ISSCC 2017 Session14 Deep Learning Processors:
ISSCC 2017关于Deep Learning Processors的Slides笔记,主要参考了[1]中的笔记,自己根据paper和slides读一遍,这里记一下笔记,方便以后查阅。
14.1 A 2.9TOPS/W Deep Convolutional Neural Network SoC in FD-SOI 28nm for Intelligent Embedded Systems
14.2 DNPU: An 8.1TOPS/W Reconfigurable CNN-RNN Processor for General-Purpose Deep Neural Networks
14.4 A Scalable Speech Recognizer with Deep-Neural-Network Acoustic Models and Voice-Activated Power Gating
14.8 A 135mW Fully Integrated Data Processor for Next-Generation Sequencing
ISCA 2017:
Machine Learning Session 1,2:
[1] https://reconfigdeeplearning.com/2017/02/10/isscc-2017-session-14-dlp/