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  • MySQL/MariaDB数据库的视图(VIEW)












    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> HELP CREATE VIEW
    Name: 'CREATE VIEW'
        [OR REPLACE]
        [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]
        VIEW view_name [(column_list)]
        AS select_statement
    The CREATE VIEW statement creates a new view, or replaces an existing
    one if the OR REPLACE clause is given. If the view does not exist,
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is the same as CREATE VIEW. If the view does
    exist, CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW is the same as ALTER VIEW.
    The select_statement is a SELECT statement that provides the definition
    of the view. (When you select from the view, you select in effect using
    the SELECT statement.) select_statement can select from base tables or
    other views.
    The view definition is "frozen" at creation time, so changes to the
    underlying tables afterward do not affect the view definition. For
    example, if a view is defined as SELECT * on a table, new columns added
    to the table later do not become part of the view.
    The ALGORITHM clause affects how MySQL processes the view. The DEFINER
    and SQL SECURITY clauses specify the security context to be used when
    checking access privileges at view invocation time. The WITH CHECK
    OPTION clause can be given to constrain inserts or updates to rows in
    tables referenced by the view. These clauses are described later in
    this section.
    The CREATE VIEW statement requires the CREATE VIEW privilege for the
    view, and some privilege for each column selected by the SELECT
    statement. For columns used elsewhere in the SELECT statement you must
    have the SELECT privilege. If the OR REPLACE clause is present, you
    must also have the DROP privilege for the view. CREATE VIEW might also
    require the SUPER privilege, depending on the DEFINER value, as
    described later in this section.
    When a view is referenced, privilege checking occurs as described later
    in this section.
    A view belongs to a database. By default, a new view is created in the
    default database. To create the view explicitly in a given database,
    specify the name as db_name.view_name when you create it:
    MariaDB> CREATE VIEW test.v AS SELECT * FROM t;
    Within a database, base tables and views share the same namespace, so a
    base table and a view cannot have the same name.
    Columns retrieved by the SELECT statement can be simple references to
    table columns. They can also be expressions that use functions,
    constant values, operators, and so forth.
    Views must have unique column names with no duplicates, just like base
    tables. By default, the names of the columns retrieved by the SELECT
    statement are used for the view column names. To define explicit names
    for the view columns, the optional column_list clause can be given as a
    list of comma-separated identifiers. The number of names in column_list
    must be the same as the number of columns retrieved by the SELECT
    Unqualified table or view names in the SELECT statement are interpreted
    with respect to the default database. A view can refer to tables or
    views in other databases by qualifying the table or view name with the
    proper database name.
    A view can be created from many kinds of SELECT statements. It can
    refer to base tables or other views. It can use joins, UNION, and
    subqueries. The SELECT need not even refer to any tables. The following
    example defines a view that selects two columns from another table, as
    well as an expression calculated from those columns:
    MariaDB> CREATE TABLE t (qty INT, price INT);
    MariaDB> INSERT INTO t VALUES(3, 50);
    MariaDB> CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT qty, price, qty*price AS value FROM t;
    MariaDB> SELECT * FROM v;
    | qty  | price | value |
    |    3 |    50 |   150 |
    A view definition is subject to the following restrictions:
    o The SELECT statement cannot contain a subquery in the FROM clause.
    o The SELECT statement cannot refer to system or user variables.
    o Within a stored program, the definition cannot refer to program
      parameters or local variables.
    o The SELECT statement cannot refer to prepared statement parameters.
    o Any table or view referred to in the definition must exist. However,
      after a view has been created, it is possible to drop a table or view
      that the definition refers to. In this case, use of the view results
      in an error. To check a view definition for problems of this kind,
      use the CHECK TABLE statement.
    o The definition cannot refer to a TEMPORARY table, and you cannot
      create a TEMPORARY view.
    o Any tables named in the view definition must exist at definition
    o You cannot associate a trigger with a view.
    o Aliases for column names in the SELECT statement are checked against
      the maximum column length of 64 characters (not the maximum alias
      length of 256 characters).
    ORDER BY is permitted in a view definition, but it is ignored if you
    select from a view using a statement that has its own ORDER BY.
