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  • xilinx DMA IP核(一) —— loop测试 代码注释



    图:DMA Loop Block Design



    图:DMA Loop 测试源码结构


      1.1.中断设备:static XScuGic Intc; //GIC


     * The XScuGic driver instance data. The user is required to allocate a
     * variable of this type for every intc device in the system. A pointer
     * to a variable of this type is then passed to the driver API functions.
    typedef struct
        XScuGic_Config *Config;  /**< Configuration table entry */
        u32 IsReady;         /**< Device is initialized and ready */
        u32 UnhandledInterrupts; /**< Intc Statistics */
    } XScuGic;

      XScuGic结构体中包含了XScuGic_Config 结构体类型指针Config。XScuGic_Config 结构体如下:  

    typedef struct
        u16 DeviceId;        /**< Unique ID  of device */
        u32 CpuBaseAddress;    /**< CPU Interface Register base address */
        u32 DistBaseAddress;    /**< Distributor Register base address */
        XScuGic_VectorTableEntry HandlerTable[XSCUGIC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS];/**<
                     Vector table of interrupt handlers */
    } XScuGic_Config;

      1.2.DMA设备:static  XAxiDma AxiDma;

     * The XAxiDma driver instance data. An instance must be allocated for each DMA
     * engine in use.
    typedef struct XAxiDma {
        UINTPTR RegBase;        /* Virtual base address of DMA engine */
        int HasMm2S;        /* Has transmit channel */
        int HasS2Mm;        /* Has receive channel */
        int Initialized;    /* Driver has been initialized */
        int HasSg;
        XAxiDma_BdRing TxBdRing;     /* BD container management for TX channel */
        XAxiDma_BdRing RxBdRing[16]; /* BD container management for RX channel */
        int TxNumChannels;
        int RxNumChannels;
        int MicroDmaMode;
        int AddrWidth;          /**< Address Width */
    } XAxiDma;


    typedef struct {
        Xil_ExceptionHandler Handler;
        void *Data;
    } XExc_VectorTableEntry;



    |---- init_intr_sys();

      |---- DMA_Intr_Init();  // 初始化DMA

        |---- XAxiDma_LookupConfig();  // 查找DMA设备

        |---- XAxiDma_CfgInitialize();    // 初始化DMA设备

      |---- Init_Intr_System();  //初始化中断控制器

        |---- XScuGic_LookupConfig();  // 查找中断控制器设备;带的参数为设备ID,查看中断向量是否存在

        |---- XScuGic_CfgInitialize();  // 初始化中断控制器设备

      |---- Setup_Intr_Exception();

        |---- Xil_ExceptionInit();  // 使能硬件中断

        |---- Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler();

        |---- Xil_ExceptionEnable();

      |---- DMA_Setup_Intr_System();  // 设置DMA中断

        |---- XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType();

        |---- XScuGic_Connect();  // 连接中断源

        |---- XScuGic_Enable();

      |---- DMA_Intr_Enable();

        |---- XAxiDma_IntrDisable();

        |---- XAxiDma_IntrEnable();




    2.1.1.中断注册函数 Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler:

    * @brief    Register a handler for a specific exception. This handler is being
    *            called when the processor encounters the specified exception.
    * @param    exception_id contains the ID of the exception source and should
    *            be in the range of 0 to XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_LAST.
    *            See xil_exception.h for further information.
    * @param    Handler to the Handler for that exception.
    * @param    Data is a reference to Data that will be passed to the
    *            Handler when it gets called.
    * @return    None.
    * @note        None.
    void Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(u32 Exception_id,
                        Xil_ExceptionHandler Handler,
                        void *Data)
        XExc_VectorTable[Exception_id].Handler = Handler;
        XExc_VectorTable[Exception_id].Data = Data;

      从上面可以看到Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler()这个函数是把中断的句柄(第二个行参“Handler”)和中断的参数(第三个行参“Data”)放到了两个结构体XExc_VectorTableEntry类型的数组XExc_VectorTable当中 ,XExc_VectorTableEntry结构体类型如下

    XExc_VectorTableEntry XExc_VectorTable[XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_LAST + 1] =
        {Xil_ExceptionNullHandler, NULL},
        {Xil_UndefinedExceptionHandler, NULL},
        {Xil_ExceptionNullHandler, NULL},
        {Xil_PrefetchAbortHandler, NULL},
        {Xil_DataAbortHandler, NULL},
        {Xil_ExceptionNullHandler, NULL},
        {Xil_ExceptionNullHandler, NULL},


    void XScuGic_InterruptHandler(XScuGic *InstancePtr)
        u32 InterruptID;
            u32 IntIDFull;
            XScuGic_VectorTableEntry *TablePtr;
            /* Assert that the pointer to the instance is valid
            Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
             * Read the int_ack register to identify the highest priority interrupt ID
             * and make sure it is valid. Reading Int_Ack will clear the interrupt in the GIC.
             * 读取 int_ack 寄存器以识别最高优先级的中断 ID, 并确保其有效。读取 Int_Ack 将清除 GIC 中的中断。
         * 然后看看读出来的中断 ID 是否大于最大的中断值。
    */ IntIDFull = XScuGic_CPUReadReg(InstancePtr, XSCUGIC_INT_ACK_OFFSET); InterruptID = IntIDFull & XSCUGIC_ACK_INTID_MASK; if(XSCUGIC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS < InterruptID){ goto IntrExit; } /* * Execute the ISR. Jump into the Interrupt service routine based on the * IRQSource. A software trigger is cleared by the ACK. */ TablePtr = &(InstancePtr->Config->HandlerTable[InterruptID]); if(TablePtr != NULL) { TablePtr->Handler(TablePtr->CallBackRef); } IntrExit: /* * Write to the EOI register, we are all done here. * Let this function return, the boot code will restore the stack. */ XScuGic_CPUWriteReg(InstancePtr, XSCUGIC_EOI_OFFSET, IntIDFull); }

