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  • Lesson 41-42 How would you respond?

    一 Words

    1 think through 充分考虑 schoolwork 功课,学业

    2 only to 结果却 eg. Or we will solve one problem only to have to deal with another instead.

    3 tutor 导师,家庭教师n,教授v eg. At the college where I tutored a two-day introduction to Chairmaking Course.在我曾教过为期两天的椅子制作入门课的那个学院

    4 subject matter主题,素材 eg. Then, attitudes changed and artists were given greater freedom in their choice of subject matter.于是,随着人们态度的转变,艺术家们在选材上获得了更多的自由。

    5 carrot-and-stick 胡萝卜加大棒的,软硬兼施的

       eg. The carrot-and-stick theory of motivation works reasonably well under certain circumstances.胡萝卜加大棒的激励理论在一定的环境中能够合理地发挥作用

    6 refer to 提及,涉及,参考 eg. Please refer to the right-hand column of page 200 of this dictionary.请参看这本词典第二百页右面一栏

    7 mule 骡子 eg. He is as stubborn as a mule.他像骡子一样倔。

    8 in other words换句话说 go through 翻找,彻查,经历

    9 shoplifting商店行窃nv eg. He was fined for shoplifting but only  received his just deserts.他冒充顾客进商店行窃被罚款,那只不过是他应得的惩罚。

    10 pocket money零用钱 overtime加班n,加班地adv

    11 divvy up分摊 eg. Johnson was free to divvy up his share of the money as he choses.约翰逊可以自行分派他那份钱。

    12 break off 断开 eg. They have torn down woolen fences and broken branches off trees.他们拆掉了木栅栏,并砍去了一些树枝

                      中止,停顿 eg. He broke off in mid-sentence.他一句话说了一半突然停下来

                      结束 eg. He doesn't seem to have the courage to break it off with her.他似乎没有勇气和她断绝关系。

    13 drastic 严厉的,极端的 eg. Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.行业清理整顿需要严厉的措施

                   激烈的,巨大的 eg. Elderly people are not in a position to make drastic changes at this stage of their life.上了年纪的人在他们这个人生阶段不会再有什么实质性的改变

    14 in a position 能够做

    15 knuckle down屈服,开始认真工作  get on with继续干,和...友好相处 eg. The only thing to do was knuckle down and get on with some serious hard work.唯一能做的就是开始努力工作,好好干出点儿成绩来

    16 outfit 全套服装 e.g She was wearing an outfit she'd bought the previous day.她穿着前一天买的那套衣服。

                 机构 eg. He works for a private security outfit.他在一家私人保安公司工作

                 装备 eg. They outfitted him with artificial legs.他们为他安了假腿

    17 hang on 等一会,坚持下去,紧抓  later on以后,稍后

    18 remedy 解决方法,治疗方法n eg. The remedy lies in the hands of the government.解决良策掌握在政府手中。

                      纠正,补偿v eg. A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.已经做了很多内部工作对这种情形进行补救

    19 incentive 刺激,鼓励n eg. There is little or no incentive to adope such measures.几乎没有什么激励政策来促使人们采取这些措施。

    20 outrageous 令人无法忍受的 eg. It's outrageous,and we won't stand for it any more.这太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。

    21 term 从...角度/方面来看 eg. Our goods compete in terms of product quality,reliability and above all variety.我们的产品在质量、可靠性,尤其是品种方面颇具竞争力。

                  术语,学期,关系融洽n eg. The document is expressed in terms that are readily understood and agreed.文件用语浅显易懂,让人易于接受。

    22 infraction 违反,违法n eg. He was criticized for his infraction of the regulation.他因违反规程而受到了批评。

    23 memorable 难忘的  nostalgic 怀旧的 eg. The perfect setting for a nostalgic memorable day.度过令人难忘的怀旧一日的绝佳环境

    24 on behalf of 为了...的利益 eg. He spoke on behalf of the plan.他为这项计划辩护

                               代表 eg. She gave witness on behalf of the accused person.她替被告作证。

    25 for decades几十年来  laundry 正在(将要)洗的衣服,洗衣店n eg.I will do your laundry.我来帮你洗衣服。

    26 derive 获得v eg. Mr.Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.英先生属于那种助人为乐的快活人。

                   起源于v eg. It's valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill,from which all others derive.我们有理由认为记忆是最原始的心智技能,所有其他技能都在此基础上衍生出来。

    27 numerical 数值的,数字的 eg. Your job is to group them by letter and put them in numerical order.你的工作是把他们按字母顺序分组,然后按数字顺序排序。

    28 alternate 交替,轮流v,adj eg. Now you just alternate layers of that mixture and eggplant.现在你只需把茄子和拌料一层层交替放好。

    29 go along with 服从,赞同v  eg. Whatever the majority decided, I was prepared to go along with.只要是多数人的决定我都愿意服从。

                                                 eg. Don't go along with them in their evil deeds.别跟他们同流合污。

    30 deed 行为,事迹n eg. His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.他的英勇事迹在印度各地广为传颂。

                 房契,证书n eg. He asked if I had the deeds for his father's property.他问我是否有他父亲房产的房契。

    31 the call of duty 职责的范围,使命召唤 eg. She has helped me immensely in my classroom management and preparations and equally,has gone above the call of duty to make sure my stay in Shanghai has gone smoothly and safely.她在班级管理,课程准备工作等方面给了我极大的帮助。同样,她在职责的范围之外也给了我无私的帮助,确保了我的上海之行顺利安全。

    32 accidentally 意外的,一不小心  eg. It appears the names were accidentally erased from the computer disks.看起来那些名字被意外地从计算机磁盘上删除了。

    33 parting 分别,离别n adj eg. Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard.离开你们中任何一个人哪怕只是一小段时间都舍不得。

    34 live with 学会去适应,忍受  collateral 担保物 eg. Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans.很多人把个人财产用作小额商业贷款的抵押品。

    35 go into 描述,调查,从事,被用在,进入 eg. It was a private conversation,and I don't want to go into details about what was said.那是私人之间的谈话,我不想透露其中的细节。

    36 lucrative 赚大钱的 eg. a stepping stone to a more lucrative career.涉足更赚钱的行业的敲门砖

    37 turn off 离开,关掉,失去..兴趣 eg. Teaching off a blackboard is boring,and undoubtedly turns people off.照本宣科枯燥乏味,无疑会使人们丧失学习兴趣。

    38 respectable 体面的,令人满意的 eg. investments that offer respectable rates of return.回报率可观的投资

    39 institution制度,机构,建立n   for good 永远  eg. My experience with marriage has really turned me off that institution for good.

    40 go broke破产 take effect生效  booze酒,痛饮 go into effect生效,实施

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