roleId, out int_roleid))
    10             {
    11                 if (bll.Delete(int_roleid, null) > 0)
    12                     context.Response.Write("true");
    13                 else
    14                     context.Response.Write("false");
    15             }
    16             else
    17                 context.Response.Write("false");
    19         }
    20         #endregion

    RoleEdit.aspx 编辑对话框,部分代码: 

     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
     3 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     4 <head runat="server">
     5     <title></title>
     6 </head>
     7 <body>
     8     <form id="form1" runat="server">
     9         <div>
    10             <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="formTable" style="height: 100px">
    11                 <tr>
    12                     <td align="right">角色名称:</td>
    13                     <td align="left">
    14                         <asp:TextBox ID="txtRoleName" runat="server" /></td>
    15                 </tr>
    16                 <tr>
    17                     <td align="right">角色描述:</td>
    18                     <td align="left">
    19                         <asp:TextBox ID="txtRoleDesc" runat="server" />
    20                         <asp:HiddenField ID="h_RoleId" runat="server" />
    21                     </td>
    22                 </tr>
    23                 <tr>
    24                     <td colspan="2" align="center">
    25                         <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="qx_role_save"
    26                             class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'icon-ok'">保存</a>
    27                     </td>
    28                 </tr>
    29             </table>
    30         </div>
    31     </form>
    32     <script type="text/javascript">
    33         $(function () {
    34             $("#qx_role_save").click(function () {
    35                 var roleName = $.trim($("#txtRoleName").val());
    36                 var roleDesc = $.trim($("#txtRoleDesc").val());
    38                 if (roleName.length == 0) {
    39                     $.messager.alert("提示", "请输入角色名称");
    40                     return false;
    41                 }
    42                 $.post("/admin/system/systemHandler.ashx?ajaxMethod=addRole",
    43                     { roleName: roleName, RoleDesc: roleDesc, RoleId: $("#h_RoleId").val() },
    44                     function (data) {
    45                         if (data == "true") {
    46                             $.messager.alert("提示", "保存成功");
    47                             $('#qx_RoleListWindow').window('close');
    48                             $('#qx_roleList').datagrid('load');
    49                         } else if (data == "exist") {
    50                             $.messager.alert("提示", "该角色以存在,请不要重复添加");
    51                         } else {
    52                             $.messager.alert("提示", "保存失败");
    53                         }
    54                     });
    55             });
    56         });
    57     </script>
    58 </body>
    59 </html>
    View Code
     1  #region 添加/编辑角色
     2         public void AddRole(HttpContext context)
     3         {
     4             UserRoleMgr bll = new UserRoleMgr();
     5             UserRole role = new UserRole();
     6             role.IsLock = 0;
     7             role.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
     8             string roleid = UrlHelper.GetFormValue("RoleId", "");
    10             var roleName = UrlHelper.GetFormValue("roleName", "");
    11            var desc = UrlHelper.GetFormValue("RoleDesc", "");
    12             role.RoleName=roleName;
    13             role.RoleDesc = desc;
    14             if (roleid.Trim().Length == 0)
    15             {
    16                 if (!bll.ExistRole(roleName))
    17                 {
    18                     if (bll.Insert(role, null) > 0)
    19                     {
    20                         context.Response.Write("true");
    21                     }
    22                 }
    23                 else
    24                 {
    25                     context.Response.Write("exist");
    26                 }
    27             }
    28             else
    29             {
    31                 role.RoleId = int.Parse(roleid);
    32                 if (bll.Update(role, null) > 0)
    33                 {
    34                     context.Response.Write("true");
    35                 }
    36             }
    37         }
    38         #endregion
    Add/Edit ashx code

    这里偷懒了下,使用 aspx.cs 代码为<asp:textbox 赋值了。

     1  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     2         {
     3             if (!IsPostBack)
     4             {
     5                 UserRoleMgr bll = new UserRoleMgr();
     6                 string id = Request["RoleId"];
     7                 if(id!=null)
     8                 {
     9                   UserRole role=  bll.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
    10                   h_RoleId.Value = id;
    11                   txtRoleName.Text = role.RoleName;
    12                   txtRoleDesc.Text = role.RoleDesc;
    13                 }
    15             }
    16         }
    RoleEdit.aspx.cs Page_Load

     over,总体没啥东西,就绑定数据,然后修改 添加,就弹出页面,进行操作。在后面就是异步ashx请求,进行cs代码编写。


     【版权声明】转载请注明出处: http://www.cnblogs.com/yiayi/p/3526624.html  

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yiayi/p/3526624.html
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