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  • Silverlight/aspx/ajax/mvc的UI自动化测试





    除了微软自家即将推出的vs2010 sp2之外,不少第三方厂家也推出了相应的解决方案,比如Ranorex(园子里有兄弟写过入门文章:http://www.cnblogs.com/chenkai/archive/2010/09/28/1837457.html

    而我要介绍的是telerik的Test Studio,下载地址http://www.telerik.com/automated-testing-tools.aspx 之所以选择它,理由很简单:它实在太容易上手了,不管新手老手,保证5分钟就能上手,而且支持几乎所有前端技术,包括ajax/aspx mvc/silverlight/wpf等.


    下载telerik的Test Studio后,它有二种运行方式,一是单独运行,二是以插件形式集成在vs2010中,为了方便起见,以下采用第二种方式

    1、打开vs2010 创建一个Test项目


    默认情况下,新建的项目已经有一个web Test项,而且会自动打开该项,如下:

    点击Record按钮(图中红色圈出的部分),默认会启动浏览器,然后在浏览器地址栏里输入http://www.baidu.com/ ,注意一下vs2010中的变化

    已经自动记录下了当前动作: Navigate to :'http://www.baidu.com/'。然后我们在浏览器输入框里输入“菩提树下的杨过”,并点击“百度一下”

    可以看到,整个键盘录入过程,以及鼠标点击“百度一下”的动作,已经被记录。关掉浏览器,整个录制过程结束。(是不是想起了那句广告语:哪里不会点哪里,so Easy!)



    silverlight的UI自动化测试与普通网站的测试几乎完全一样,只是要事先配置silverlight的运行方式和起始页。因为SL有二种运行方式,一是浏览器模式运行,二是OOB模式运行,所以要告诉Test Studio,你想怎么玩。

    项目右击-->新建项-->Web Test

    文件名键入“SilverlightTest.tstest”(当然你可以随便改),然后打开这个文件,如下图 :


    解释一下:Web Url即为嵌入有Silverlight的网页地址。点击OK关掉窗口,剩下的事情就跟刚才测试百度完全一样




    在Silverlight的测试中,我发现偶尔会出现Test Studio无法连接到Silverlihgt的情况出现,以下是Telerik工程师给出的调试建议:

    Known Issues:
    -  Automation only supports XAP Silverlight app deployment (the .NET method). XBAP or Javascript Silverlight deployment is not supported.
    - Connecting to the Silverlight App via https in Firefox or Safari is currently not supported.
    Diagnostic Steps:
    1) If the Web and Silverlight app is deployed locally, try adding a period (‘.’) after localhost, as in http://localhost.:
    2) Delete the entire cache for the test playback browser
    - In IE select: Tools -> Internet Options -> (Under General Tab) Delete -> Choose to delete Temporary Internet Files
    - In  Firefox select: Tools -> Clear Recent History -> Select Everything in ‘Time Range to Clear’ drop down menu -> Choose to delete Cache
    - In Safari select: Main ToolBar Drop Down Menu -> Reset Safari… -> Choose to ‘Empty the cache’
    3) Try increasing the (Settings.) SilverlightConnectTimeout if the Silverlight app has a longer load time
    4) Try setting externalAccessfromCrossDomainCallers to script only in your application's AppManifest.xaml file by doing the following in your html page and Silverlight manifest:
    a) Example for html page:

    <param value="true" name="enableHtmlAccess"/>
    <div id="silverlightControlHost">
    <object height="300" width="300" type="application/x-silverlight-2" data="data:application/x-silverlight-2,">
    <param value="http://a-remote-domain.com/ClientBin/SilverlightClient.xap" name="source"/>
    <param value="white" name="background"/>
    <param value="3.0.40723.0" name="minRuntimeVersion"/>
    <param value="true" name="enableHtmlAccess"/>
    <param value="visOnly=true" name="initParams"/>
    <a style="text-decoration: none;" href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=149156">
    <img style="border-style: none; 400px; height: 200px;" alt="Install Microsoft Silverlight" src="http://storage.timheuer.com/sl4wp-ph.png"/></a></object>
    <iframe style="border: 0px none ; visibility: hidden; height: 0pt; 0pt;"/></div>

    Example for SL Manifest:

      <Deployment xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007/deployment"
      2:         xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
      3:             ExternalCallersFromCrossDomain="ScriptableOnly"
      4: >
      5:     <Deployment.Parts>
      6:     </Deployment.Parts>
      7: </Deployment>

    (see this Microsoft forum thread for more information: http://forums.silverlight.net/forums/p/101955/340407.aspx)


    ) Try setting the "windowless" property for your Silverlight app as "false"
    Example (similar to Step 3 html example):
    <object id="xamlHost0" width="900" height="412" type="application/x-silverlight">
        <param value="transparent" name="background"/>
        <param value="true" name="windowless"/>
        <!-- a bunch of other params go here -->

    5) Check the headers your server is sending for the Silverlight Page by:
    - Install/Run Fiddler and load your Silverlight page.
    - Click the response for the .xap file.
    - Click Inspectors -> Headers.
    There should be an entry: Content-Type:application/x-silverlight-app
    This must be in the response in order for the WebAii Framework, Design Canvas, or WebUI Test Studio to detect the Silverlight App.


    最后,我提供一个小技巧,也有助于解决这个问题,测试Silverlight录制时,如果启动录制后浏览器无法自动跳转到指定的Web Url,可以手动在浏览器里输入网址,一般情况下Test Studio就能识别出当前页面有Silverlight。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yjmyzz/p/2080246.html
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