    For other options or clauses in the definition, they are added to the
    options or clauses of the statement that references the view, but the
    effect is undefined. For example, if a view definition includes a LIMIT
    clause, and you select from the view using a statement that has its own
    LIMIT clause, it is undefined which limit applies. This same principle
    applies to options such as ALL, DISTINCT, or SQL_SMALL_RESULT that
    follow the SELECT keyword, and to clauses such as INTO, FOR UPDATE,
    If you create a view and then change the query processing environment
    by changing system variables, that may affect the results that you get
    from the view:
    MariaDB> CREATE VIEW v (mycol) AS SELECT 'abc';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    MariaDB> SET sql_mode = '';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB> SELECT "mycol" FROM v;
    | mycol |
    | mycol |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
    MariaDB> SET sql_mode = 'ANSI_QUOTES';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB> SELECT "mycol" FROM v;
    | mycol |
    | abc   |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    The DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses determine which MySQL account to
    use when checking access privileges for the view when a statement is
    executed that references the view. The valid SQL SECURITY
    characteristic values are DEFINER and INVOKER. These indicate that the
    required privileges must be held by the user who defined or invoked the
    view, respectively. The default SQL SECURITY value is DEFINER.
    If a user value is given for the DEFINER clause, it should be a MySQL
    account specified as 'user_name'@'host_name' (the same format used in
    the GRANT statement), CURRENT_USER, or CURRENT_USER(). The default
    DEFINER value is the user who executes the CREATE VIEW statement. This
    is the same as specifying DEFINER = CURRENT_USER explicitly.
    If you specify the DEFINER clause, these rules determine the valid
    DEFINER user values:
    o If you do not have the SUPER privilege, the only valid user value is
      your own account, either specified literally or by using
      CURRENT_USER. You cannot set the definer to some other account.
    o If you have the SUPER privilege, you can specify any syntactically
      valid account name. If the account does not actually exist, a warning
      is generated.
    o Although it is possible to create a view with a nonexistent DEFINER
      account, an error occurs when the view is referenced if the SQL
      SECURITY value is DEFINER but the definer account does not exist.
    For more information about view security, see
    Within a view definition, CURRENT_USER returns the view's DEFINER value
    by default. For views defined with the SQL SECURITY INVOKER
    characteristic, CURRENT_USER returns the account for the view's
    invoker. For information about user auditing within views, see
    Within a stored routine that is defined with the SQL SECURITY DEFINER
    characteristic, CURRENT_USER returns the routine's DEFINER value. This
    also affects a view defined within such a routine, if the view
    definition contains a DEFINER value of CURRENT_USER.
    View privileges are checked like this:
    o At view definition time, the view creator must have the privileges
      needed to use the top-level objects accessed by the view. For
      example, if the view definition refers to table columns, the creator
      must have some privilege for each column in the select list of the
      definition, and the SELECT privilege for each column used elsewhere
      in the definition. If the definition refers to a stored function,
      only the privileges needed to invoke the function can be checked. The
      privileges required at function invocation time can be checked only
      as it executes: For different invocations, different execution paths
      within the function might be taken.
    o The user who references a view must have appropriate privileges to
      access it (SELECT to select from it, INSERT to insert into it, and so
    o When a view has been referenced, privileges for objects accessed by
      the view are checked against the privileges held by the view DEFINER
      account or invoker, depending on whether the SQL SECURITY
      characteristic is DEFINER or INVOKER, respectively.
    o If reference to a view causes execution of a stored function,
      privilege checking for statements executed within the function depend
      on whether the function SQL SECURITY characteristic is DEFINER or
      INVOKER. If the security characteristic is DEFINER, the function runs
      with the privileges of the DEFINER account. If the characteristic is
      INVOKER, the function runs with the privileges determined by the
      view's SQL SECURITY characteristic.
    Example: A view might depend on a stored function, and that function
    might invoke other stored routines. For example, the following view
    invokes a stored function f():
    CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE t.id = f(t.name);
    Suppose that f() contains a statement such as this:
    IF name IS NULL then
      CALL p1();
      CALL p2();
    END IF;
    The privileges required for executing statements within f() need to be
    checked when f() executes. This might mean that privileges are needed
    for p1() or p2(), depending on the execution path within f(). Those
    privileges must be checked at runtime, and the user who must possess
    the privileges is determined by the SQL SECURITY values of the view v
    and the function f().
    The DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses for views are extensions to
    standard SQL. In standard SQL, views are handled using the rules for
    SQL SECURITY DEFINER. The standard says that the definer of the view,
    which is the same as the owner of the view's schema, gets applicable
    privileges on the view (for example, SELECT) and may grant them. MySQL
    has no concept of a schema "owner", so MySQL adds a clause to identify
    the definer. The DEFINER clause is an extension where the intent is to
    have what the standard has; that is, a permanent record of who defined
    the view. This is why the default DEFINER value is the account of the
    view creator.
    The optional ALGORITHM clause is a MySQL extension to standard SQL. It
    affects how MySQL processes the view. ALGORITHM takes three values:
    MERGE, TEMPTABLE, or UNDEFINED. The default algorithm is UNDEFINED if
    no ALGORITHM clause is present. For more information, see
    Some views are updatable. That is, you can use them in statements such
    as UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT to update the contents of the underlying
    table. For a view to be updatable, there must be a one-to-one
    relationship between the rows in the view and the rows in the
    underlying table. There are also certain other constructs that make a
    view nonupdatable.
