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  • 系列化零件=180709=增加配置处理

    Sub 遍历配置()
        Dim swDim As SldWorks.Dimension
        sw全名 = Cells(首行, 文件路径列) & Cells(首行, 文件名称列)
        Call sw初始化(sw全名)
        configNames = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
        Set 尺寸字典 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For 列号 = 尺寸首列 To 尺寸末列
            尺寸名 = Cells(表头行, 列号)
            Set swDim = swModel.Parameter(尺寸名)
            If Not swDim Is Nothing Then
                Debug.Print "  " & swDim.FullName & " [" & swDim.Name & "]"
                尺寸值组 = swDim.GetValue3(swAllConfiguration, configNames)
                For i = 0 To UBound(尺寸值组)
                    尺寸值 = 尺寸值组(i)
                    pz = configNames(i)
                    Set 尺寸字典(pz) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                    尺寸字典(pz)(尺寸名) = 尺寸值
            End If
        Next 列号
        当前行 = 首行 + 1
        For Each pz In configNames
        If Not 含其中之一(pz, "FLAT|平板") Then
            Cells(当前行, 文件路径列).Select
            ActiveCell = pz
            Dim lRetVal As Long
            Dim ValOut As String
            Dim ResolvedValOut As String
            Dim wasResolved As Boolean
            Set config = swModel.GetConfigurationByName(pz)
            Set cusPropMgr = config.CustomPropertyManager
            For 列号 = 属性首列 To 属性末列
                Cells(当前行, 列号).Select
                属性名 = Cells(表头行, 列号)
                lRetVal = cusPropMgr.Get5(属性名, False, ValOut, ResolvedValOut, wasResolved)
                ActiveCell = ValOut
            Next 列号
            For 列号 = 尺寸首列 To 尺寸末列
                Cells(当前行, 列号).Select
                尺寸名 = Cells(表头行, 列号)
                尺寸值 = 尺寸字典(pz)(尺寸名)
                ActiveCell = IIf(尺寸值 = "", "", 尺寸值)
            Next 列号
            当前行 = 当前行 + 1
        End If
        Next pz
    End Sub
    Sub 修改配置()
        sw全名 = Cells(首行, 文件路径列) & Cells(首行, 文件名称列)
        Call sw初始化(sw全名)
        For 当前行 = 首行 + 1 To 末行
            Cells(当前行, 文件路径列).Select
            If ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = "-4142" Then
                pz = Cells(当前行, 文件路径列)
                Call 修改配置_单行(pz, 当前行)
            End If
    End Sub
    Sub 修改配置_单行(ByVal pz, ByVal 当前行)
        Set config = swModel.GetConfigurationByName(pz)
        Set cusPropMgr = config.CustomPropertyManager
        For 列号 = 属性首列 To 属性末列
            Cells(当前行, 列号).Select
            属性名 = Cells(表头行, 列号)
            属性值 = ActiveCell
            If 属性值 <> "" Then
                lRetVal = cusPropMgr.Add3(属性名, 30, 属性值, swCustomPropertyDeleteAndAdd)
                ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 10
            End If
        Next 列号
    End Sub

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yiguxianyun/p/9603944.html
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