      通过程序开头 xilinx 给出的这个XScuGic_InterruptHandler()程序的注释可以知道: 这个函数是基本的中断驱动函数。 它必须 连接到中断源, 以便在中断控制器的中断激活时被调用。 它将解决哪些中断是活动的和启用的, 并调用适当的中断处理程序。 它使用中断类型信息来确定何时确认中断。 首先处理最高优先级的中断。 此函数假定中断向量表已预先初始化。 它不会在调用中断处理程序之前验证表中的条目是否有效。 当中断发生时,调用的就是上面的代码中的语句:TablePtr->Handler(TablePtr->CallBackRef)。那么这个HandlerCallBackRef到底是什么呢?也就是Handler和CallBackRef到底是和哪段要被执行的代码绑定在一起呢?


    int DMA_Setup_Intr_System(XScuGic * IntcInstancePtr,XAxiDma * AxiDmaPtr, u16 TxIntrId, u16 RxIntrId)
         * Connect the device driver handler that will be called when an
         * interrupt for the device occurs, the handler defined above performs
         * the specific interrupt processing for the device.
        Status = XScuGic_Connect(IntcInstancePtr, TxIntrId,
        if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
            return Status;
        Status = XScuGic_Connect(IntcInstancePtr, RxIntrId,
        if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
            return Status;


    s32  XScuGic_Connect(XScuGic *InstancePtr, u32 Int_Id,
                          Xil_InterruptHandler Handler, void *CallBackRef)
         * Assert the arguments
        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
        Xil_AssertNonvoid(Int_Id < XSCUGIC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS);
        Xil_AssertNonvoid(Handler != NULL);
        Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
         * The Int_Id is used as an index into the table to select the proper
         * handler
        InstancePtr->Config->HandlerTable[Int_Id].Handler = Handler;
        InstancePtr->Config->HandlerTable[Int_Id].CallBackRef = CallBackRef;
        return XST_SUCCESS;

      可以看到XScuGic_Connect()函数将传进来的第三个参数,Xil_InterruptHandler类型的“Handler”,绑定到InstancePtr->Config->HandlerTable[Int_Id].Handler中,第四个参数同理绑定。这里的InstancePtr是函数XScuGic_Connect()传进来的XScuGic结构体类型的指针变量,前面讲过,XScuGic结构体中还包含XScuGic_Config结构体类型的指针Config,进一步来说,XScuGic_Connect()函数将传进来的第三个参数Handler就是绑定到XScuGic_Config结构体类型的指针Config中的HandlerTable变量。这个HandlerTable变量是一个XScuGic_VectorTableEntry类型的结构体变量。至此,中断的Handler就绑定到main.c文件开头定义的设备static XScuGic Intc当中,同时设备 XScuGic Intc也因为函数Setup_Intr_Exception()跟硬件的异常向量表绑定到一起了。前文提到“Handler和CallBackRef到底是和哪段要被执行的代码绑定在一起呢?”,那么答案就在这里了,要执行的代码就在这里被绑定到一起来。


      函数指针DMA_TxIntrHandler指向的内容如下。下面代码是DMA Tx的,Rx的也差不多。

    static void DMA_TxIntrHandler(void *Callback)
        u32 IrqStatus;
        int TimeOut;
        XAxiDma *AxiDmaInst = (XAxiDma *)Callback;
        /* Read pending interrupts */
        IrqStatus = XAxiDma_IntrGetIrq(AxiDmaInst, XAXIDMA_DMA_TO_DEVICE);
        /* Acknowledge pending interrupts */
        XAxiDma_IntrAckIrq(AxiDmaInst, IrqStatus, XAXIDMA_DMA_TO_DEVICE);
         * If no interrupt is asserted, we do not do anything
        if (!(IrqStatus & XAXIDMA_IRQ_ALL_MASK)) {
         * If error interrupt is asserted, raise error flag, reset the
         * hardware to recover from the error, and return with no further
         * processing.
        if ((IrqStatus & XAXIDMA_IRQ_ERROR_MASK)) {
            Error = 1;
             * Reset should never fail for transmit channel
            TimeOut = RESET_TIMEOUT_COUNTER;
            while (TimeOut) {
                if (XAxiDma_ResetIsDone(AxiDmaInst)) {
                TimeOut -= 1;
         * If Completion interrupt is asserted, then set the TxDone flag
        if ((IrqStatus & XAXIDMA_IRQ_IOC_MASK)) {
            TxDone = 1;


    dam_intr.h :

    extern volatile int TxDone;
    extern volatile int RxDone;
    extern volatile int Error;


    #include "dma_intr.h"
    volatile int TxDone;
    volatile int RxDone;
    volatile int Error;



    计划在xilinx DMA IP loop测试(二)中结合DMA的AXI4总线时序,来记录一下DMA的数据收发。

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