    The WITH CHECK OPTION clause can be given for an updatable view to
    prevent inserts or updates to rows except those for which the WHERE
    clause in the select_statement is true.
    In a WITH CHECK OPTION clause for an updatable view, the LOCAL and
    CASCADED keywords determine the scope of check testing when the view is
    defined in terms of another view. The LOCAL keyword restricts the CHECK
    OPTION only to the view being defined. CASCADED causes the checks for
    underlying views to be evaluated as well. When neither keyword is
    given, the default is CASCADED.
    For more information about updatable views and the WITH CHECK OPTION
    clause, see
    URL: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/create-view/
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> HELP CREATE VIEW




    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'students'G          #创建视图之前查看基表状态
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
               Name: students
             Engine: InnoDB
            Version: 10
         Row_format: Dynamic
               Rows: 25
     Avg_row_length: 655
        Data_length: 16384
    Max_data_length: 0
       Index_length: 0
          Data_free: 0
     Auto_increment: 26
        Create_time: 2019-10-27 17:15:07
        Update_time: NULL
         Check_time: NULL
          Collation: utf8_general_ci
           Checksum: NULL
    row in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'students'G        #创建视图之前查看基表状态
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW TABLES;
    | Tables_in_yinzhengjie |
    | classes               |
    | coc                   |
    | courses               |
    | emp                   |
    | scores                |
    | students              |
    | teachers              |
    | toc                   |
    8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> CREATE VIEW v_students AS SELECT stuid,name,age FROM students;    #创建一个名称为"v_students"的视图
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW TABLES;
    | Tables_in_yinzhengjie |
    | classes               |
    | coc                   |
    | courses               |
    | emp                   |
    | scores                |
    | students              |
    | teachers              |
    | toc                   |
    | v_students            |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> CREATE VIEW v_students AS SELECT stuid,name,age FROM students;    #创建一个名称为"v_students"的视图
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'v_students'G      #查看视图虚表的状态
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
               Name: v_students
             Engine: NULL
            Version: NULL
         Row_format: NULL
               Rows: NULL
     Avg_row_length: NULL
        Data_length: NULL
    Max_data_length: NULL
       Index_length: NULL
          Data_free: NULL
     Auto_increment: NULL
        Create_time: NULL
        Update_time: NULL
         Check_time: NULL
          Collation: NULL
           Checksum: NULL
     Create_options: NULL
            Comment: VIEW      #注意,看这里的注释是一个视图哟
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'v_students'G      #查看视图虚表的状态
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SELECT * FROM v_students;            #不难发现视图就是一个"基表"通过SELECT命令查询的结果,可以将比较麻烦的SQL语句定义成视图,这样每次查询的时候就不用写一长串啦!
    | stuid | name          | age |
    |     1 | Shi Zhongyu   |  22 |
    |     2 | Shi Potian    |  22 |
    |     3 | Xie Yanke     |  53 |
    |     4 | Ding Dian     |  32 |
    |     5 | Yu Yutong     |  26 |
    |     6 | Shi Qing      |  46 |
    |     7 | Xi Ren        |  19 |
    |     8 | Lin Daiyu     |  17 |
    |     9 | Ren Yingying  |  20 |
    |    10 | Yue Lingshan  |  19 |
    |    11 | Yuan Chengzhi |  23 |
    |    12 | Wen Qingqing  |  19 |
    |    13 | Tian Boguang  |  33 |
    |    14 | Lu Wushuang   |  17 |
    |    15 | Duan Yu       |  19 |
    |    16 | Xu Zhu        |  21 |
    |    17 | Lin Chong     |  25 |
    |    18 | Hua Rong      |  23 |
    |    19 | Xue Baochai   |  18 |
    |    20 | Diao Chan     |  19 |
    |    21 | Huang Yueying |  22 |
    |    22 | Xiao Qiao     |  20 |
    |    23 | Ma Chao       |  23 |
    |    24 | Xu Xian       |  27 |
    |    25 | Sun Dasheng   | 100 |
    rows in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SELECT stuid,name,age FROM students;
    | stuid | name          | age |
    |     1 | Shi Zhongyu   |  22 |
    |     2 | Shi Potian    |  22 |
    |     3 | Xie Yanke     |  53 |
    |     4 | Ding Dian     |  32 |
    |     5 | Yu Yutong     |  26 |
    |     6 | Shi Qing      |  46 |
    |     7 | Xi Ren        |  19 |
    |     8 | Lin Daiyu     |  17 |
    |     9 | Ren Yingying  |  20 |
    |    10 | Yue Lingshan  |  19 |
    |    11 | Yuan Chengzhi |  23 |
    |    12 | Wen Qingqing  |  19 |
    |    13 | Tian Boguang  |  33 |
    |    14 | Lu Wushuang   |  17 |
    |    15 | Duan Yu       |  19 |
    |    16 | Xu Zhu        |  21 |
    |    17 | Lin Chong     |  25 |
    |    18 | Hua Rong      |  23 |
    |    19 | Xue Baochai   |  18 |
    |    20 | Diao Chan     |  19 |
    |    21 | Huang Yueying |  22 |
    |    22 | Xiao Qiao     |  20 |
    |    23 | Ma Chao       |  23 |
    |    24 | Xu Xian       |  27 |
    |    25 | Sun Dasheng   | 100 |
    rows in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SELECT * FROM v_students;            #不难发现视图就是一个"基表"通过SELECT命令查询的结果,可以将比较麻烦的SQL语句定义成视图,这样每次查询的时候就不用写一长串啦!
    [root@node105.yinzhengjie.org.cn ~]# ll /mysql/3306/data/yinzhengjie/
    total 808
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  1277 Oct 27 17:15 classes.frm
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Oct 27 17:15 classes.ibd
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   976 Oct 27 17:15 coc.frm
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Oct 27 17:15 coc.ibd
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  1251 Oct 27 17:15 courses.frm
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Oct 27 17:15 courses.ibd
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql    61 Oct 27 17:15 db.opt
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   494 Oct 28 06:30 emp.frm
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Oct 28 06:39 emp.ibd
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  1001 Oct 27 17:15 scores.frm
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Oct 27 17:15 scores.ibd
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  1208 Oct 27 17:15 students.frm
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Oct 27 17:15 students.ibd
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  1298 Oct 27 17:15 teachers.frm
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Oct 27 17:15 teachers.ibd
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   973 Oct 27 17:15 toc.frm
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 98304 Oct 27 17:15 toc.ibd
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   660 Oct 28 07:40 v_students.frm
    [root@node105.yinzhengjie.org.cn ~]# 
    [root@node105.yinzhengjie.org.cn ~]# ll /mysql/3306/data/yinzhengjie/ | grep v_students;    #视图只有表结构存储文件并没有单独的数据存储文件。
    -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   660 Oct 28 07:40 v_students.frm       
    [root@node105.yinzhengjie.org.cn ~]# 
    [root@node105.yinzhengjie.org.cn ~]# ll /mysql/3306/data/yinzhengjie/ | grep v_students;  #视图只有表结构存储文件并没有单独的数据存储文件。


    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW CREATE VIEW v_students;
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+| View       | Create View                                                                                                                       
                                                                             | character_set_client | collation_connection |+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+| v_students | CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v_students` AS select `students`.`StuID` AS `stui
    d`,`students`.`Name` AS `name`,`students`.`Age` AS `age` from `students` | utf8mb4              | utf8mb4_general_ci   |+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW CREATE VIEW v_studentsG
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                    View: v_students
             Create View: CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `v_students` AS select `students`.`StuID` A
    S `stuid`,`students`.`Name` AS `name`,`students`.`Age` AS `age` from `students`character_set_client: utf8mb4
    collation_connection: utf8mb4_general_ci
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW CREATE VIEW v_studentsG


    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> HELP DROP VIEW
    Name: 'DROP VIEW'
        view_name [, view_name] ...
    DROP VIEW removes one or more views. You must have the DROP privilege
    for each view. If any of the views named in the argument list do not
    exist, MySQL returns an error indicating by name which nonexisting
    views it was unable to drop, but it also drops all of the views in the
    list that do exist.
    The IF EXISTS clause prevents an error from occurring for views that
    don't exist. When this clause is given, a NOTE is generated for each
    nonexistent view. See [HELP SHOW WARNINGS].
    RESTRICT and CASCADE, if given, are parsed and ignored.
    URL: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/drop-view/
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> HELP DROP VIEW
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW TABLES;
    | Tables_in_yinzhengjie |
    | classes               |
    | coc                   |
    | courses               |
    | emp                   |
    | scores                |
    | students              |
    | teachers              |
    | toc                   |
    | v_students            |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> DROP VIEW v_students;      #删除名为"v_students"的视图
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> SHOW TABLES;
    | Tables_in_yinzhengjie |
    | classes               |
    | coc                   |
    | courses               |
    | emp                   |
    | scores                |
    | students              |
    | teachers              |
    | toc                   |
    8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> 
    MariaDB [yinzhengjie]> DROP VIEW v_students;      #删除名为"v_students"的视图
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yinzhengjie/p/11746514.html
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